Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Assembly Source File
492 lines
;* ListScanner.asm by HEIKO RATH
;* Copyright 1988 by the Software Brewery
;* This program may be non-commercially distributed.
;* This little program is intented to printout all ExecLists. It will only
;* work from CLI, WB-starting is senseless. To redirect the output to a file
;* use the standart DOS file redirection (ListScanner >filename). The output
;* contains the name of node, the type and the priority.
;* A note to Leo Schwab: keep on developing display hacks.
;* Heiko Rath
;______ /
;______\O - The Software Brewery -
; \\
; o Sparkling, fresh software from W.-Germany
; @@@@@ Straight from the bar to your Amiga
; |~~~|\
; | | |/
; |___| With our regards to the Software Distillery
;Members are (listed alphabetically):
;Christian Balzer alias <CB>, Lattice C, user interfaces, beer addict.
;Christof Bonnkirch alias KEY, Aztec C, Hardware & Devices, beer adict.
;Heiko Rath alias <HR>, Assembler, ROM-Kernal stuff, Marabou addict.
;Peter Stark alias PS, Lattice C, IO & utilities, WordStar addict.
;Ralf Woitinas alias RAF, Assembler, anything, Ray-Tracing addict.
;Torsten Wronski alias MM, Assembler, anything, girls addict.
;Beverages: Altenmuenster Brauer Bier, Urfraenkisches Landbier, Grohe Bock.
;Send exotic drinks, beautyful girls, $$$$, comments, critizism, flames to:
;The Software Brewery
;Christian Balzer
;Im Wingertsberg 45
;D-6108 Weiterstadt
;Our BBS "AmigaNode" isn't online yet. As soon as it becomes available,
;you'll be the first to know :-).
;Send the above stuff and of course MARABOU-CHOCOLATE to:
;Heiko Rath (AAAARRRRGGGHHH, where is my Marabou chocolate??)
;D-6108 Weiterstadt
ExecBase Equ 4
;*** Exec Offsets:
OpenLibrary Equ -552 ;OpenLibrary (LibName,version)(a1,d0)
CloseLibrary Equ -414 ;CloseLibrary (Library)(a1)
Forbid Equ -132 ;Forbid ()()
Permit Equ -138 ;Permit ()()
AllocMem Equ -198 ;AllocMem (bytesize,requirement)(d0,d1)
FreeMem Equ -210 ;FreeMem (memoryblock,bytesize)(a1,d0)
;*** DOS Offsets:
OutPut Equ -60 ;OutPut ()
Write Equ -48 ;Write (file,buffer,length)(d1,d2,d3)
;*** I use these Macros to make things easier for me
doit: MACRO
move.l #\1.txt,d2 ;address of listname to d2
bsr TextOutPut ;output listname
move.l #HeadLine,d2 ;address of HeadLine to d2
bsr TextOutPut ;output HeadLine
move.l \1,d0 ;offset of listhead to d0
bsr Showlist ;output list
;*** Here we go:
DosOpen: ;opens DOS-library, saves DOSBasepointer
;saves stdout
move.l ExecBase,a6 ;Execaddress to a6 (only to be sure)
move.l #DOSNAME,a1 ;Librarynamepointer to a1
moveq #0,d0 ;any version
jsr OpenLibrary(a6) ;try to open DOS-Libary
tst.l d0 ;is d0 = NULL?
beq ErrorExit ;exit if call wasn't successfull
move.l d0,DOSBase ;save DOSBasepointer
move.l d0,a6 ;move DOSBasepointer to a6
jsr OutPut(a6) ;identify the initial output handle
move.l d0,stdout ;save stdout
;from here we call the PrintOutPut-subroutine to output
;the listnames and then we call the Showlist-subroutine
start: ;to printout the contents of the lists.
move.l #Text,d2
bsr TextOutPut
doit memlist ;output Memorylist
doit reslist ;output Resourcelist
doit devlist ;output Devicelist
doit intrlist ;output Interruptlist
doit liblist ;output Librarylist
doit portlist ;output Portlist
doit trdylist ;output Taskreadylist
doit twtlist ;output Taskwaitinglist
doit smlist ;output Semaphorlist
move.l ExecBase,a6 ;ExecBase to a6
move.l DOSBase,a1 ;DOS-pointer to a1
move.l ExecBase,a6 ;Exec-pointer to a6
jsr CloseLibrary(a6) ;close DOS
rts ;CLI here I come again!!!!
