The Equalizer BBS
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Assembly Source File
728 lines
; · · ┌──────┐ · ┐
; ┌─────┌┬┐┐┌┐·┐··┌┐┌┌┌┐┬┐├·┌┐··┐┌┐·├·┌┐┌┐────────────────────────────────────┐
; │ │││││└┐│ ││││┌┤│ │ ┌┘ ││└┐│ │ ││ code and artwork by Dr.Chandra │
; └─────└·┘└└·┘└··└┤└┴└┴└·└┘└┘··└└·┘┴┘└·└┘────────────────────────────────────┘
; └──────┘
; Well thiz ain't nothing to be proud of... (If ya don't think so, watch
; some "big group" demos) :) but I released the full (lame) source w/the hope
; that it will help someone... (PS: Also sorry 'bout my poor English) ;)
; Ok! The EXE is 2994 bytes long coz it's a "intro" (ehem) coded with the
; next millenium in mind... (Ya know all this Trekkie stuff... "Live Long and
; Eat my Phaser") :) (Greets 2 Captain Ifyarluck Pickacard!) :):)
; PS: Some comments are written in Spanglish but *I know* my limitations
; and thought that this |/¡$+%@*! will probably will never cross the spanish
; frontier... (or it will?) :)
; -> Greets <- ...That's why all thiz ASM coding stands for... ;)
; * Marta... (she knows perfectly why... or not?) :)
; * JMdJ, Karlitos, and Takashi! (gr8 friends)
; * All CarWars players AROUND THE WORLD... Specially Heinrich Frobenius and
; his troupe... (next time I'll *kill* you, I promise)
; -- Omega Speedway Night-Bowl Final on June 17th -- ask4it!
; -- Don't forget Karnaugh-Doughnut's Masacre on Wheels on June 20th --
; * Frank, Steve (Where are you?), Francesc and all other C00L sysops around!
; (Those NON-C00L sysops know who they are...) :)
; * All ASM coders and DemoMakers... (Specially The Virtual Crew, Iguana,
; Postumum, and all Spanish ones...) (Hi's & Yo's jmp to DΣ-PhÄ$$ΣD!,
; Dyonisos, Chc, Darkmind, Ripness, Jare, JCAB, and all others!)
; Thanks All Source Releasers, werever and whoever they are! :)
; * (this greet is Intentionally left blank)
; * And specially all FIBers around... (Please Remember to use *ALL KIND* of
; alternative E-MAIL SYSTEMS and forget the nasty "CORREU" imposed by our
; well know dictator... the infamous Victor "Hache" (Please, email him at
; victor_h@akron.upc.es and tell he how *LAME* he is)
; Hi's and Yo's jmp to Akira, Carlos (the one who introduced us to the SIRDs
; time ago...), NΣMΣS|S (how come?), Ojetes Azules and all the others!
; (except LSI related guys, you know who you are)
; * I Think I spent more time writting all this shit than coding the "intro"!
.286 ; ¿ Did I really USED 286 instructions ? :)
.model small ; of COZ! (haw, haw)
.stack 100
scroll_dir equ 160*17 ; índice a mem_video where scroll is!!
int_mask db ? ; Máscara existente en Ctrlador de Ints!
Equipment db 'Sorry, but you need a VGA card to run this AnSi.',0Dh,0Ah,'$'
; I removed 286 Messy 'cos there's no 286-checking routine... :)
smooth dw 0 ; Scanline a enseñar 0-1600
sin_idx dw 0 ; Indice a sintable para smooth!
