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Text File  |  1993-11-23  |  20KB  |  258 lines

  1. ┌──────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  2. │              │                                                           │
  3. │   PROGRAM    │ TAPECMS.PPE                                               │
  4. │              │                                                           │
  5. │   VERSION    │ 2.2                                                       │
  6. │              │                                                           │
  7. │   AUTHOR     │ Harry Braun - HB Electronics                              │
  8. │              │                                                           │
  9. │ MAIL ADDRESS │ 155 Clark Blvd. Unit #13                                  │
  10. │              │ Brampton, Ontario                                         │
  11. │              │ Canada    L6T-4G6                                         │
  12. │              │                                                           │
  13. │              │                                                           │
  14. │              │ Compiled by: John Kerr,   Sysop of Project X              │
  15. │              │                           Bramalea, Ontario, Canada       │
  16. │              │                           905 790-9311    14.4            │
  17. │              │                                                           │
  18. │   SUPPORT    │ MICROWORLD BBS                                            │
  19. │    BOARD     │ (905) 840-4386 - 14.4 USR Sportster                       │
  20. │              │     Where the latest version of this software will        │
  21. │              │       always be available.                                │
  22. │              │                                                           │
  23. │              │    --------------------------------------------------     │
  24. │              │                                                           │
  25. │              │                 -----   Thank you   -----                 │
  26. │              │                                                           │
  27. │              │    Thanks to all the people who have responded to and     │
  28. │              │      supported this software. We continue to make this    │
  29. │              │      software the best it can be. Many new features       │
  30. │              │      have been added, due to your use and suggestions.    │
  31. │              │                                                           │
  32. │              │                         ----- Thanks again, Harry         │
  33. │              │                                                           │
  34. │              │    --------------------------------------------------     │
  35. │              │                                                           │
  36. │              │                                                           │
  37. │  DESCRIPTION │ This is a functional piece of software with limitations.  │
  38. │              │                                                           │
  39. │              │ A [PPE] program for PCBOARD 15.0 or higher.               │
  40. │              │   OnLine file restoration from Colorado Memory Systems    │
  41. │              │   Tape Drive 120 or 250. 6 files (1 in ShareWare version) │
  42. │              │   may be restored from tape or selected from the existing │
  43. │              │   files in the restore directory, during any 1 session.   │
  44. │              │ A total of 9 tape volumes are possible (1 in ShareWare    │
  45. │              │   version).                                               │
  46. │              │                                                           │
  47. │              │                                                           │
  48. │  HOW TO USE  │ Execute from your CMD.LST file and display the command    │
  49. │     PLUS     │   where your users will find it.                          │
  50. │  FUNCTIONAL  │                                                           │
  51. │  INFORMATION │       Command    Security  PPE/MNU                        │
  52. │              │       ═════════  ════════  ════════════════════════       │
  53. │              │       TAPE          30     C:\PCB\PPE\TAPECMS.PPE         │
  54. │              │                                                           │
  55. │              │ Place all files from the .ZIP archive, into one directory.│
  56. │              │   IE:  C:\PCB\PPE\TAPE                                    │
  57. │              │                                                           │
  58. │              │ Create a work directory for the tape restoration, this    │
  59. │              │   must be other than the PCB work directory and must not  │
  60. │              │   contain any sub-directories                             │
  61. │              │                                                           │
  62. │              │ Edit, TAPECMS.CFG file to meet your systems settings.     │
  63. │              │                                                           │
  64. │              │ Edit the PCBTAPE.BAT file to configure to your drive and  │
  65. │              │   paths and place the file in a directory that is in your │
  66. │              │   DOS path.                                               │
  67. │              │ PCBTAPE.BAT will allow you to change your PCBTEXT file    │
  68. │              │   record 396 and the TAPECMS.IN files all at one time to  │
  69. │              │   reflect the current tape in the tape drive.             │
  70. │              │   Just type PCBTAPE "tape number" IE: PCBTAPE 1 to update │
  71. │              │   both files.                                             │
  72. │              │ IF you have multiple nodes, you will have to create a     │
  73. │              │   separate PCBTEXT and CMD.LST file for the node machine  │
  74. │              │   which the tape drive is in.                             │
  75. │              │                                                           │
  76. │              │  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────  │
  78. │              │  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────  │
  79. │              │                                                           │
  80. │              │ You should notify your users that they must have ANSI on, │
  81. │              │   in order to use this .PPE properly.                     │
  82. │              │                                                           │
  83. │              │ The program checks the users filename inputs against the  │
  84. │              │   files already in the que, either restored or selected   │
  85. │              │   files and the extensions that are in the TAPECMS.CFG    │
  86. │              │   file, this is to stop any unnecessary tape drive access,│
