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=============== NOTICE : ASOKOBAN NEEDS KICKSTART 2.0 ========================
ASokoban v1.1
⌐ 1993 Panagiotis Christias
ASokoban is an implementation of the UNIX game Sokoban for the Amiga. It has
the original 85 levels of the UNIX game, which means that if have already played
the original game, you will find ASokoban's stages familiar).
Additionally , ASokoban has a nice user-friendly 2.0 GUI ( designed with
GadToolsBox ) , undo and backup functions , and uses the best existing library
(ReqTools.lib) to popup all kind of requesters . It is fully multitasking, opens
its window on the workbench screen, and can be iconified easily.
Here are the instructions, for those who are not familiar with the game, but
still want to play it!
ASokoban does not need any special kind of installation.As a matter of fact,
it does not need any kind of installation. You should only copy Reqtools.library
into your LIBS: directory (if it isn't there already!) and you're ready.
You can start ASokoban either from the CLI ( ASokoban detaches itself nicely
from the CLI right after being launched ) , or from the Workbench by clicking on
its icon.
You control a strange pair of eyes through the maze of each level . Your
purpose is to push all the pieces of money into the safe , which is the colored
(blue) area of the maze . You can ONLY push the money ; you cannot pull it, pick
it up, or anything else. There is no time limit (you sit all day trying to solve
a level ) . If want a better highscore you can try to solve a level with the
minimum pushes and moves. The eyes can be moved using the cursor keys (best way)
or by pressing and holding down the left mouse button . Once you have gathered
all the money packets in the safe, you can proceed to the next level.
The playfield is surrounded by several gadgets. These are:
New : Starts a new game at the current level (useful when you've stuck).
Undo : Undoes the last push (not the last move!).
Set Level : Lets you choose the level to play. Actually, it works only
backwards, giving you the chance to replay previous levels.
High Scores : Displays the high score list.
About : Easy...
Backup : "Saves" temporarily your position (before a risky step).
Restore : Restores the previously "saved" position.
Name : Pops up a file requester to select the name of the file you want
to save your position and high scores for another time. Note that
your level position will also be saved in this file, allowing you
to continue the next time from the current level. By default, the
name of the file is "ASokoban.data" . This name is displayed in
the string gadget on the right of the name gadget . The file name
can also be changed by writing directly on the string gadget.
Load : Loads the data file.
Save : Saves the data file (happens automatically on exit).
Extra information is displayed on the right of the playfield. This is the
level , the total level money packets , the saved money packets , and the total
moves and pushes of the eyes.
You quit ASokoban either by pressing the close gadget or by pressing 'q'.
No hint and tips. The game isn't easy but I can guarantee that every level
has its solution (maybe unique sometimes, but existing). 8^)
No known bugs. Sometimes, when using the mouse to guide the eyes, they seem
to stick on the mouse pointer even when the mouse button isn't pressed. It's no
real bug , it can even be useful moving the eyes quickly through the maze . For
those who may like this "feature" a certain way to cause it is to press the
keyboard equivalent (LEFTALT+LEFTAMIGA) of the left mouse button once. Pressing
the left mouse button again brings things back to normal.
ASokoban is giftware , meaning that , if you like , you can send me anything
(money, your programs, PD software, postcards, pizzas etc.) . It also means that
it is copyright 1993 ⌐ Panagiotis Christias (me) and it is freely distributable,
as long as all of its files are included in their original form without
additions , deletions , or modifications of any kind , and only a nominal fee is
charged for its distribution. This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty
of any kind, either expressed or implied. By using ASokoban, you agree to accept
the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program.
1.0a : First stable version. Distributed among my friends only for beta
1.0b : First official release.
1.1 : Compiled with SAS C 6.1 using Reqtools.library 2.1. Undo bug fixed
(found it myself!). Now ASokoban saves its position automatically
on exit ( reported by Kriton Kyrimis ) . Level 15 bug fixed , now
ASokoban counts as saved packets which are in the safe from the
beginning of a level (like level 15 ) . First reported by Carsten
Steger . When loading a datafile maxlevel won't decrease if max-
level of datafile is smaller than current maxlevel . Suggested by
Sebastian Delmont.
This project was started in order to explore and learn the new features of
KS 2.0 . Special thanks to Commodore for KS 2.0 , Nico Franτois for ReqTools
Library, and Jan van den Baard for GadToolsBox. All of them have done a splendid
job. Thanks!
If you have any suggestions, found any bugs, want the source of ASokoban ,
or just like the program , you can contact me via e-mail ( preferably ) or
snail-mail :
e-mail: christia@theseas.ntua.gr "Thanks, Amiga / / / /
or phri@leon.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr for not being / / / /
a PC!"______ / / / /
address: Panagiotis Christias \ \ \ \/ / / /
Argirokastrou 40, Papagou 15669 \ \ \/\/ / /
Athens, GREECE \ \/\/\/ /
Notice : If you'ld like to see in the future a level editor for ASokoban let me