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- 1988 April 1 OAKLISP(1)
- oaklisp - The CMU implementation of Oaklisp
- oakliszt - The Oaklisp file compiler
- scheme - Oaklisp with R3RS compatibility package
- oaklisp [switches ...]
- oakliszt file [locale [switches ...]]
- scheme [switches ...]
- _O_a_k_l_i_s_p is an object-oriented dialect of Scheme. This
- implementation is highly portable, compiling to a virtual
- machine which is emulated by a C program. Nevertheless,
- reasonable speed is achieved through a variety of sophisti-
- cated techniques.
- -h x Set newspace size (in bytes) to x; default is 256k.
- -Q Suppress all gc related output.
- -d -b Dump the world when _o_a_k_l_i_s_p stops itself.
- -G Perform a full gc before dumping the world.
- If none of these are set _O_a_k_l_i_s_p will still work correctly.
- Users compiling long files sometimes set OAKLISZT to "-h 2m"
- in their initialization files.
- OAKPATH Parent directory of the system. No trailing /.
- OAKLISP Switches for _o_a_k_l_i_s_p, _o_a_k_l_i_s_z_t, and _s_c_h_e_m_e.
- OAKLISZT Switches for _o_a_k_l_i_s_z_t alone.
- OAKSCHEME Switches for _s_c_h_e_m_e alone.
- etc/emulator Virtual machine emulator.
- lib/oaklisp.ol Vanilla boot image.
- lib/oaklisp.olc Boot image including compiler.
- lib/oaklisp.olz Batch compiler boot image.
- lib/oaklisp.ols R3RS compatible boot image.
- _T_h_e _O_a_k_l_i_s_p _L_a_n_g_u_a_g_e _a_n_d _I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n _M_a_n_u_a_l_s are avail-
- able as CMU CS technical report number CMU-CS-87-103. They
- are also available online at CMU in
- 1
- OAKLISP(1) 1988 April 1
- /../doghen/usr/bap/oak/doc/{lang/lang.PS,lim/lim.PS}, and
- can be anonymously FTPed from DOGHEN.BOLTZ.CS.CMU.EDU, aka
- _O_a_k_l_i_s_p: _a_n _O_b_j_e_c_t-_O_r_i_e_n_t_e_d _D_i_a_l_e_c_t _o_f _S_c_h_e_m_e appears in the
- first issue of the journal _L_i_s_p _a_n_d _S_y_m_b_o_l_i_c _C_o_m_p_u_t_a_t_i_o_n
- published by Klewer Associates, May 1988.
- _O_a_k_l_i_s_p: _a_n _O_b_j_e_c_t-_O_r_i_e_n_t_e_d _S_c_h_e_m_e _w_i_t_h _F_i_r_s_t _C_l_a_s_s _T_y_p_e_s
- appeared in the ACM conference OOPSLA-86, whose proceedings
- were published as a special issue of _S_I_G_P_L_A_N _N_o_t_i_c_e_s.
- _T_h_e _R_e_v_i_s_e_d^_3 _R_e_p_o_r_t _o_n _S_c_h_e_m_e is also a useful piece of
- documentation, and is available as an MIT technical report.
- The _O_a_k_l_i_s_p copyright belongs to its authors. In the spirit
- of the Free Software Foundation, permission is granted to
- use or redistribute _O_a_k_l_i_s_p freely and without fee, under
- the conditions that neither it nor any derivative work be
- sold and that the copyright notices remain clearly
- displayed. _O_a_k_l_i_s_p may be included in larger systems, such
- as the software bundled by manufacturers with their comput-
- ers, provided that the legal status of _O_a_k_l_i_s_p itself
- remains clear and that source is distributed when techni-
- cally feasible.
- Floating point numbers are not supported. Rationals can be
- used to make up for this lack.
- In contrast to the error handling system, which is Indus-
- trial Strength, the debugger is nonexistent.
- There is no foreign function interface for loading and cal-
- ling C routines from a running Oaklisp.
- Bug reports and enhancements should be sent to
- Barak.Pearlmutter@CS.CMU.EDU or, for those without access to
- computer mail,
- Barak Pearlmutter
- School of Computer Science
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213
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- 1988 April 1 OAKLISP(1)
- Kevin Lang and Barak Pearlmutter.
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