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NewList 5.0a
(too good to be GNUlist!)
Phil Dietz
PO Box 306
Yutan, Nebraska
This is TuitionWare. Send some bucks to help me get through college.
(It's only a buck. It's not like $35.00 that some dingos ask for.
"What! You expect Jack Radigan to send FREE updates for a measly
$35.00! You have to be kidding!" -- many USENET posters
Forget them. I care for my customers. No matter how much you give,
no matter how far away you live, I'll send you updates! I ain't no
fogey stogey author getting rich. BTW (by the way), I think Jack
is going to be on "Life Styles of the Rich and Famous" next month.
Oh yeah. Spread this mother too! Upload it to your favorite BBS.
Upload it to GENIE, Compu-Serve, etc. Offer it to your User Group
for inclusion. Spread it like those lamey viruses seem to do.
NOTE: all documentation must accompany newlist. With exception to
Fred Fish, all commercial PD disk makers must notify me of
my inclusion (you won't be denied though).
What is Newlist?
AmigaDOS is great. It not only allows you to manipulate files
graphically VIA workbench, but it also allows you to manipulate
files on a command line basis. Commodore utilized the command
line interface by offering powerful commands to help the user
do what he wants to do. One of the handiest is LIST. It not only
gives a directory listing of names, but also offers filesizes, file
protection, and file creation.
But LIST isn't perfect. It doesn't offer much sorting. It doesn't
offer much customization. It doesn't allow name filters. It doesn't
offer much flexibility or power. TRUE, LIST is small, but
sometimes POWER comes first.
What does that mean?
NewList offers the SPEED of list, and the POWER of a database.
Now directories can be sorted not only by name, but also by size or
date. Now directories can be sorted through an alphabet filter
so only certain files will be shown (like D through G). A quick
option has been added to utilize the screen space, so no more
2 column output by MR. dir. Are you tired of the date format?
Want to customize your print format? Now you can create your own!
Newlist offers complete customization of output, powerful manipulation
and sorting of files, many nice and thought out options, and much
much more.
Ain't it like LS?
Well sorta. LS and LS-jr are very good LIST replacements. They
are quick and offer UNIX compatibility. Newlist is JAM PACKED with
options. The best of ls, the best of dr, the best of list, and bunches
of special features are all put in one package. With NewList, the user
is given processing power. You can sort a directory the way YOU want it.
Newlist was designed to be quick and offer all the MEAT commands
most CLI users need. From the ground level on up, newlist was
optimized and new features were designed to be their quickest.
Fast flexible file manipulation, nice powerful customization,
and all those extra 'goodies' were melded into one.
Features of NewList:
1) It's PURE! NewList is REALLY quick if it's resident.
2) Very fast algorithms.
3) Completely dynamic.
4) Tons of sorts and filters (including the needed BY DATE!)
5) Full UNIX WILDCARDs (n*l*s? = newlist) and character filtering.
6) ANSI.
7) a slick multi-columnar quick option to utilize screen space.
8) ENV: support!
9) A slick date construction kit with 8 premades.
10) Print construction kit with 2 premades (ls-jr and list)
12) Fast non-recursive recursive directories! (a mouthful ain't it)
13) Multiple paths.
14) A hunt mode.
15) Tons and Tons and Tons O' Flags and Switches!
Usage: NewList ?
NewList 5.0a by Phil Dietz NCEMRSoft
NewList [FLAGS ie. -q -v] <paths and UNIX wildcards>
o Overlook ENV:NEWLIST a Don't use Today, Yesterday, etc.
