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/ Fantasia Fonts / Fonts_2000_Truetype_and_2000_Type_I_Fonts_Fantasia_1994.iso / unique / type1 / u21n____.pfb / u21n____.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1994-04-22  |  17KB
Labels: bulletin board | fence | person | reckoner | sky | stairs
OCR: abcde fohijkimnoporstuvwxyz ABEOEFEHAKIMUDPORSTUVWXYZ The quick arown fox jumps SYB the The Duick brewn fex over the The quick brown foX jumps Dver the lazy The quick brown jJmps DYer the The quick brawn feX DYEr the lazy The quick hrown DYEr the lazy The quick Arrwn FoX DYEr the lazy IVWXYZ uick rown ismps tazy brdwn krewn jJmpE jmps krawn RVEr