;* Showlist II 11.1.87
;* by Heiko Rath
;* Raiffeisenstr.10a
;* D-6108 Weiterstadt
;* West-Germany
;* Tel.06150-2658
;* PURPOSE: print out Exec-Systemlist (address of Node,
;* type, priority, name of Node)
;* ROUTINETYPE: subroutine
;* SYNTAX: bsr Showlist (Exec-offset to list)(d0)
;* ENTRY CONDITIONS: needs DOSlibrary opened and stdout defined
;* also needs DOS-'Write' offset -48 defined.
;* It also needs binhex subroutine.
;* RETURNS: none
;* BUGS: none
;* NOTE: none
;* CHANGED: nothing
;* USAGE: move.l Listoffset,d0
;* bsr Showlist
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) ;save registers
move.l ExecBase,a6 ;ExecBase to a6
jsr Forbid(a6) ;forbid taskswitching (very important,
; 'cause we are accessing Systemdata)
move.l a6,a0 ;Execpointer to a0
add.l d0,a0 ; + librarylistoffset=address of listhead
move.l a0,ListHead ;save address of listheader -=> ListHead
move.l (a0),a1 ;get address of 1.Node to a1
move.l a1,Node ;save address of 1.Node -=> Node
addq.l #4,a0
cmp.l a1,a0 ;list empty?
;(test if listhead points to listhead+4)
beq PrintLF ;yes -=> send LF and exit
moveq.l #1,d1 ;set counter to 1 'cause there is at least
; one node in the list
move.l (a1),a1 ;get address of next node to a1
tst.l (a1) ;see if contents of (a1) is NULL
beq.b EndCount ;leave counting loop
addq.l #1,d1 ;increment counter by one
bra.b MyCountLoop ;do this once more
move.l d1,NodeCount ;save number of Nodes
move.l #48,d0 ;number of bytes per node
mulu d1,d0 ;bytes per node * NodeCount
addq.l #1,d0 ;add one for the bufferterminating Null
move.l d0,MyMemoryLength ;save lenght of Memoryblock
move.l #$10001,d1 ;requirements:MEMF_Public & Clear
jsr AllocMem(a6) ;get memory from system
move.l d0,MyMemoryBlock ;save address of Memoryblock
move.l d0,MyMemoryOffset ;save address of Memoryblock 2.time
tst.l d0 ;see if call was successfull
bne MoveNodeToBuffer ;yes -=> MoveNodeToBuffer
move.l #Err,d2 ;this code is only here, to inform the
bsr TextOutPut ; user that the AllocMem call wasn't
bra PrintLF ; successfull
move.l d0,a0 ;get address of MemoryBlock to a0
move.l MyMemoryLength,d1 ;get length to d1
move.b #' ',(a0)+ ;fill MyMemoryBlock with spaces
dbeq.b d1,fill ;is d1=NULL? (no-=>d1=d1-1-=>fill)
move.l MyMemoryOffset,a0 ;get address of MyMemoryOffset to a0
move.l Node,a1 ;get address of current node to a1
add.l #10,a1 ;address of namepointer to a1
move.l (a1),a1 ;get address of nodename to a1
moveq.l #0,d1 ;this is faster than clr.l d1
moveq.l #0,d2 ;set this to NULL for strlen
cmp.b (a1)+,d2 ;NULL?
