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Assembly Source File
710 lines
title 'CP/M BDOS Interface, BDOS, Version 3.0 Dec, 1982'
;** **
;** B a s i c D i s k O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m **
;** **
;** I n t e r f a c e M o d u l e **
;** **
; Copyright (c) 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982
; Digital Research
; Box 579, Pacific Grove
; California
; December 1982
on equ 0ffffh
off equ 00000h
MPM equ off
BANKED equ off
; equates for non graphic characters
ctla equ 01h ; control a
ctlb equ 02h ; control b
ctlc equ 03h ; control c
ctle equ 05h ; physical eol
ctlf equ 06h ; control f
ctlg equ 07h ; control g
ctlh equ 08h ; backspace
ctlk equ 0bh ; control k
ctlp equ 10h ; prnt toggle
ctlq equ 11h ; start screen
ctlr equ 12h ; repeat line
ctls equ 13h ; stop screen
ctlu equ 15h ; line delete
ctlw equ 17h ; control w
ctlx equ 18h ; =ctl-u
ctlz equ 1ah ; end of file
rubout equ 7fh ; char delete
tab equ 09h ; tab char
cr equ 0dh ; carriage return
lf equ 0ah ; line feed
ctl equ 5eh ; up arrow
org 0000h
base equ $
; Base page definitions
bnkbdos$pg equ base+0fc00h
resbdos$pg equ base+0fd00h
scb$pg equ base+0fb00h
bios$pg equ base+0ff00h
; Bios equates
bios equ bios$pg
bootf equ bios$pg ; 00. cold boot function
wbootf equ scb$pg+68h ; 01. warm boot function
constf equ scb$pg+6eh ; 02. console status function
coninf equ scb$pg+74h ; 03. console input function
conoutf equ scb$pg+7ah ; 04. console output function
listf equ scb$pg+80h ; 05. list output function
wbootf equ bios$pg+3 ; 01. warm boot function
constf equ bios$pg+6 ; 02. console status function
coninf equ bios$pg+9 ; 03. console input function
conoutf equ bios$pg+12 ; 04. console output function
listf equ bios$pg+15 ; 05. list output function
punchf equ bios$pg+18 ; 06. punch output function
readerf equ bios$pg+21 ; 07. reader input function
homef equ bios$pg+24 ; 08. disk home function
seldskf equ bios$pg+27 ; 09. select disk function
settrkf equ bios$pg+30 ; 10. set track function
setsecf equ bios$pg+33 ; 11. set sector function
setdmaf equ bios$pg+36 ; 12. set dma function
readf equ bios$pg+39 ; 13. read disk function
writef equ bios$pg+42 ; 14. write disk function
liststf equ bios$pg+45 ; 15. list status function
sectran equ bios$pg+48 ; 16. sector translate
conoutstf equ bios$pg+51 ; 17. console output status function
auxinstf equ bios$pg+54 ; 18. aux input status function
auxoutstf equ bios$pg+57 ; 19. aux output status function
devtblf equ bios$pg+60 ; 20. retunr device table address fx
devinitf equ bios$pg+63 ; 21. initialize device function
drvtblf equ bios$pg+66 ; 22. return drive table address
multiof equ bios$pg+69 ; 23. multiple i/o function
flushf equ bios$pg+72 ; 24. flush function
movef equ bios$pg+75 ; 25. memory move function
timef equ bios$pg+78 ; 26. system get/set time function
selmemf equ bios$pg+81 ; 27. select memory function
setbnkf equ bios$pg+84 ; 28. set dma bank function
xmovef equ bios$pg+87 ; 29. extended move function
; System Control Block equates
olog equ scb$pg+090h