  87. │              │   only to find that the filename does not exist on the    │
  88. │              │   tape, because the user has entered the file extension   │
  89. │              │   incorrectly.                                            │
  90. │              │                                                           │
  91. │              │ If no extension is specified at time of filename entry    │
  92. │              │   the program will default to the boards default extension│
  93. │              │   name IE: .ZIP . (not in ShareWare version)              │
  94. │              │                                                           │
  95. │              │ The ability to [R]estart your filename request is possible│
  96. │              │   from the Volume # entry prompt, in the event the user   │
  97. │              │   has made a mistake. (not in ShareWare version)          │
  98. │              │                                                           │
  99. │              │ If some of the filenames are selected from the files that │
  100. │              │   already exist in the restore directory, all other       │
  101. │              │   unselected files will be deleted.                       │
  102. │              │ In the event no files are selected and the user wishes to │
  103. │              │   restore other files, then all existing files would be   │
  104. │              │   deleted. This is done to keep the restored files from   │
  105. │              │   getting out of hand. The disk space required to keep    │
  106. │              │   open should be around 10megs, to leave ample room for   │
  107. │              │   restoring purposes.  (2megs in ShareWare Version)       │
  108. │              │                                                           │
  109. │              │ NEW (REGISTERED version only)                             │
  110. │              │ MULTIPLE filename and volume numbers may be entered for   │
  111. │              │   restoration. Eleviating the need to wait after each     │
  112. │              │   file is restored, before entering the next filename.    │
  113. │              │   Now all names can be entered and the restoration will   │
  114. │              │   continue on it's own till all filenames have attempted  │
  115. │              │   to be restored. (Maximum of 6 names)                    │
  116. │              │                                                           │
  117. │              │ NEW (REGISTERED version only)                             │
  118. │              │ Files are deleted only if the user actually enters a new  │
  119. │              │   filename to restore from tape. If no filename is entered│
  120. │              │   all files in the restore directory will remain for the  │
  121. │              │   next user to select from.                               │
  122. │              │   This should stop the unecessary deletion of files, from │
  123. │              │   users that only enter the TAPECMS PPE, just to see what │
  124. │              │   it's all about.                                         │
  125. │              │                                                           │
  126. │              │ Information, such as ERRORS, selected or restored names,  │
  127. │              │   total bytes and total time used while restoring is all  │
  128. │              │   logged to your callers file.                            │
  129. │              │                                                           │
  130. │              │ WILDCARD filename inputs are excluded.                    │
  131. │              │   This way it is not possible for any user to restore a   │
  132. │              │   complete volume, accidently or on purpose.              │
  133. │              │                                                           │
  134. │     DIR      │ Below is a sample of how you may wish to display your DIR │
  135. │   LISTINGS   │   listings, which will show the users where you have      │
  136. │              │   stored the files that are OFF-LINE.                     │
  137. │              │                                                           │
  138. │              │          Obviously it looks better in color.              │
  139. │              │                                                           │
  140. │              │ FILE1.ZIP      277750  OFF-LINE  Tape 1 - Vol 1           │
  141. │              │                                | Get this, really GREAT   │
  142. │              │ FILE2.ZIP      362332  OFF-LINE  Tape 1 - Vol 1           │
  143. │              │                                | Just a test file         │
  144. │              │ FILE3.ZIP      362684  OFF-LINE  Tape 1 - Vol 2           │
  145. │              │                                | Try this one             │
  146. │              │ FILE4.ZIP      362684  OFF-LINE  Tape 1 - Vol 3           │
  147. │              │                                | One more test file       │
  148. │              │ FILE5.ZIP      362280  OFF-LINE  Tape 1 - Vol 1           │
  149. │              │                                | There is more of this    │
  150. │              │ FILE6.ZIP      342818  OFF-LINE  Tape 1 - Vol 4           │
  151. │              │                                | Multiple test files      │
  152. │              │                                                           │
  153. │              │                                                           │
  154. │ MODIFICATION │ Modifying this program is not recommended.                │
  155. │              │   Any attempts to change the coding of this .PPE may      │
  156. │              │   create a crash condition. Please contact the writers in │
  157. │              │   the event you see the need for changes.                 │
  158. │              │                                                           │
  159. │              │                                                           │
  160. │  SHAREWARE   │ If you use and like this .PPE, a small charge of $40.00,  │
  161. │              │   (includes $5.00 for postage and handling), is requested │
  162. │              │   for a fully functional copy of this program.            │
  163. │              │                                                           │
  164. │              │                                                           │
  165. │              │             **  REGISTER YOUR SHAREWARE  **               │
  166. │              │                                                           │
  167. │              │                                                           │
  168. │              │ Please, use this software on as many machines you have a  │
  169. │              │    Tape Drive in. Site registration is only the one time  │
  170. │              │    charge.                                                │
  171. │              │ DO NOT give a registered copy to other BBS systems or     │
  172. │              │    upload it as a shareware version.                      │