b Display blocks k Display diskkeys
d0...7 Eight date/time formats df "string" Custom date. See docs
r Display list in reverse n Display comments
s Sort by name ss Sort by file size
sd Sort by date sc Sort by comment
h No header i Ignore .info files
gd Show ONLY dirs gf Show ONLY files
gb Show BOTH dirs/files grouped u Show DEVICE: usage info
fA Files start with A tZ Files go to Z
c CASE sensative with -f -t z C= list style directories
q Quick option qs Quick option with file sizes
v Vertical sort quick columns p Page prompt when screen is full
y # Use # columns for quick l # Show files made in last # days
x # Max # dir-levels to enter T No totals
R Enter sub-directories W Enter uses wildcard on ALL levels
H Hunt for files on disk Q No system requesters
F Custom format string " %p %U %d %b %k %s %v %c %C %N %n %P \nte "
NOTE: each flag must have a - identifier. ie -q -sd -i -z -l 20 -F "%P"
[-o] When you want to OVERLOOK the ENV:NEWLIST variable. Using
[-o] (or any another overriding flag) yields the normal
print-as-being-read format. This print-as-being-read format
can be helpful for checking what order some programs will
process files ['GIFFY' displays GIFs in this order]
[-a] Forgets about the TODAY, YESTERDAY, bologna.
[-b] [-k] Instead of the default display of filesize, newlist will
instead display BLOCKS or DISKKEYS respectively.
[-d0...7] Eight different pre-made date formats ranging from the
fully expanded 1st grade letterhead (Friday, November 9, 1990,
05:30:24 PM), to the default LIST format, to Euro-Styles to slashes,
dots and dashes, to DateStamp values (Handy for programmers!).
[-df] Allows you to create your own Date format. The format is
-df "DATE STRING". Here are the flags available:
y => year minus 1900
Y => full year value
m => month value as integer
M => month name
d => day of month (1..31)
D => day name ("Monday".."Sunday")
h => hour in twenty-four hour notation
H => hour in twelve hour notation
i => 12 hour indicator for H notation (AM or PM)
I => same as i
n => minutes (sorry...conflict with m = months)
N => same as n
s => seconds
S => same as s
t => prints TODAY, YESTERDAY, or Day of the week if applicable.
If the file doesn't fall in the last week, it will be
T => Two must be present. Mark off block which will be
substituted with today, yesterday, if applicable.
If not applicable, it will process the inner block.
(ie -df "Date: %T%3M %2d%T" will sometimes print
Date: Today or Date: Mar 16)
Z => Abbreviated Day Name [Mon, Tue, etc.]
\n, \t, \e, \'=> Newline, tab, escape key, or quote ". \e can be used
to make neat ANSI sequences. See aliases 'color'.
Make a C string like printf.
-df "Date: %02d-%M-%02y at %02h:02n:02s"
Date: 11-Jan-90 at 01:03:20
It's Easy. It adds spice.
[-r] Displays a list in REVERSE from top to bottom. WHY?
Instead of waiting for the whole list to scroll by to see a
file at the bottom, you can reverse the list and ctrl-c to
stop quick! It's also handy when sorting by date. All of
the newest files will be displayed first.
[-s] Sorts files alphabetically. A synonym is [-sn].
[-ss] Sorts files by file size (or blocks or keys).
[-sd] Sorts files by date of creation. Very handy!!
[-sc] Sorts files by comments. If you use FileNotes wisely, you can
have your directories be grouped by file type. Simply
add a filenote to each file and give it a type (Picture, GIF,
Utility, NoiseTracker, etc.) Now when you view by [-sc],
the files will be grouped together by type! You can also use
the included alias 'dirtype' which will display the filetype
in a nice position.
[-gd|-gf] Groups the display so ONLY dirs or ONLY files are shown
respectively. Similar to 'dir dirs' or 'list dirs'
[-gb] Shows BOTH directories and files, all dirs then all files.
Output is similar to DIR.
[-u] Shows bytes FREE and bytes USED on disk. Now you can get
all your needed info with one command instead of a "dir
list info" combo. Note: due to RAM:'s variable size,
the bytes free will be zero.
[-n] Do you hate seeing those huge FILENOTES destroying your
directory list? This flag will toggle if you want to see them.
If not present, a simple "Comment" or "c" will be shown to tell
you "hey mister, you can read me if you wanna."