; Logo
; (Why akron? email victor_h@akron.upc.es 4 details)
akron label byte
db 2,16,25,'=Code by Dr.Chandra',24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24
db 24,25,13,1,'▄█▀▀▀█▄',25,30,'▄█',24,25,12,'██',25,4,'█'
db '█ ▄▄',25,3,'▄▄ ',26,5,'▄ ',26,6,'▄ ▄▄██▄▄ ',26,7
db '▄',24,25,12,'██',25,4,'██ ██',25,3,'██',25,6,'██ ██'
db 25,3,'▀▀',25,2,'██',25,8,'▄█▀',24,25,12,'██',25,4,'█'
db '█ ██',25,3,'██ ▄█▀▀▀██ ██',25,8,'██',25,6,'▄█▀',24,25
db 12,'██ ▄▄▄ ██ ██',25,3,'██ ██',25,3,'██ ██',25,8,'██'
db 25,4,'▄█▀',24,25,13,'▀█▄▄██▀ ▀█',26,3,'▄█▀ ▀█',26,3,'▄'
db '██ ██',25,8,'▀█▄▄▄ ██',26,5,'▄',24,25,18,'▀█▄',25,'-'
db 'BBS',24,25,2,26,'I─',24,24,25,2,26,'I─',24,25,9,'2:'
db '343/130@fidonet, 14:4500/105@sbcnet, 16:1400/104@zy'
db 'xelnet',24,25,8,'34:3000/0@soundnet, 34:3000/10@sou'
db 'ndnet, 34:3000/100@soundnet',24,25,13,'757:101/23@r'
db 'edbbs, 93:308/4@bcnnet, 93:300/0@bcnnet',24,25,3,'7'
db '57:101/23@redbbs, 93:308/4@bcnnet, 93:300/0@bcnnet,'
db ' 147:1720/2@warpspd',24,25,4,'(+34-3)276-4345 (24 h'
db ') - Barcelona (Spain) - Sysop: Francisco Carrillo',24
akron_length equ ($ - akron)
msg_idx dw msg_start ; Indice a msg a pintar.
msg_start label byte ; solo saldrán la primera vez!
db '* This File Came From Quartz BBS *',0
db '- Elite SoundBB -',0
db 'With All Stuff You L00K For:',0
msg_ini label byte ; estos se "ciclarán" tol rato... :)
db 'Last Demos & Sound Programs',0
db 'Best Gus And Sb Utilities Around',0
db '8 Bits Emulators Support',0
db 'Msx-1 And Cpc Games',0
db '1500 Spectrum Games On-Line!',0
db 'Cd-Rom x2 Speed With Best Freeware',0
db 'No Ratios! Free Access!',0
db 'Tons Of Message Areas!',0
db 'CooL SysOp! ;)',0
db 'Dont''t Forget To Contact Us',0
db '+34-3-2764345, 24 hrs, ZyX 19k2',0
db 'PReSS aNy Key To QuiT',0
db 'Remember...',0
msg_end label byte
back_ini label byte ; Palette for RASTER_COLORING! :)
db 00h,00h,00h,02h,00h,02h,04h,00h,04h,07h,00h,06h,09h,00h,09h,0Ch
db 00h,0Bh,0Eh,00h,0Dh,11h,00h,0Fh,13h,00h,12h,16h,00h,14h,18h,00h
db 16h,1Ah,00h,18h,1Dh,00h,1Bh,1Fh,00h,1Dh,22h,00h,1Fh,24h,00h,21h
db 27h,00h,24h,29h,00h,26h,2Ch,00h,28h,2Eh,00h,2Ah,31h,00h,2Dh,32h
db 00h,2Dh,33h,00h,2Ch,33h,00h,2Bh,34h,00h,2Ah,35h,00h,2Ah,35h,00h
db 29h,36h,01h,28h,36h,01h,27h,37h,01h,27h,37h,01h,26h,38h,02h,25h
db 38h,02h,24h,39h,02h,24h,39h,02h,23h,3Ah,03h,22h,3Ah,03h,21h,3Bh
db 03h,20h,3Bh,04h,20h,3Bh,04h,1Fh,3Ch,05h,1Eh,3Ch,05h,1Dh,3Ch,05h
db 1Dh,3Dh,06h,1Ch,3Dh,06h,1Bh,3Dh,07h,1Ah,3Eh,07h,19h,3Eh,08h,19h
db 3Eh,08h,18h,3Eh,09h,17h,3Fh,0Ah,16h,3Fh,0Ah,16h,3Fh,0Bh,15h,3Fh
