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/ Fonts Pro 2002 / kf_2002.bin / 2002 / ttf / c / caslfi__.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1994-10-11  |  73KB
Labels: bulletin board | earth | fence | grass | reckoner | road | sky
OCR: abcde ghijkl mno pqrstuuwxy ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPORSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 1@#$% +=>,< The quick tbroun fox jumps ouer the lazy dag 18 The quick brown fox jum ps over the lazydog. 24 The quick fox jumps oeer the lazy dog. 36 The quick xo ium ps ooer the lazy d log. The quick brown ox um ps oOer the &ZD1 og 60 The ox um ps oaer the NZD1 log The ox um hs ooer the lazy abedef pqrstuwxyz MNOPORSTU ZXXMA guer broon