[-h] Doesn't display the header file.....ohhhhh.....big deal!
Well it does seem off place in the -q quick directory, so
it might help. Another LIST option (holy cow!)
[-c] When using the letter filters [-f -t], this flag will also take
into affect the CASE of the filter letter. So now only upper or
only lower case files can be displayed.
NOTE: [-fA] or [-tZ] MUST be set to an alphabetic character
to utilize case sensativity! The default letters are
SPACE and DEL, so [-c] will not work unless you change
one of them!
[-fA] The MINIMUM letter for the filter. Let's say you only want to
view files greater than or equal to t. Just set -ft. Very
handy for printing lists where you left off.
Remember -f as FROM A
[-tZ] The MAXIMUM letter for the filter. Only files less than or equal
to the letter will be shown. To see files h through l
Just set -fh -tl.
Remember -t as TO Z
[-i] Ignore *.info files!
[-l #] Show files made in the last # days.
Now you can view files that were made in the last two weeks
without viewing a whole directory. (ie nl -l 14)
[-y #] Force # columns for [-q] quick option. Use this option when
re-directing the output to a WIDE printer. ie. to utilize a
printer with 20 pitch type, use nl >prt: -q -y 9 dh0:
[-q] Gives a QUICK and easy listing of the directory. The entire
screen will be utilized and multi-columns will be created.
Names will be white, and directories will be another color.
Because of its simplicity, not all of the flags are usuable.
(like -df etc.)
[-qs] Quick option WITH file-sizes! A very very handy option very
similar to DIR opt s, but with multi-columns. Note: if you'd
rather see blocks or keys instead, add -b or -k (nl -qs -b)
[-F] Allows designing of custom print format. Now you can design the
way YOU want the output to be. Here are the flags supported:
%b - block size
%c - micro-comment 'c' if filenote available
%C - 'Comment' if filenote available
%d - Date (this date can be constructed with -df!)
%k - disk key
%n - file name
%N - filenote
%p - show protection bits
%P - file name with complete path
%s - file size
%v - variable output. Depends if [-b] [-k] or [none]
are used.
%U - UNIX protection bits. Adds d for dirs and l for links
Routine distinguishes directory and file links,
but not SoftLinks since they can be either!
\n, \t, \e, \' - Add newline, tab, escape charater, or quote ". These
sequences may be used to create neat ANSI stuff. Check
out an example in 'aliases'.
Here is a UNIX ls format example
-F " %U %c %4b %7s %d %n" -df "%M %2d %02h:%02n"
Custom print formats also allow easy batch script making!
This format will make a script file test.script that will
copy all *.c files in current dir to ram:
nl >test.script -F "copy %n to ram:" *.c
This format will make a script file test.script that will
copy ALL files made in the last 2 days to df1:
nl >test.script -l 2 -R -F "copy %P to df1:" *
So ya still like LS? Take off, ya hoser.
[-p] Turns on pagnation. When each the screen fills, a prompt
will be put up so you can read all the files before they fly by!
Press return to continue. To break the list enter q or quit or
quintessential-list-replacement.....anything with a q. :-)
[-R] Now non-recursively enters subdirectories. What is non-recursive
recursion? Simple. My stack is kept track by me and not by the
system. My stack doesn't waste the precious system stack,
therefore it can handle the standard 4000 bytes.
ie. nl -R -l 1 dh0: will show all files made since yesterday!
[-R] should be used when you want to see ALL the contents of
subdirectories. It's similiar to OPT ALL on dir. Note:
wildcards affect only the root level with [-R] whereas
wildcards affect EVERY level with hunt mode [-H].
ie nl [-R|-H|-W] dh0:c* will list
use [-R] use [-H]
candy/snickers candy/chocolate
Cars/datsun cars/cadillac
Cars/cadillac drinks/coffee
Cars/yugo lemons/cray-computer
(all files in dirs starting with c)(only files starting with c in all dirs)
Note: WB2.0 allows links. Since I don't have WB2.0 to test them, I
made newlist not enter linked directories. As soon as I obtain
WB2.0, I will add link traversals.