db 0Bh,14h,3Fh,0Ch,13h,3Fh,0Dh,13h,3Fh,0Dh,12h,3Fh,0Eh,11h,3Fh,0Fh
db 11h,3Fh,0Fh,10h,3Fh,10h,0Fh,3Fh,11h,0Fh,3Fh,11h,0Eh,3Fh,12h,0Dh
db 3Fh,13h,0Dh,3Fh,13h,0Ch,3Fh,14h,0Bh,3Fh,15h,0Bh,3Fh,16h,0Ah,3Fh
db 16h,0Ah,3Eh,17h,09h,3Eh,18h,08h,3Eh,19h,08h,3Eh,19h,07h,3Dh,1Ah
db 07h,3Dh,1Bh,06h,3Dh,1Ch,06h,3Ch,1Dh,05h,3Ch,1Dh,05h,3Ch,1Eh,05h
db 3Bh,1Fh,04h,3Bh,20h,04h,3Bh,20h,03h,3Ah,21h,03h,3Ah,22h,03h,39h
db 23h,02h,39h,24h,02h,38h,24h,02h,38h,25h,02h,37h,26h,01h,37h,27h
db 01h,36h,27h,01h,36h,28h,01h,35h,29h,00h,35h,2Ah,00h,34h,2Ah,00h
db 33h,2Bh,00h,33h,2Ch,00h,32h,2Dh,00h,31h,2Dh,00h,31h,2Eh,00h,30h
db 2Fh,00h,2Fh,2Fh,00h,2Fh,30h,00h,2Eh,31h,00h,2Dh,31h,00h,2Dh,32h
db 00h,2Ch,33h,00h,2Bh,33h,00h,2Ah,34h,00h,2Ah,35h,00h,29h,35h,00h
db 28h,36h,01h,27h,36h,01h,27h,37h,01h,26h,37h,01h,25h,38h,02h,24h
db 38h,02h,24h,39h,02h,23h,39h,02h,22h,3Ah,03h,21h,3Ah,03h,20h,3Bh
db 03h,20h,3Bh,04h,1Fh,3Bh,04h,1Eh,3Ch,05h,1Dh,3Ch,05h,1Dh,3Ch,05h
db 1Ch,3Dh,06h,1Bh,3Dh,06h,1Ah,3Dh,07h,19h,3Eh,07h,19h,3Eh,08h,18h
db 3Eh,08h,17h,3Eh,09h,16h,3Fh,0Ah,16h,3Fh,0Ah,15h,3Fh,0Bh,14h,3Fh
db 0Bh,13h,3Fh,0Ch,13h,3Fh,0Dh,12h,3Fh,0Dh,11h,3Fh,0Eh,11h,3Fh,0Fh
db 10h,3Fh,0Fh,0Fh,3Fh,10h,0Fh,3Fh,11h,0Eh,3Fh,11h,0Dh,3Fh,12h,0Dh
db 3Fh,13h,0Ch,3Fh,13h,0Bh,3Fh,14h,0Bh,3Fh,15h,0Ah,3Fh,16h,0Ah,3Fh
db 16h,09h,3Eh,17h,08h,3Eh,18h,08h,3Eh,19h,07h,3Eh,19h,07h,3Dh,1Ah
db 06h,3Dh,1Bh,06h,3Dh,1Ch,05h,3Ch,1Dh,05h,3Ch,1Dh,05h,3Ch,1Eh,04h
db 3Bh,1Fh,04h,3Bh,20h,03h,3Bh,20h,03h,3Ah,21h,03h,3Ah,22h,02h,39h
db 23h,02h,39h,24h,02h,38h,24h,02h,38h,25h,01h,37h,26h,01h,37h,27h
db 01h,36h,27h,01h,36h,28h,00h,35h,29h,00h,35h,2Ah,00h,34h,2Ah,00h
db 33h,2Bh,00h,33h,2Ch,00h,32h,2Dh,00h,31h,2Dh,00h,31h,2Eh,00h,30h
db 2Fh,00h,2Fh,2Fh,00h,2Fh,30h,00h,2Eh,31h,00h,2Dh,31h,00h,2Dh,32h
db 00h,2Ch,33h,00h,2Bh,33h,00h,2Ah,34h,00h,2Ah,35h,00h,29h,35h,01h
db 28h,36h,01h,27h,36h,01h,27h,37h,01h,26h,37h,02h,25h,38h,02h,24h
db 38h,02h,24h,39h,02h,23h,39h,03h,22h,3Ah,03h,21h,3Ah,03h,20h,3Bh
db 04h,20h,3Bh,04h,1Fh,3Bh,05h,1Eh,3Ch,05h,1Dh,3Ch,05h,1Dh,3Ch,06h
db 1Ch,3Dh,06h,1Bh,3Dh,07h,1Ah,3Dh,07h,19h,3Eh,08h,19h,3Eh,08h,18h
db 3Eh,09h,17h,3Eh,0Ah,16h,3Fh,0Ah,16h,3Fh,0Bh,15h,3Fh,0Bh,14h,3Fh
db 0Ch,13h,3Fh,0Ch,13h,3Dh,0Ch,12h,3Bh,0Bh,12h,39h,0Bh,11h,37h,0Ah
db 10h,35h,0Ah,10h,32h,0Ah,0Fh,30h,09h,0Eh,2Eh,09h,0Eh,2Ch,08h,0Dh
db 2Ah,08h,0Ch,28h,08h,0Ch,25h,07h,0Bh,23h,07h,0Ah,21h,06h,0Ah,1Fh
db 06h,09h,1Dh,05h,08h,1Bh,05h,08h,18h,05h,07h,16h,04h,06h,14h,04h
db 06h,12h,03h,05h,10h,03h,04h,0Eh,03h,04h,0Bh,02h,03h,09h,02h,02h
