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Network Mail Status - Postlink Version
First off I would like to thank those users who have offered
suggestions and made comments on Status. Some functions and
displays, even CleanUp, are the direct result of this input.
(1) Generates a network Export mail status bulletin showing
each conference (full 24 characters for conference names), 1000
maximum, and the total number of messages exported for current
date and total to date for each conferences, total conferences
and the total messages to date for the specified network.
(2) Generates a network Import mail status bulletin with the
same format as the Export bulletin. Since the export routine
contains all conference names it is run first to get those names
so that conferences with zero imports are still displayed in the
import bulletin. I could not find another way to get all
conference names.
(3) Generates last import bulletin showing last import
information: date, time, total messages imported in last import
and total messages imported to date.
(4) Generates, or appends to the end of, a monthly totals
bulletin called network.TOT with each rollover. This bulletin
contains the total lines from previous Export and Import
bulletins along with header.
Supports multiple networks. This program uses Postlink's
export / import log(s). Single or separate Import and Export
logs. It does a monthly rollover of the LOG(s) using PKZIP.EXE.
This archive should contain the following files:
CLEANUP.DOC........... Instructions for running CleanUp
CLEANUP.EXE........... Postlink log reduction utility
DOORS.TXT............. Current list of James Huckabey doors
FILE_ID.DIZ........... BBS description file
HUCKABEY.TXT.......... Current list of all my software
READ.ME............... Update/changes information
STATUS.BAT............ Sample batch file
STATUS.EXE............ Actual Status program
STATUS.DOC............ Instructions for running Status
STATUS.CFG............ Sample configuration file
STATUS2.CFG........... Sample configuration file
STATUS3.CFG........... Sample configuration file
Syntax is pretty straight forward:
Full path to STATUS.EXE may be used if not in path or in
current directory. If you do use a path statement in your
execution of Status (not in current dir or in path) you need to
set the environment variable "SET STATUS=path to STATUS.EXE" (SET
STATUS=C:\UTILITY\OTHER, etc. no ending slash is needed).
It is not necessary to add a path statement to the
configuration file since the program finds itself. Of course the
file must be in location of STATUS.EXE. If the configuration file
is not in the same location then use the path statement to it's
"STATUS.CFG" and can have any file name with the following
format. You can use up to 8 characters of your network name for
the name of your .CFG file if that helps keep multi-network
configurations clearer. This would be the easiest way to do it.
Each line must be populated with a valid entry. Paths to
bulletins or logs are not needed if they are in or written to the
current directory:
(1) Unregistered BBS
(2) 0000
(3) Network
(5) C:\BBS\BLT7
(7) C:\BBS\BLT77
(8) C:\BBS\BLT777
(9) PCB
CFG line #1
"Unregistered BBS", system name if registered
CFG line #2
"0000", valid serial number if registered.
CFG line #3
"Network" should be the name of the actual network you are
using, one word and case sensitive (Rime, AccessNet, etc.). 18
characters max, longer names are truncated. Say you are making
two different network mail runs with the same software, you would
use those names here, each in it's own configuration file.
CFG line #4
"POST1.LOG" is the path and name of your Postlink Export
log. Lines #4 and #6 may contain the same file name if your
Export and Import logs are in one file.
CFG line #5
"C:\BBS\BLT7" is the path and name for your Export bulletin.
CFG line #6
"POST2.LOG" is the path and name of your Postlink Import
log. Lines #4 and #6 may contain the same file name if your
Export and Import logs are in one file.
CFG line #7
"C:\BBS\BLT77" is the path and name for your Import
CFG line #8
"C:\BBS\BLT777" is the path and name for your Last Import
bulletin. If you are not using this option the file can just be
written out to the current directory, but it must be generated.
CFG line #9
Color and characters used are setup to give you as much
control over the output as possible. Not all users can read and
handle IBM extended graphic characters (like sight impaired users
and voice hardware). Program can use either "=/-" or IBM's
extended graphic characters "═/─". Line #9 must contain one of
the following options:
"PCB" use IBM extended graphic characters and PCBoard's @X0
colorizing codes.
"PCB0" use no IBM extended graphic characters and PCBoard's
@X0 colorizing codes.
"ANSI" use colorizing and no IBM extended graphic
"ANSI2" use colorizing and IBM extended graphic characters.
"ASCII" use no colorizing and no IBM extended graphic
"ASCII2" use no colorizing, but use IBM extended graphic
This file, Status Totals, is written to the current
directory only. Current directory is the directory where you call
STATUS.EXE from. The file name is the first eight alphabetical
characters of your network name. That way if you are making
multiple network mail runs each network will have it's own totals
file. The extension is always "TOT".
Please make note that if your copy of Status is not
registered that the total file will have "Unregistered BBS" in
the BBS line of the bulletin. If you keep the file and register
Status you will have to edit the top line of the bulletin or
erase the file and start over.
This file/bulletin has unlimited possibilities. If you are
making more than one Status execution, say for different formats,
only the first one will be executed with the rollover. So this
file will only contain that color format. It is complete with
whatever color codes existed in the original bulletin. The colors
can be removed or replaced with whatever colors you want manually
using a text editor.
The file has a three line header when first created, (1)
line with BBS name in it, (2) an explanation of what it is, (3) a
header termination line. It then has one line for Export total
and one line for Import total followed by a blank separation
line. Each successive appendage is three lines total. A year's
worth of information would have a total of thirty-nine lines.
What you do with this information is up to you. Just another
friendly option added to the program. If you are going to use it
as an active bulletin it can be copied anywhere you want. Just
make sure that if you want the next rollover appended to the end
that you keep the file in the current directory for the execution
of Status. If you change this directory make sure you move the
total bulletin(s) to your new directory.
