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GTP - by Jamie Mueller
General Documentation
Version 1.22
GTP commands are divided into several groups: Parameter
setting, 'Macro' processing, Buffer manipulation, and
Miscellaneous. Only two characters are needed for each command
(the characters are in parentheses after the command in the
When GTP is first booted up it will be in the terminal
screen. To switch from terminal screen and command screen (and
vice-versa) press Shift-Tab.
Parameter setting commands: The parameter setting commands are
used to set up the communications port for the modem with the
desired speed, etc.
Baud(BA): This command will set the baud rate. Any number may be
specified between 50 and 9999. The communications port will
be set to that baud even if it is 'non-standard'. If no baud
rate is given, GTP will ask for one. The default settings
are loaded in from the file GTP.PRM when GTP is initially
Data(DA): This command will change the number of data bits
sent/received. Allowable numbers are 5,6,7, and 8.
Parity(PA): This command will set the parity. Only the first
letter of the setting is needed (e.g. E for even).
Stop Bits(ST): This command will set the number of stop bits.
Either 1 or 2.
No(NO): This command will set the port number. Either 1 or 2.
Save(SA): Saves the current settings in the specified file with
the extension of .PRM. If no filename is given then the
settings are saved in the file GTP.PRM. The settings include
the following: The communications port parameters (baud,
parity, etc.), all of the function key settings (F0-F9, Alt-
A-Alt-Z), the screen colors (only applicable to the PCjr),
the tab settings, and the F1 request character.
Load(LO): Loads the specified parameter file and sets all the
parameters from it. Anytime a parameter file is loaded, its
F0 key is Automatically sent. (See Fn command). If you wish
a parameter file other than GTP.PRM to be loaded at bootup
supply a filename at invocation (e.g. GTP COMPUSRV).
Macro Processing command set up the function keys. There is only
one 'macro' command:
Function keys(FN): Sets the desired function key to the value
specified (e.g. "FN 1 Hello" will set F1 to the string
"Hello"). Keys that can be set are F0 (F10 on the PC) to F9,
and Alt-A through Alt-Z. Whenever a function key is pressed
its contents are sent through the keyboard as if those keys
were being pressed. A carat ("^") in the string indicates
some special options:
Character following carat Option Example
------------------------- ------ -------
A through Z allows control characters to be ^M
entered into the string
a number (like 13) allows any character to be ^13
entered into the string
NOTE: The above two examples are identical.
> Switches to the command screen ^>
< Switches to the terminal screen ^<
= Continues macro from another function key ^=5
The example will continue sending characters from
the function key F5. (A letter would use the Alt
? Waits for the character following to be received ^?:
The example will wait for a colon (':') to be
Another special function character is the tilde ('~'), when
put in the function key string, it will cause a 2 second
delay. NOTE: The VCO feature makes extensive use of the
tilde character, but this function makes sending the tilde
virtually impossible. Solution (only if 7 Data bits is in
use) set a function key (e.g. Alt-T) to the character 254 (a
graphics Dot). In a 7 bit system this character will be sent
as the tilde (set the key like "FN T ^254").
Function keys are limited to only 40 characters. If
this is not long enough use the ^= sequence to continue the
macro in another function key.
Special Function Keys: The key F0 will automatically be sent when
a) GTP is first executed and the file GTP.PRM is loaded, and
b) whenever a different parameter file is loaded via the
load command.
The key F1 will automatically be sent when the F1 request
character is received (default ^E). The current F1 request
character is displayed on the screen as (F1 -> xx ) where xx
is the the character (if it is a control character it will
appear as a carat ('^') followed by the letter, otherwise it
will just appear as it is). The F1 request character can be
changed by entering the command "FN - xxx" where xxx is
either a control character (denoted by ^ first or using a
number like ^5) or a normal character (like "FN - :" sets
the F1 request to a colon).
Typically the parameter file GTP.PRM's function keys would be set
as follows:
Key Setting
F0 Initialize the modem
F1 ^>LO SYSA^M (Loads the parameter file for SYSA)
F2 ^>LO SYSB^M (Loads the parameter file for SYSB)
and the file SYSA.PRM's function keys would be set as follows
(with SYSB.PRM's having a similar structure)
Key Setting
F0 ^<ATDT5555555^M (Dials the number for SYSA)
F1 ^<John^m^?:Doe^m^?:password^M
F2 etc...
If the following files are on the same disk as GTP.EXE then the
following sequence of events would happen when the user typed
1) GTP is loaded and executed, initializing all its
defaults. GTP then loads the help file GTP.HLP for the
help prompts.
2) The parameter file GTP.PRM is loaded and the
communications port is set up.
3) Function key F0 is sent to the modem.
4) The user presses F1 (for ^>LO SYSA^M)
5) The parameter file SYSA.PRM is loaded into GTP and its
F0 key is sent:
A) The ATDT5555555^M is sent to the modem, dialing
the number.
