Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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150 lines
A CP/M emulator for the Amiga
Release one : 3 - October - 1988
(C) Copyright By Ulf Nordquist.
This software package emulates a CPM computer with a Z80 processor connected
to an ADM3A terminal.
This software may only be used for non-commercial purposes, but may be freely
distributed as long as all the files in the package is kept together.
The package consists of these files:
The source code:
cz.a (the main module)
ce.a,(the bios, bdos and terminal emulator)
zek.a, zekcb.a, zekdd.a, zeked.a (the Z80 emulator)
The link command file:
This file:
How to use it
Before you start the emulator, assign a: to the directory where the cpm
files are.
[ Ed. Note: i.e. assuming undisturbed use of this disk:
1> Assign a: AmigaLibdisk165:CPM/DriveA
-Fred ><> ]
The program has four menues:
Menu Project
This gives the expected result
List the version number for the modules and the task address
This also gives the expected result
Menu Windows
Z80 processor
Opens a window which shows the Z80 registers. It also has three
gadgets: Step - Stop/Run - Reset
Step: Executes the next instruction, the Z80 must be stopped
for this to work
Stop: Stops the Z80 processor, the gadget then changes to a
Run gadget
Reset: Exit to the A> prompt
Trap Esc Seq
Gives a requester when the terminal emulator finds an undefined
escape sequence sent to it, normally such escape sequences are
Log to File
Asks for a file name. Opens this file and logs all activity in
the console window to it
Increments a counter for each Z80 instruction as it is emulated,
and for each BDOS and BIOS call. Max count is 255.
Save Count
Asks for a file name. Writes the count result so far as a binary
image to it. This file is organized as this:
byte $00 - $ff - one byte opcodes
byte $100-$1ff - $cb two byte opcodes
byte $200-$2ff - $dd two byte opcodes
byte $300-$3ff - $ed two byte opcodes
byte $400-$4ff - $fd two byte opcodes
byte $500-$57f - BDOS calls
byte $580-$5ff - BIOS calls
Note. This is a binary file. To be able to look at it by an editor,
convert it to hex format by using opt h with type.
Example: type >file cpm.count opt h
Asks for a file name. Writes the address in hex for each instruction
as it is emulated to it.
Apart from these menues, the program is used as any CP/M computer
Programs the emulator has been tested with
--- First the programs that works ---
D - seems to work alright
M80, L80 - seems to work alright
I have assembled and linked the program SPIRAL.MAC and ASMTEST.MAC
ZSID - seems to work alright
I have used ZSID to try to find why MBasic, WordStar and TurboPascal
did not work.
MBasic - seems to work alright
I have run the program SUPTRK3.BAS
WordStar - I have some problems with this
WordStar is unable to find the end of files, it just ignores if bdos20
(read sequential) returns $ff as end of file flag
TurboPascal - here are also some problems
Compile to disk does not work, it says that the disk is full (which it
is not)
However I have edited, compiled to memory and run the file TEST.PAS
--- Now for the program that do not work ---
PIP - copy from CON: to a file works, but copy from file to file does not
work either it gives a disk write or a disk read error
SUBMIT - nothing happens, just a little disk activity
XSUB - it just says: Xsub Already Present
Thanks to:
Matt Dillon for the editor
Charlie Gibbs for the assembler
Metadigm, Inc. for the debugger
Commodore-Amiga, Inc. for the computer
Comments and bug reports are welcome:
Ulf Nordquist
Brunnehagen 36
417 47 Gothenburg