db 07h,01h,02h,05h,01h,01h,03h,00h,00h,00h
back_len equ ($ - back_ini) / 3
sintable label byte ; (Sin(x) * 200-16)+1 (360 divisions)
db 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2
db 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8
db 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14, 15, 16, 17
db 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30
db 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45
db 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63
db 64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81
db 83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 101
db 102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 119
db 121, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 137
db 138, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153
db 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166
db 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 171, 172, 173, 174, 174, 175, 176
db 177, 177, 178, 178, 179, 179, 180, 180, 181, 181, 182, 182
db 182, 183, 183, 183, 184, 184, 184, 184, 184, 184, 184, 184
db 184, 184, 184, 184, 184, 184, 184, 184, 184, 183, 183, 183
db 182, 182, 182, 181, 181, 180, 180, 179, 179, 178, 178, 177
db 177, 176, 175, 174, 174, 173, 172, 171, 171, 170, 169, 168
db 167, 166, 165, 164, 163, 162, 161, 160, 159, 158, 156, 155
db 154, 153, 152, 150, 149, 148, 147, 145, 144, 143, 141, 140
db 139, 137, 136, 134, 133, 131, 130, 128, 127, 125, 124, 122
db 121, 119, 118, 116, 115, 113, 112, 110, 108, 107, 105, 104
db 102, 101, 99, 97, 96, 94, 93, 91, 89, 88, 86, 84
db 83, 81, 80, 78, 77, 75, 73, 72, 70, 69, 67, 66
db 64, 63, 61, 60, 58, 57, 55, 54, 52, 51, 49, 48
db 47, 45, 44, 42, 41, 40, 38, 37, 36, 35, 33, 32
db 31, 30, 29, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19
db 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 14, 13, 12, 11, 11, 10, 9
db 8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3
db 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
sin_len equ ($ - sintable)
;font label byte ; I also had Designed thiz TeXTFoNT! ;)
;include font.inc ; all 256 chars Included... hehehe!
wait_for_retrace MACRO
LOCAL @@xx
mov dx, 03dah
@@xx: in al, dx
test al, 8
jz @@xx
wait_for_display MACRO
LOCAL @@xx
mov dx, 03dah ; Wait for display
@@xx: in al, dx
test al,8
jnz @@xx
vsync MACRO
LOCAL @@x1, @@x2
mov dx, 03dah
@@x1: in al, dx
test al, 8
jnz @@x1
@@x2: in al, dx
test al, 8
jz @@x2
hsync MACRO
LOCAL @@x1, @@x2
mov dx, 03dah ; Wait for horiz RETRACE!