rlog equ scb$pg+092h
SCB equ scb$pg+09ch
; Expansion Area - 6 bytes
hashl equ scb$pg+09ch
hash equ scb$pg+09dh
version equ scb$pg+0a1h
; Utilities Section - 8 bytes
util$flgs equ scb$pg+0a2h
dspl$flgs equ scb$pg+0a6h
; CLP Section - 4 bytes
clp$flgs equ scb$pg+0aah
clp$errcde equ scb$pg+0ach
; CCP Section - 8 bytes
ccp$comlen equ scb$pg+0aeh
ccp$curdrv equ scb$pg+0afh
ccp$curusr equ scb$pg+0b0h
ccp$conbuff equ scb$pg+0b1h
ccp$flgs equ scb$pg+0b3h
; Device I/O Section - 32 bytes
conwidth equ scb$pg+0b6h
column equ scb$pg+0b7h
conpage equ scb$pg+0b8h
conline equ scb$pg+0b9h
conbuffadd equ scb$pg+0bah
conbufflen equ scb$pg+0bch
conin$rflg equ scb$pg+0beh
conout$rflg equ scb$pg+0c0h
auxin$rflg equ scb$pg+0c2h
auxout$rflg equ scb$pg+0c4h
lstout$rflg equ scb$pg+0c6h
page$mode equ scb$pg+0c8h
pm$default equ scb$pg+0c9h
ctlh$act equ scb$pg+0cah
rubout$act equ scb$pg+0cbh
type$ahead equ scb$pg+0cch
contran equ scb$pg+0cdh
conmode equ scb$pg+0cfh
outdelim equ scb$pg+0d3h
listcp equ scb$pg+0d4h
qflag equ scb$pg+0d5h
; BDOS Section - 42 bytes
scbadd equ scb$pg+0d6h
dmaad equ scb$pg+0d8h
olddsk equ scb$pg+0dah
info equ scb$pg+0dbh
resel equ scb$pg+0ddh
relog equ scb$pg+0deh
fx equ scb$pg+0dfh
usrcode equ scb$pg+0e0h
dcnt equ scb$pg+0e1h
;searcha equ scb$pg+0e3h
searchl equ scb$pg+0e5h
multcnt equ scb$pg+0e6h
errormode equ scb$pg+0e7h
searchchain equ scb$pg+0e8h
temp$drive equ scb$pg+0ech
errdrv equ scb$pg+0edh
media$flag equ scb$pg+0f0h
bdos$flags equ scb$pg+0f3h
stamp equ scb$pg+0f4h
commonbase equ scb$pg+0f9h
error equ scb$pg+0fbh ;jmp error$sub
bdosadd equ scb$pg+0feh
; Resbdos equates
resbdos equ resbdos$pg
move$out equ resbdos$pg+9 ; a=bank #, hl=dest, de=srce
move$tpa equ resbdos$pg+0ch ; a=bank #, hl=dest, de=srce
srch$hash equ resbdos$pg+0fh ; a=bank #, hl=hash table addr
hashmx equ resbdos$pg+12h ; max hash search dcnt
rd$dir$flag equ resbdos$pg+14h ; directory read flag
make$xfcb equ resbdos$pg+15h ; make function flag
find$xfcb equ resbdos$pg+16h ; search function flag
xdcnt equ resbdos$pg+17h ; dcnt save for empty fcb,
; user 0 fcb, or xfcb
xdmaad equ resbdos$pg+19h ; resbdos dma copy area addr
curdma equ resbdos$pg+1bh ; current dma
copy$cr$only equ resbdos$pg+1dh ; dont restore fcb flag
user$info equ resbdos$pg+1eh ; user fcb address
kbchar equ resbdos$pg+20h ; conbdos look ahead char
qconinx equ resbdos$pg+21h ; qconin mov a,m routine
move$out equ movef
move$tpa equ movef
serial: db '654321'
; Enter here from the user's program with function number in c,
; and information address in d,e
bdose: ; Arrive here from user programs
xchg! shld info! xchg ; info=de, de=info
mov a,c! sta fx! cpi 14! jc bdose2
lxi h,0! shld dircnt ; dircnt,multnum = 0
lda olddsk! sta seldsk ; Set seldsk
dcr a! sta copy$cr$init
; If mult$cnt ~= 1 then read or write commands
; are handled by the shell
lda mult$cnt! dcr a! jz bdose2
lxi h,mult$fxs
mov a,m! ora a! jz bdose2
cmp c! jz shell
inx h! jmp bdose1
mov a,e! sta linfo ; linfo = low(info) - don't equ
lxi h,0! shld aret ; Return value defaults to 0000
shld resel ; resel,relog = 0
