blittermasks, Amiga sprites, IFF ILBMs, workbench icons and lots of
variations on these main formats.\n
You can also save the picture's palette in a variety of formats, including
ordinary raw 4, 8, or 32 bits-per-gun, Amiga copperlists, IFF ILBM and more.\n
All saves can be done in either binary, as linkmodules (objectfiles), or in
sourcecode (assembler, C or Pascal).\n\n
The pictures which contain your images can be stored in IFF ILBM or any
format you've got datatypes' support for as the datatypes.library supplied
with OS3.0 is used (if present) by PicCon. RAW images and workbench icons
can also be loaded (for e.g. reediting).\n\n
Some simple (but, in this context, useful) imageprocessing tools have been
included in version 2 of PicCon, like pen remapping, palette compression
and pen usage statitics. Other features that have proved very handy for
time-saving purposes are the "gridsave", "autocrop" and "autoscan" functions.
The "autoscan" function makes it possible to process a whole picture full
of images in one operation. The "gridsave" feature lets you save hundreds
of e.g. maptiles for backgroundgraphics in a game in a single command.\n\n
Morten Eriksen
Two (non-essential) functions disabled, program exits after two saves.
OS3.0 (V39) or later.
$15(US), GBP #10, FFR 75, DM 25, NKR 100, SKR 100, DKR 100 or an equal amount in any other currency.
Jonsborgvn.18, 7563 Malvik, NORWAY
96K - 171K
SAS/C 6.0
A500, A1200, A4000, 0.5 - 2MB CHIP, 0 - 6MB FAST, 68000, 68EC020, 68EC030, 68030, 68040, OS V39 - V40, all screenmodes on all monitors distributed with OS3.0 except the A2024, MMU, FPU, no hits found with either Enforcer or Mungwall.
Morten Eriksen (
PicCon PicCon is short for "Picture Converter". This is a utility
made for programmers, which will convert IFF ILBMs plus any
picture format you've got support for in your datatypes
library to an appropriate image format. This is an essen-
tial stage mainly in the development of games, but is also
useful in development of other software (like demos, appli-
cations, etc.). Not only whole pictures can be converted,
but also parts of pictures can be cut out to be saved as
e.g. sprites or small bitplanes. Version 2.01, binary