[-W] Will exclusively use wildcard to match files and sub-directories
on EVERY level. Default mode for [-R] is to use wildards only
on the root level. Now ONLY files matching wildcard will be shown
and ONLY subdirectories matching wildcard will be entered.
use [-W]
(Only files starting with c in dirs starting with c)
[-W] is the method that ls uses- enter only dirs matching pat
[-H] Hunt files down. Will recursively enter subdirectories, but
will enter all directories regardless of wildcards, etc. Why?
Now let's say you want a list of all 'c' files on your harddisk.
Simply nl -H dh0:*.c
Besides matching wildcards, [-H] will also accept the other
conditional flags (like -f -i -l etc.)
Now you can list all capitalized *.info files on your harddisk...
nl -H -fA -c dh0:*.info
[-H] enters every directory it finds (up to -x #) levels and
tries to match corresponding files.
[-x #] Tells to enter only # subdirectories. Otherwise it will enter
every sub-directory it will find. Use with [-R and -H]
<paths> the directories to view. You can view as many directories at once
as you like. Simple add it's path. Wildcards are supported.
(Yes, UNIX style and yes, complex. ie. *ew?is* = newlist)
Each new path may have a totally different wildcard
[ie newlist ram:*.c df0:*.lzh c:d?r df1:]
Paths will be entered from right to left.
All of the flags and paths can be used in any order.
newlist dh0:*.c -s -r df1:*.o = newlist -r dh0:*.c df1:*.o -s
All of the flags can be used together (-q has exceptions):
You can view a directory through a case sensative character filter,
of files made in the last 2 weeks, sorted by date in reverse order,
showing block size , with a custom dateformat string, custom
print string, hiding .info files, paging, using a UNIX wildcard,
etc. etc.
Environment Variable support:
ENV: variables are NOW supported. Now long customized argument
lists can be spared! The variable ENV:NEWLIST contains any flags
you want to have automagically set upon initializing newlist5a. To
utilize the ENV: support, use ED and create ENV:NEWLIST by
typing in the flags you want to have default (ie. -r -sd). Easy.
With ENV: comes a diminished return. Now if you want the standard
'list' type display (files out of order and displayed as they are read)
, then the [-o] option must be used.
NOTE: to override the ENV:NEWLIST, you can enter [-o] or you can type
any different flag. Suppose ENV:NEWLIST is "-r -sd -d3",
to sort by size: nl -o -ss or simply nl -ss
Easier wat to Create ENV: variables:
Make sure ENV: is assigned to a permanent directory. Now use the
Commodore supplied command setenv. Here is ENV:newlist setting:
setenv newlist "-sd -u -i -gb -a"
Tired of ENV: not being read?
Do you want to add just one more flag to ENV: (like -i or -p), but
find out that ENV: is ignored all together? The solution is to create
aliases. Aliases will guarentee that certain flags will be set no matter
what "extras" you give it. I have included some basic ones in the file,
'Aliases'. Append it to s:Shell-Startup. Now when you want to add
paging and list reversal to an ls-style dir, enter ls -p -r.
Comments: First off. Rename newlist to nl (for newlist), stick it in
your c: directory, and PURE it (protect c:nl +p). People use
names that are short and you know that you want to type nl
instead of newlist.
Now edit your Startup-Sequence to make nl RESIDENT upon bootup.
(add RESIDENT c:nl PURE or ARES c:nl, depending if you use
Workbench or ARP)
Enjoy. Keep in mind: this is a very useful tool. A tool that
costs only a few dollars. It's a blue light special :-)
Bare with me if Newlist doesn't like your set-up. Please
write me if you encounter any bugs or heinous crashes.
Phil Dietz -- NCEMRSoft
PO Box 306
Yutan, Nebraska 68073