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/ Freelog Special Edition 11 / FreelogHS11.iso / Démos&Merveilles / Konsum / music.xm (.mp3) < prev    next >
Extended Module  |  1998-11-05  |  1MB  |  2 channels  |  44,100 sample rate  |  7 minutes, 52 seconds

last shadow.
xm (FastTracker 2 v1.04)
FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
last shadow
written by mentz
( LoK . Tdr )
I wrote this track way
before my Tdr release
'On me' but I thought
the bassline was shit.
Well, I tried to make
a new one . . . that
didn't work out . . .
I made this real fancy
one, but it was crap.
So, here's the track
with a new bassline
( less shitty than the
first one, but . . )
Oh . . . time for some
shouts . . .
I wanted to add a list
of ALL people who have
mailed me the couple
of weeks, but I forgot
to check all the names
at the fac( I'm a pour
student, got no I.net
at home ) So it looks
like you all have to
wait till next time !
Respect goes out to
the following people:
Assign (for frequently
asking for the Tdr-cd
track, thanx . . keeps
me going!), Paniq (for
being the koolest tech
-step tracker on the
net), Ganjaman & rest
of the kru (for being
LoK), Phume & rest of
the kru(for being new)
All people out there
who reacted . . thanx!
(for keeping me going)
Oh fuck, got to quit
or I'll cry !
euhm . . . oh yeah . .
always open!
l8r. mtz
last shadow - 7:48
(16bit) . . . almost.
(C)'98 S.Raab
don't you just love
the longwinded-mentz
-sleepy style?