beq.b strlentest ;yes -=>strlentest
addq.l #1,d1 ;increment d1 by one (stringlength)
bra.b strlen ;do the loop once more
cmp.b #28,d1 ;see if string is greater #28
ble.b DoCopy ;no (less or equal)-=>DoCopy
move.l #28,d1 ;set max.length to 28
move.l Node,a1 ;get address of node to a1
add.l #10,a1 ;address of namepointer to a1
move.l (a1),a1 ;get address of nodename to a1
tst.l d1 ;see if d1=0
bne DoTheCopy ;jump only if d1<>0
move.l #NoName,a1 ;get address of NoName to a1
moveq.l #7,d1 ;set length to 7 (length of 'No Name')
subq.l #1,d1 ;decrement d1 by 1
move.b 0(a1,d1),0(a0,d1) ;copy source to destination
dbf d1,CopyLoop ;decrement d1, if d1<0 then out of loop
move.l MyMemoryOffset,a0 ;get address of MyMemoryOffset to a0
move.b #'$',29(a0) ;store '$'
move.b #'$',39(a0) ;store '$'
move.b #'$',43(a0) ;store '$'
move.b #10,47(a0) ;store LF
move.l Node,a1 ;get Nodeaddress to a1
addq.l #8,a1 ;add 8 to get address of Type
moveq.l #0,d0 ;clear d0
move.w (a1),d0 ;get Type & Priority to d0
move.l #Buffer,a0 ;get bufferaddress to a0
bsr binhex ;convert address to ASCII
move.w Buffer+6,d0 ;get converted Type & Priority to d0
move.l MyMemoryOffset,a0 ;get address of MyMemoryOffset to a0
move.w d0,44(a0) ;copy Priority to MyMemoryBlock
move.w Buffer+4,d0 ;get converted Priority to d0
move.w d0,40(a0) ;copy Type to MyMemoryBlock
move.l Node,d0 ;get Nodeaddress to d2
move.l MyMemoryOffset,a0 ;get address of MyMemoryOffset to a0
add.l #30,a0 ;add 30 to get storeaddress
bsr binhex ;convert address to ASCII
add.l #48,MyMemoryOffset ;do this for the next loop
move.l Node,a1 ;get nodeaddress to a1
move.l (a1),Node ;save address of next node
move.l MyMemoryOffset,d0 ;get MyMemoryOffset to d0
addq.l #1,d0
move.l MyMemoryBlock,d1 ;get MyMemoryBlock to d1
add.l MyMemoryLength,d1 ;add MyMemoryLength to d1
cmp.l d0,d1 ;see if we have to loop once more
bne TheLoop ;if <> -=> TheLoop
move.l MyMemoryBlock,a0 ;get address of MyMemoryBlock to a0
add.l MyMemoryLength,a0 ;add length to MyMemoryBlock
subq.l #1,a0 ;decrement address by one
move.b #0,(a0) ;set last byte of MyMemoryBlock to NULL
move.l MyMemoryBlock,d2 ;get address of MyMemoryBlock to d2
bsr TextOutPut ;print out the complete buffered list
move.l MyMemoryBlock,a1 ;get address of MyMemoryBlock to a1
move.l MyMemoryLength,d0 ;get length of MyMemoryBlock to d0
jsr FreeMem(a6) ;free the allocated RAM
move.l #LF,d2 ;get address of LF-string to d2
bsr.b TextOutPut ;and get it out via DOS-Write & stdout
jsr Permit(a6) ;permit taskswitching (I think Dos enables
; this for you, but I do this to be sure
; that taskswitching is now allowed.)
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ;restore Registers
;* TextOutPut
;* by Heiko Rath
;* Raiffeisenstr.10a
;* D-6108 Weiterstadt
;* West Germany
;* Tel.06150-2658
;* PURPOSE: output a NULL-terminated string via stdout
;* ROUTINE TYPE: subroutine
;* SYNTAX: bsr TextOutPut (stringaddress)(d0)
;* ENTRY CONDITIONS: needs DOSlibrary opened and stdout defined
;* also needs DOS-'Write' offset -48 defined.
;* RETURNS: none
;* NOTE: its better if the string is really NULL-terminated
;* CHANGED: nothing
;* USAGE: move.l #Textaddress,d2
;* bsr TextOutPut
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) ;save registers
move.l d2,a0 ;address to a0
clr.l d3 ;count = 0
tst.b (a0)+ ;is it NULL ?