  173. │              │                                                           │
  174. │              │                                                           │
  175. │ REGISTRATION │  There are many features added to the registered version. │
  176. │   BENEFITS   │                                                           │
  177. │              │ -  6 files may be restored from tape or selected from the │
  178. │              │      files that exist in the restore directory.           │
  179. │              │ -  Unselected existing files will only be deleted if a    │
  180. │              │      user actually restores a new file from tape.         │
  181. │              │ -  Filename inputs will default to the default extension  │
  182. │              │      on your board.  Eliminates the need for the users to │
  183. │              │      type (.ZIP) at the end of each filename.             │
  184. │              │ -  [Z]ippy searching active.                              │
  185. │              │ -  Full PCBoard style, on-line Help.                      │
  186. │              │ -  Delays are removed.                                    │
  187. │              │                                                           │
  188. │              │ -  Additions to this and other .PPE's are being made      │
  189. │              │      constantly, you may see newer versions at any time.  │
  190. │              │      Announcements of updates will not be possible.       │
  191. │              │      Although any registered owners will be sent any      │
  192. │              │      updates or bug fixes free, (for up to one year).     │
  193. │              │                                                           │
  194. │              │                                                           │
  195. │  DISCLAIMER  │ This software is released with full intention to be free  │
  196. │              │   of all defects and free as a DEMO package.              │
  197. │              │ Extensive testing has been done to bring you the best     │
  198. │              │   possible software.                                      │
  199. │              │                                                           │
  200. │              │ In no event will Harry Braun or HB Electronics be liable  │
  201. │              │   to you for any damages, including any lost profits,     │
  202. │              │   lost savings or other incidental or consequential       │
  203. │              │   damages arising out of your use or inability to use     │
  204. │              │   this program, or for any claim by any other party.      │
  205. │              │                                                           │
  206. │              │ Although all efforts are made to provide you with a prime │
  207. │              │   piece of software, some things can get away on us.      │
  208. │              │ Testing has been done on as many different computers as   │
  209. │              │   possible,  but all possible combinations of equipment   │
  210. │              │   was not possible.                                       │
  211. │              │                                                           │
  212. │              │ All testing has been done with:                           │
  213. │              │     MicroSoft Dos versions: 5.0 through 6.2.              │
  214. │              │                                                           │
  215. │              │ So please let us know if you are having difficulties.     │
  216. │              │                                                           │
  217. │              │ If you have any questions, bugs, or suggestions,          │
  218. │              │   please contact us at:                                   │
  219. │              │                                                           │
  220. │              │        The above address or call the support board,       │
  221. │              │        where the latest version will always be available. │
  222. │              │                                                           │
  223. │              │                                                           │
  224. │              │    ┌──                                            ──┐     │
  225. │              │    │ PCBoard, Colorado Memory Systems and Microsoft │     │
  226. │              │    │     are registered Trademarks.                 │     │
  227. │              │    └──                                            ──┘     │
  228. │              │                                                           │
  229. │   HISTORY    │ Nov 93 - Version 2.2                                      │
  230. │              │          Fixed the problem of file sizes of existing      │
  231. │              │            files in the restore directory to conform with │
  232. │              │            Microsoft DOS 6.2.                             │
  233. │              │          Added to the docs.  Because there are more       │
  234. │              │            features in the registered version now.        │
  235. │              │                                                           │
  236. │              │ Sep 93 - Version 2.1                                      │
  237. │              │          1 minor correction, in most cases it would not   │
  238. │              │            have been noticed.                             │
  239. │              │          Added to the docs.  Because there are more       │
  240. │              │            features in the registered version now.        │
  241. │              │                                                           │
  242. │              │ Aug 93 - Version 2 Released                               │
  243. │              │                                                           │
  244. │              │        - Version 1 - Never Released, Testing              │
  245. │              │                                                           │
  246. │              │                                                           │
  247. │ REGISTRATION │ Send Cheques payable to:       HB Electronics             │
  248. │              │                                                           │
  249. │              │                 address:       155 Clark Blvd. Unit #13   │
  250. │              │                                Brampton, Ontario          │
  251. │              │                                CANADA    L6T-4G6          │
  252. │              │                                                           │
  253. │              │ Send your voice phone number, if you would prefer to      │
  254. │              │   download the file. Arrangements will be possible as     │
  255. │              │   soon as your cheque has cleared.                        │
  256. │              │                                                           │
  257. └──────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