@@x1: in al, dx ; ─┐
test al, 1 ; │
jnz @@x1 ; │
@@x2: in al, dx ; │
test al, 1 ; │ THNX to VGA.DOC! ;)
jz @@x2 ; ─┘
smooth_in_retrace MACRO
mov dx, 3d4h ; This is for Some Smooth
mov ax, 8 ; esto tié que hacerse en retrace!
out dx, ax ; y la otra parte en display...
inc dx ; a ver si alguien me dice el pq! :)
in al, dx
mov bx, [smooth] ; A mi me vibraba cuando lo hacia a
and al, 0E0h ; y al final me he copiado de como lo
and bl, 00Fh ; hace Jare en "nosequedemo", es decir
or al, bl ; una parte en display y otra en
out dx, al ; retrace
smooth_in_display MACRO
mov dx, 3d4h ; Inicio de MEM de video a enseñar!
mov ax, 0ch ; (direccion del 1er caracter)
out dx, ax
inc dx
mov ax, [smooth]
shr ax, 4 ; ax <- smooth / scanlines_per_char
mov bl, 80 ; ax <- ax * chars_per_textline
mul bl
mov al, ah
out dx, al
mov dx, 3d4h ; Smooth ][ ;)
mov ax, 0dh
out dx, ax
inc dx
mov ax, [smooth]
shr ax, 4
mul bl
out dx, al
back_palette MACRO
LOCAL @@margin, @@h_buc
mov dx, 03c8h ; Ponemos el color de los credits (2)
mov al, 2 ; a cero para que no se vea por la parte
out dx, al ; superior de la Pantalla!
inc dx
xor ax, ax
out dx, al
out dx, al
out dx, al
mov cx, 62 ; margen superior!
@@margin: hsync
loop @@margin
mov cx, back_len
mov si, OFFSET back_ini
@@h_buc: lodsb ; fetch del siguiente ds:[si]
mov ah, al ; guardamos el componente rojo...
mov bl, al ; ...el verde...
mov bh, al ; ...y el azul!
mov dx, 03c8h
mov al, 1 ; Num de registro de paleta
out dx, al ; que cambiaremos despues de hsync!
hsync ; esperamos al inicio de CADA
; barrido horizontal!
mov dl, 0c9h
mov al, ah ; Escupimos las tres componentes
out dx, al ; que teniamos en AH, BL y BH!
mov al, bl
out dx, al
mov al, bh
out dx, al
loop @@h_buc
mov al, 15 ; Despues del Bucle ponemos el color de
out dx, al ; los creditos tal y como le corresponde
out dx, al ; <15,15,15>
out dx, al
cambio_msg MACRO
LOCAL @@pinta, @@pr_nxt, @@quit
cmp sin_idx, 0 ; Hay que pintarrrrr?
je @@pinta
cmp sin_idx, sin_len/2 ; y ahorrrra? :)
je @@pinta
jmp @@quit
@@pinta: mov ax, 0720h
mov di, scroll_dir
mov cx, 80
rep stosw ; Borramos la linea
mov di, msg_idx ; Leemos el (char *) ;)
mov si, di ; y lo guardamos en SI!
mov al, 0 ; buscamos un cero!
push es ; salvamos es
push ds
pop es
mov cx, 81 ; máximo a buscar (80 + el '\0')
repne scasb ; y buscamos el 0!!
;jne rutina_de_error ; ASCIIZ demasiado largo...
pop es
mov msg_idx, di ; DI apunta al principio del siguiente!
sub di, si ; vamos a calcular la longitud!
mov cx, di ; cx = strlen(ASCIIZ_que_toca)
and cx, 0FFFEh ; cx tiene que ser par! ;)
mov ax, 80
sub ax, cx ; ax = byte a empezar [0-39]
mov di, scroll_dir
add di, ax
@@pr_nxt: movsb
inc di ; Nos saltamos el atributo!
loop @@pr_nxt
cmp msg_idx, offset msg_end
jb @@quit
mov msg_idx, offset msg_ini
keyb_strobe MACRO
in al, 61h ; y hacemos el Strobe de teclado :
or al, 10000000b ; ┌ Activando el bit 7
out 61h,al ; │ y sacándolo pol puerto 61h
and al, 01111111b ; │ apagamos el bit 7
out 61h,al ; └ y lo escupimos de nuevo
uncrunch proc near
mov ax, seg akron ; pantalla base!
mov ds, ax
mov ax, offset akron
mov si, ax
xor ax, ax
mov di, ax
mov cx, akron_length
mov dx,di ; Save X coordinate for later.
xor ax,ax ; Set Current attributes.
