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/ Fantasia Fonts / Fonts_2000_Truetype_and_2000_Type_I_Fonts_Fantasia_1994.iso / unique / type1 / u24i____.pfb / u24i____.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1994-05-09  |  19KB
Labels: bulletin board | person | sky | stairs
OCR: abodetghijk/maopqrstu -Wxyz ABIDE GHILIKL MNIPORETU IVIlIXYZ 01294 456789e W!a#$^g*0- += </:;/? The quick troun fax jmmpsorer thelazy dog. The brown fox jumps over the Jazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps Over the lazy I dog. The quick brown fox jumps Over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps OveP the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps Over the lazy The 4uick brown fox jilmps Over the abcdetghijk maoparstu AXYZ 01214567896 Thenick broun jump jumpsOr OveI ilmps