B) Assuming the called system responds: The system
answers and sends the following:
Welcome to System A
Please enter your first name:^E
Please enter your last name:
C) GTP responding to the F1 request character (^E)
starts to send F1. (john^m...) but it will only
send up to the ^?: because...
D) The ^?: tells GTP to suspend sending the key until
a colon (':') is received.
The net result is that only "John^M" is entered for the
first name, "doe^M" is entered for the last name, and
"password^M" is entered for the password.
NOTE: In the function key display area control characters are
displayed in inverse video, ^> is displayed as the >>
character, ^< is displayed as the << character, ^? is
displayed as the yen sign, and ^= is displayed as character
Buffer Manipulation Commands allow the Ascii buffer to be sent,
received, loaded, saved, and edited. NOTE: the Ascii buffer
is only 32k big.
Buffer(BU): The buffer command allows modifications to the Ascii
buffer state. There are 5 sub-options:
Option Description Example
------ ----------- -------
R Read a file into the buffer BU R
W Write the buffer to a file BU W
S Send the buffer BU S
O Open the buffer to save incoming text BU O
C Close the buffer to incoming text BU C
NOTE: both Read and Write supply the default extension
of .ASC. GTP will always ask for the filename.
The Send option will send the buffer out continuously, or it
will wait for a character between lines (e.g. BU S W> will
send the buffer waiting for a > between each line).
Edit(ED): Edits whatever is currently in the Ascii buffer. If a
filename is given it is loaded into the Ascii buffer and
edited (e.g. "ED MES1"). The editor is a simple full screen
editor with the following key-commands:
Key Command
--- -------
Up-Arrow Go up a line
Down Arrow Go down a line
PgUp Go up a page
PgDn Go down a page
Left Move cursor left
Right Move cursor Right
Home Move cursor to column 1
End Move cursor to the end of the current line
Ins Turn insert mode on and off
Del Delete character under cursor
Backspace Delete character before cursor
Control-Y Delete line
Tab Tab to next position (Tabs are set with the Tab
ESC, or Shift tab exits the editor and returns to the
command mode.
Miscellaneous commands allow the review of the past 15 screens,
the tabs to be set, a file to be uploaded or downloaded with
xmodem, etc.
Review(RV): Review switches to the review screen and lets you
page through the past 15 screens that have been received. If
you wish to save the screens enter "RV W" and GTP will ask
for a filename (the default extension of .RV is supplied).
To exit from the review mode press any non-function key
(e.g. ESC, ENTER, spacebar, A-Z, 0-9, etc.).
Xmodem Upload(XU): Sends the specified file to the remote system
using the Xmodem file transfer protocol. (e.g. XU
FILES.ARC). NOTE: The communications parameters MUST be set
at 8 data bits.
Xmodem Download(XD): Receives the specified file from the remote
system using the Xmodem file transfer protocol. (e.g. XD
FILES.ARC). NOTE: The communications parameters MUST be set
at 8 data bits.
Tabs(TA): Sets the tabs for the editor, and Control I expansion.
The tabs MUST be given in ascending order (e.g. Tabs 5 10 15
20 25). Entering just Tabs with no numbers will display the
current settings.
Echo(EC): Changes the echo state. The state can be any of the
following: None (no echo anywhere..full duplex), Local (only
local characters are echoed..half duplex), Split (a split
screen arrangement) and Remote (characters are also echoed
back to the remote system..host). Only the first character
of each is required. For the Split setting, the bottom two
lines are the input buffer. Nothing is sent until the
[RETURN] key is pressed (also sending a RETURN at the end)
or the s[END] key is pressed (NOT sending a RETURN at the
end). [ESC] will clear the input buffer, and [Backspace]
will erase the previous character.
Auto Line Feed(AU): Changes the Automatic line feed state. If
the received lines seem to be printing on top of one another
Enable the auto line feed. (e.g. AU E enables and AU D
disables the line feed)
Ansi(AN): Enables or Disables the Ansi driver within GTP. If the
remote system sends IBM compatable Ansi codes enable Ansi.
If it doesn't disable Ansi.
Timer(TI): Changes the timer value. The timer can either be
Elapsed or Of day (e.g. Timer Elapsed, or Timer Of).
Help(HE): This command will give you help on any of the commands
that GTP uses. Typing Help with no parameters will list all
available commands. Specifying a command after will display
the help text for that command. NOTE: The file GTP.HLP must
have been available when GTP was booting up (in the same
Colors(CO): Sets the foreground and background attributes for the
display (ONLY works on PCjr, although may work on systems
with an EGA card).
Video Conferencing(VC): Switches to the Video conference mode.
You MUST specify an ICON library file the first time you use
it (e.g. "VC PC-VCO.FLB"). This mode is similar to the Echo-
Split mode (the bottom two lines are the output buffer).
Other items about GTP:
The current line status is always being displayed on the
command screen (Carrier Detect, Ring Indicate, Data Set Ready,
Clear to Send, and Break Detect). Shift-Tab or Home will switch
from terminal screen to command screen.