Loopa: lodsb ; Get next character.
cmp al,32 ; If a control character, jump.
jc ForeGround
stosw ; Save letter on screen.
Next: loop Loopa
jmp Short Done
cmp al,16 ; If less than 16, then change the
jnc BackGround ; foreground color. Otherwise jump.
and ah,0f0h ; strip off old foreground.
or ah,al
jmp Next
cmp al,24 ; If less than 24, then change the
jz NextLine ; background color. If exactly 24,
jnc FlashBitToggle ; then jump down to next line.
sub al, 16 ; Otherwise jump to multiple output
add al, al ; routines.
add al, al
add al, al
add al, al
and ah, 8fh ; Strip off old background.
or ah, al
jmp Next
add dx,160 ; If equal to 24,
mov di,dx ; then jump down to
jmp Next ; the next line.
cmp al,27 ; Does user want to toggle the blink
jc MultiOutput ; attribute?
jnz next
xor ah,128 ; Done.
jmp next
cmp al,25 ; Set Z flag if multi-space output.
mov bx,cx ; Save main counter.
lodsb ; Get count of number of times
mov cl,al ; to display character.
mov al,32
jz StartOutput ; Jump here if displaying spaces.
lodsb ; Otherwise get character to use.
dec bx ; Adjust main counter.
xor ch,ch
inc cx
rep stosw
mov cx,bx
dec cx ; Adjust main counter.
loopnz loopa ; Loop if anything else to do...
done: ret
uncrunch endp
restore_time proc near
xor al, al ; Someday I have time I'll comment IT!
out 70h,al ; Please Don't credit me if you rip
in al, 71h ; it... I'ts not mine!!!!!
mov dh, al
and dh, 15
shr al, 4
mov dl, 10
mul dl
add dh, al
mov al, 2
out 70h, al
in al, 71h
mov cl, al
and cl, 15
shr al, 4
mov dl, 10
mul dl
add cl, al
mov al, 4
out 70h, al
in al, 71h
mov ch, al
and ch, 15
shr al, 4
mov dl, 10
mul dl
add ch, al
xor dl, dl
mov ah, 2dh
int 21h
mov al, 7
out 70h, al
in al, 71h
mov dl, al
and dl, 15
shr al, 4
mov ch, 10
mul ch
add dl, al
mov al, 8
out 70h,al
in al, 71h
mov dh, al
and dh, 15
shr al, 4
mov ch, 10
mul ch
add dh, al
mov al, 4
out 70h,al
in al, 71h
mov cl, al
and cl, 15
shr al, 4
mov ch, 10
mul ch
add cl, al
xor ch, ch
add cx, 1900
mov ah, 2bh
int 21h
restore_time endp
inicio: xor bx, bx ; Vga detection routine *RIPPED*
mov ax, 01a00h ; from "the_cop" by Jare/Iguana.
int 10h ; Many thanks for the sources!
cmp bl, 7
jc notfound
cmp bl, 0dh
jc detected
notfound: mov dx, OFFSET equipment
mov ax, SEG equipment
mov ds, ax;
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov ax,4c01h ; This ErrorLevel *WILL* become a Std!
int 21h ; Back to Me$$y-Dos!
detected: mov ax, 0003h ; Setup 80x25 color mode!
int 10h
; mov ax, SEG Font ; Ponemos las fuentes!
; mov es, ax
; mov bp, OFFSET Font
; mov bh, 16 ; 16 bytes/char
; mov cx, 256 ; FULL CHARSET!
; mov dx, 0 ; So starting on ascii 0
; xor bl, bl ; 1er bloc...
