echo "You have installed `version oberonsupport.library` "
echo "You haven't installed oberonsupport.library in your system"
ask "Do you want to install oberonsupport.library 5.0 (Y/N)?"
if warn
copy libs/(oberonsupport.library) libs: clone
version >nil: reqtools.library
if not warn
echo "You have installed `version reqtools.library` "
echo "You haven't installed reqtools.library in your system"
ask "Do you want to install reqtools.library 38.1042 (Y/N)?"
if warn
copy libs/(reqtools.library) libs: clone
ask "*nWollen Sie die CygnusEd-ARexx-Skripte fⁿr die Steuerung*nvon Amiga-Oberon installieren?*nDou you want to install the ARexx scripts to control Amiga-Oberon*nfrom CygnusEd?*n(Y/N)"
if warn
copy clone rexx all rexx:
echo "Die ARexx-Skripte ben÷tigen im ⁿbrigen die oberonsupport.library...*nThe rexx scripts require the oberonsupport.library, by the way... "
ask "*nWollen Sie die Funktionstastenbelegung fⁿr CygnusEd installieren*n(ⁿberschreibt eine bereits bestehende)?*nDo you want to install the function key mapping for*nCygnusEd (will overwrite an existing one)?*n(Y/N)"