beq.b PMsg ;yes: -=> determine length
addq.l #1,d3 ;count = count+1
bra.b CountLoop ;test next byte
move.l stdout,d1 ;get stdout to d1
move.l DOSBase,a6 ;move DOSBase to a6
jsr Write(a6) ;write the Text
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ;reserve registers
;* binhex
;* by Heiko Rath
;* PURPOSE: Convert a binary value in a register to
;* a hex ASCII string at the destination address
;* SYNTAX: bsr binhex (source(long),destination) (d0.l,a0)
;* bsr binhexw (source(word),destination) (d0.w,a0)
;* bsr binhexb (source(byte),destination) (d0.b,a0)
;* RETURNS: ASCII string in destination address
;* NOTE: the destination place must contain 8 bytes for any
;* length (byte, word, longword)
;* CHANGED: Nothing
;* move #label,d0
;* move.l address,a0 ;converts the address at label to
;* bsr binhex ;string at address
;* move label,d0
;* move.l address,a0
;* bsr binhex ;conv contents at label
;* move #value,d0
;* move.l address,a0
;* bsr binhex ;convert immediate value
binhex: movem.l d0-d2/a0,-(sp) ;save registers
move.l #7,d2 ;get number of counts to d2
clr.l d1 ;clear work register
001$: rol.l #4,d0 ;move high nibble to low order
move.b d0,d1 ;get low order byte to d1
andi.b #$f,d1 ;isolate low order nibble
cmp.b #$0a,d1 ;is it a letter or a digit?
blt.b 002$ ;if digit -=> 002$
add.b #'A'-'0'-$0A,d1 ;offset for letters
002$: add.b #'0',d1 ;convert to ASCII
move.b d1,(a0)+ ;store it and increment storeaddress
dbf.b d2,001$ ;do the converting 8 times
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0 ;restore registers
; Variables:
DOSBase: dc.l 0 ;this contains the DOSlibraryaddress
stdout: dc.l 0 ;this contains stdout
Buffer: dc.b '00000000' ;At runtime this is the storage of
; Type & Priority
dc.l 0 ;At runtime this contains the
; address of the listheader
dc.l 0 ;At runtime this contains the
; address of the current node
dc.l 0 ;At runtime this contains the
; number of nodes in the list
dc.l 0 ;At runtime this contains the
; length of the memoryblock
dc.l 0 ;At runtime this contains the
; address of the memoryblock
dc.l 0 ;At runtime this contains the
; address of the memoryblock
; + 48 Bytes per finished node
; Constants:
memlist: dc.l $142 ;These are the offsets of the Exec-
reslist: dc.l $150 ; systemlists. To get the address
devlist: dc.l $15e ; of a listheader they are added to
intrlist: dc.l $16c ; ExecBase.
liblist: dc.l $17a
portlist: dc.l $188
trdylist: dc.l $196
twtlist: dc.l $1a4
smlist: dc.l $214
DOSNAME: cstring 'dos.library'
cnop 0,2
INTNAME: cstring 'intuition.library'
cnop 0,2
Err: dc.b '*** Out of Memory Error ***',0
cnop 0,2
NoName: dc.b 'No Name',0
cnop 0,2
LF: dc.b 10,0 ;LF
cnop 0,2
HeadLine: dc.b $9b,'4;32;40m'
dc.b 'Name: Address Type Pri'
dc.b $9b,'0;31;40m',10,0
cnop 0,2
dc.b $9b,'0;33;40m','ListScanner',$9b,'0;31;40m'
dc.b ' by Heiko Rath - copyright ',169,' by '
dc.b $9b,'1;31;40m','The Software Brewery',$9b,'0;31;40m',10
dc.b ' '
dc.b 'Raiffeisenstr.10a,D-6108 Weiterstadt,Tel.06150-2658',10
dc.b ' '
dc.b '(famous last words: Where is my Marabou chocolate?)'
dc.b 10,10,0
cnop 0,2
memlist.txt: dc.b 'MemoryList:',10,0
cnop 0,2
reslist.txt: dc.b 'ResourceList:',10,0
cnop 0,2
devlist.txt: dc.b 'DeviceList:',10,0
cnop 0,2
intrlist.txt: dc.b 'InterruptList:',10,0
cnop 0,2
liblist.txt: dc.b 'LibraryList:',10,0
cnop 0,2
portlist.txt: dc.b 'PortList:',10,0
cnop 0,2
trdylist.txt: dc.b 'TaskReadyList:',10,0
cnop 0,2
twtlist.txt: dc.b 'TaskWaitingList:',10,0
cnop 0,2
smlist.txt: dc.b 'SemaphoreList:',10,0