; mov ax, 1110h ; load 8x16 font ;) et voilà!
; int 10h ; :-P
in al,21h
mov [int_mask], al ; old status of the INT ctrller saved!
or al,11111111b
out 21h,al ; NO ints (¿hay diferencia con un CLI?)
mov dx, 3d4h ; VGA params to change... ;)
mov al, 0ah ; Cursor START register
out dx, al
inc dl
in al, dx
or al, 00100000b ; Apagamos el Cursor...! (bit 5==1)
out dx, al ; Many thanks to VGA.DOC ;)
mov ax, 0B800h ; Inicializamos los registros de Segm.
mov es, ax ; ES <- Pantalla
mov dx, 03c8h
mov al, 1 ; Zeropalette! (colores 1 y 2)
out dx, al
inc dx
xor al, al
mov cx, 6
@@1: out dx, al
loop @@1
call uncrunch ; Pintamos la pantalla base!!
mov dx, 3d4h ; Tocamos el Line Compare ;)
mov al, 07h ; para meter los creditz!
out dx, al
inc dl
in al, dx
or al, 00010000b ; ponemos el bit 8 de LCr a 1 (+256) ;)
out dx, al
dec dl
mov al, 09h ; max scan line reg.
out dx, al
inc dl
in al, dx
and al, 10111111b ; clear bit 9 LC (no + 512) :):)
out dx, al
dec dl
mov al, 18h ; set bits 0-7 LC (reg 18)
out dx, al
inc dl
mov al, 124 ; (+256 pq el bit 8 == 1)
out dx, al
main_loop: wait_for_retrace ; pues eso!
cambio_msg ; Cambiamos el "texto" (si toca...)
mov bx, sin_idx ; Ponemos en smooth un valor
inc bx ; sinusoidal sacado de sinustable
cmp bx, sin_len ; Joder, como si no lo supierais! ;)
jne cont
xor bx, bx
cont: mov sin_idx, bx
xor ax, ax
mov al, sintable[bx]
dec al
mov [smooth], ax
mov bx, sin_idx ; Intensidad del Texto!!
add bx, bx ; bx = sin_idx * 2
cmp bx, sin_len
jb no_mod
sub bx, sin_len ; bx = (sin_idx * 2) mod sin_len!
no_mod: mov ah, sintable[bx]
shr ah, 2 ; al = sin(bx) / 4 [0..45]
mov dx, 03c8h
mov al, 7 ; Color del texto!!! :)
out dx, al ; Num de registro de paleta!
inc dx
mov al, ah
out dx, al ; Intesidad del texto! :)
out dx, al
out dx, al
back_palette ; Engañado el Monitor.... :)
; Greets jmp here to DΣ-PhÄ$$ΣD!/TVC!
smooth_in_display ; Pues backpal nos deja a medio display
mov al, 0ah
out 20h, al
in al, 20h ; AL <- IRR del 8259
and al, 00000010b ; Se ha activado el IR del teclado?
jz cont_loop ; no -> seguimos... ;)
in al, 60h ; si hay una tecla, la leemos,
mov ah, al ; la guardamos en AH,
keyb_strobe ; y mandamos el strobe!
cmp ah, 10011100b ; si es un break de return -> seguimos
je cont_loop
and ah, 10000000b ; es un make o un break ?
jnz end_loop ; break -> salimos
cont_loop: jmp main_loop
end_loop: cli
mov al, [int_mask]
out 21h, al ; restore old interrupt mask!
mov ax, 0003h
int 10h ; restorin' txt mode! toma chá!
call uncrunch ; Pintamos la pantalla base!!
mov cx, 80*25
mov di, 1
mov ax, 08h ; Atributo para colorear! (GrisOscuro)
@@x: stosb ; "ponemos" el atributo y...
inc di ; ...nos saltamos el caracter
loop @@x
mov ah, 02 ; Bios SetCursor!
xor bh, bh ; pagina 0!
mov dx, 1000h ; Put the cursor 16 lines down! :)
int 10h
call restore_time ; Restore Time From CMOS!
messydos: mov ax, 4c00h ; retornem al dos
int 21h
end inicio