It should be noted that when you start using Status for the
first time that if your Postlink log(s) are not just the current
month's log(s) that the log does not roll over until the month in
the log equals your system's current month (change from earlier
versions). The first archive will contain everything to date. The
new log will start at the first current month's date Status finds
in the current month's log. Bulletins generated will show
information only for the current month and from this point on
each roll over archive will contain only the previous month's
Errors are written to the same directory as STATUS.EXE in a
file called STATUS.ERR. If the file already exists additional
errors are appended to the end of the file. It may be deleted
after you have made note of any errors. It's existence it not
required by the program.
During the start up procedures that program displays
"Searching!" while it is looking for the directory STATUS.EXE is
located in. Also "Configuring!" while it is reading in and
verifying all information in the configuration file. These are to
show you what the program is doing should lockups occur. I had
problems in these areas and took some time to isolate them. At
least now these problem areas can be isolated. Normally these two
displays should be very quick and unreadable depending on system
speed and Status' configuration.
The program confirms each item in the configuration file
before it does anything else. Program aborts if each option
cannot be confirmed.
If Status has trouble finding the log(s) it first tries to
create a "no data bulletin" and do an normal error exit. If it
cannot create these bulletins it makes an error exit that
displays the help screen. These two exits would normally be an
error in the configuration file: wrong path, wrong file name,
configuration file name not used, etc.
If the program has any problems with your log(s) such as no
exported conferences found, a bulletin is generated showing that
information, but no error information is written to the
STATUS.ERR. If no imported/exported messages are found the
program aborts writing out a no message bulletin for Export and
Import along with writing out to STATUS.ERR.
Using Postlink
If you are making two or more DIFFERENT network mail runs
the only thing you must do is make two or more different
POSTLINK.CFG files, one with the name of the LOG file for each
network so that ALL logs are not put into one file. I would have
no way of knowing what messages came from what network in order
to separate them. You would then just have a TEMP1.CFG, TEMP2.CFG
and when you call postlink you just copy TEMP1.CFG POSTLINK.CFG,
then on next run you might copy TEMP2.CFG POSTLINK.CFG, etc.
A simple batch file might look like one of these:
Perhaps you want to make a bulletin with the PCBoard @X0
codes and one using straight ASCII codes and yet another using
ANSI codes. The .CFG files would contain the bulletin names and
the form setting (#9):
(.CFG with PCB, uses ANSI codes and IBM extended graphic
(.CFG with ASCII, ASCII and no IBM extended graphic
(.CFG with ANSI, ANSI colors and no IBM extended graphic
You just call STATUS as many times as needed, with as many
configuration files as needed to generate whatever formats you
want. On my 386/33 it takes less than twenty seconds to run the
program on a 6,500 line test log (from three BBS systems).
PKZIP.EXE used by the Status Program
"PKZIP.EXE" must be somewhere in your path or in the current
directory. When the month changes in the export/import.log the
program archives the current log into a file using 'ML'+ the
current date (ML010193.ZIP, etc.). It also includes the current
logs (1 or 2) and all three bulletins. It creates this in the
directory that contains the log file(s). The program then
rewrites the log using only the current new month's data. This
way there is only one month's log data in your Postlink log(s).
I have corrected the archiving problems with the log(s)
while SHARE.EXE is loaded. This was not my error, but something
with DOS, Share and Borland's Pascal. I don't know who is at
The bulletins are added to the archive so the last
information posted on the BBS before rollover is available should
this information be required by the you.
If you do not want the previous month's log(s) simply delete
the archive from your hard drive. In your calling batch file you
can add "IF EXIST ML*.ZIP DEL ML*.ZIP" and this will auto-delete
the archive.
There must be at least one meg of free disk space for the
archive to be executed. I have no idea the possible sizes and if
anyone has problems with the archive with one meg as the minimum
please let me know and I will increase the size of the free space
required. I have been unable to trap PKZIP.EXE errors from within
my Turbo Pascal 7.0 programs. I believe PKZIP handles them and
does not pass them along to operating system.
The Status Program
If you don't like the program please write to me and explain
why. Send me any suggestions you might have. If they enhance the
overall program I will try to incorporate part, some, all, in the
next release.
This program package represents many hours of programming,
testing, updating and more testing as well as LD telephone calls
to get it tested and to distribute the beta and release copies.
Please support my efforts and register your copy.
Status Registration
Send BBS information and one of the following in $ U.S.
(1) Registration via mail............................$10
(outside U.S. please add $2)
(2) Registration and latest version via mail......... $12
(outside U.S. please add $4) Include diskette size.
(3) Registration and latest version via mail and copy
of all James Huckabey Doors and PC software...... $15
(outside U.S. please add $5) Include diskette size.
Option: 1: [ ] 2: [ ] 3: [ ]
Diskette Size: 360: [ ] 1.2: [ ] 720: [ ] 1.44: [ ]
Your current version number: [ ]
Please supply name of BBS to be added to program, up to
sixty characters. Anything longer than that will be truncated, no
exceptions. This is to be on one line of code and must be legible
since the serial number is based on exact syntax. I cannot be
responsible for unreadable data. Please print. Case sensitive!
Example: "Jim's Graphic BBS". In Status it comes out as the
following in all bulletins generated:
==================(Jim's Graphic BBS)==================
State & Zip:
---------------------- ---------------------
Phone(voice): (data)
---------------------- ---------------------
Your registration number and any diskettes, if requesting
current version or other software, are sent by return mail.
James Huckabey
3621-A Fraser Street
Bellingham, Washington 98226-2473 U.S.A.
(206) 671-2868 (voice, Pacific)
I do have a US Robotics 14.4 DS modem!