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MailMinder 1.20 (Beta)
Every UUCP package needs the animated mailbox icon on the desktop, and
since Dillon's UUCP package is minus this feature, I decided to implement
it myself. MailMinder is a workbench-only application (does not run
from the CLI - it just prints an error message). Typically, you will
drag the MailMinder icon into your WBStartup so it can be launched
automatically by Workbench when you boot up. MailMinder basically
puts an apicon on your workbench that looks like a mailbox. If you
have no mail, the flag is down. If you have mail, the flag goes up.
It's that simple.
MailMinder uses ToolTypes to give it added flexibility. The possible
tooltypes are:
IFMAIL=command_string (full path)
CLICKMAIL=command_string (full path)
CLICKNOMAIL=command_string (full path)
MAILDIR must be specified. This specifies the path to the mail file
(path, not name) to be watched.
USERNAME must be specified. This specifies the filename to be watched.
HASMAIL must be specified. This is the name of the .info file to display
when the user has mail.
NOMAIL must be specified. THis is the name of the .info file to display
when the user has no mail.
LOGFILE is optional. If specified, error messages are printed to this file.
If not specified, no error messages are possible.
IFMAIL is optional. If specified, when the user has mail, the command string
is executed.
CLICKMAIL is optional. If specified, when the user has mail and the icon is
clicked on, the command string is executed.
CLICKNOMAIL is optional. If specified, when the user has no mail and the icon is
clicked on, the command string is executed.
DONOTWAIT is required if you want to have MailMinder run from your WBSTARTUP
The mailminder.info file that comes with this distribution illustrates some of the
possibilities for how to set up your tooltypes. In my case, I have it set up to
startup a newcli running DNews when you click on the icon when there is mail. I
removed the MailReadyCmd variable from my uulib:config file, since it isn't really
needed anymore. Theoretically, you can have MailMinder startup AnyMail (or whatever)
when it is clicked on...
My setup has
MAILDIR=uumail: (where my mail comes)
USERNAME=mykes (that's me)
HASMAIL=uucp:c/havemail (you can put the icons wherever you want)
NOMAIL=uucp:c/nomail (you can put this icon wherever, also)
LOGFILE=uuspool:mmerrs (mailminder's error log)
If you run mailminder from the cli, it simply prints an error message and quits.
Since MailMinder has no stdout, I chose to have it print its error messages
to the logfile. If you are having trouble getting it to work, check the logfile!
If you want, you can run two MailMinders at the same time to watch different incoming
files. I happen to use it to watch my uumail:mykes and my uumail:grnbugs. I get
two icons as you'd expect. I used WBLink by Dave Schreiber to create a link to
MailMinder and simply changed the tooltypes for the link's .info file to what
I wanted.
If you want to manually start MailMinder, simply doubleclick the icon. If you want
to kill a particular MailMinder, doubleclick the icon again.
The enclosed example email-startup script is from my s: directory. It is
executed by a CLI started up when the AppIcon is doubleclicked and there IS
Please send any bug reports, enhancement requests, and especially prettier icons
to me at mykes@amiga0.sf-bay.org.
Fixed in 1.10
1. MailMinder now treats a zero length mbox (or whatever) as if it doesn't
exist. This makes it work great with Elm and other mail programs
that don't delete the files they use.
Fixed in 1.20
1. Included new icons sent by users.
2. Added MailMinder to the GRn distribution.
Included with MailMinder are custom Icons drawn by Paul Broe, Dave Connors,
Stephan Lussier, and Andy Wright. My thanks to these guys! Special thanks
to Andy Wright, who passes along some very nifty scripts and such to go
along with MailMinder.