; Save user's stack pointer, set to local stack
dad sp! shld entsp ; entsp = stackptr
if not BANKED
lxi sp,lstack ; local stack setup
lxi h,goback ; Return here after all functions
push h ; jmp goback equivalent to ret
mov a,c! cpi nfuncs! jnc high$fxs ; Skip if invalid #
mov c,e ; possible output character to c
lxi h,functab! jmp bdos$jmp
; look for functions 98 ->
cpi 128! jnc test$152
sui 98! jc lret$eq$ff ; Skip if function < 98
cpi nfuncs2! jnc lret$eq$ff
lxi h,functab2
mov e,a! mvi d,0 ; de=func, hl=.ciotab
dad d! dad d! mov e,m! inx h! mov d,m ; de=functab(func)
lhld info ; info in de for later xchg
xchg! pchl ; dispatched
; CAUTION: In banked systems only,
; error$sub is referenced indirectly by the SCB ERROR
; field in RESBDOS as (0fc7ch). This value is converted
; to the actual address of error$sub by GENSYS. If the offset
; of error$sub is changed, the SCB ERROR value must also
; be changed.
; error subroutine
mvi b,0! push b! dcr c
lxi h,errtbl! dad b! dad b
mov e,m! inx h! mov d,m! xchg
call errflg
pop b! lda error$mode! ora a! rnz
jmp reboote
mult$fxs: db 20,21,33,34,40,0
db 'COPYRIGHT (C) 1982,'
db '151282'
db 'COPR. ''82 DRI 151282'
; 31 level stack
dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h
dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h
dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h
dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h
; dispatch table for functions
dw rebootx1, func1, func2, func3
dw punchf, listf, func6, func7
dw func8, func9, func10, func11
diskf equ ($-functab)/2 ; disk funcs
dw func12,func13,func14,func15
dw func16,func17,func18,func19
dw func20,func21,func22,func23
dw func24,func25,func26,func27
dw func28,func29,func30,func31
dw func32,func33,func34,func35
dw func36,func37,func38,func39
dw func40,lret$eq$ff,func42,func43
dw func44,func45,func46,func47
dw func48,func49,func50
nfuncs equ ($-functab)/2
dw func98,func99
dw func100,func101,func102,func103
dw func104,func105,func106,func107
dw func108,func109,func110,func111
dw func112
nfuncs2 equ ($-functab2)/2
dw permsg
dw rodmsg
dw rofmsg
dw selmsg
dw 0
dw 0
dw passmsg
dw fxstsmsg
dw wildmsg
cpi 152! rnz
; PARSE version 3.0b Oct 08 1982 - Doug Huskey
; DE->.(.filename,.fcb)
; filename = [d:]file[.type][;password]
; fcb assignments
; 0 => drive, 0 = default, 1 = A, 2 = B, ...
; 1-8 => file, converted to upper case,
; padded with blanks (left justified)
; 9-11 => type, converted to upper case,
; padded with blanks (left justified)
; 12-15 => set to zero
; 16-23 => password, converted to upper case,
; padded with blanks
; 24-25 => 0000h
; 26 => length of password (0 - 8)
; Upon return, HL is set to FFFFH if DE locates
; an invalid file name;
; otherwise, HL is set to 0000H if the delimiter
; following the file name is a 00H (NULL)
; or a 0DH (CR);
; otherwise, HL is set to the address of the delimiter
; following the file name.
lxi h,sthl$ret
push h
lhld info
mov e,m ;get first parameter
inx h
mov d,m
push d ;save .filename
inx h
mov e,m ;get second parameter
inx h
mov d,m
pop h ;DE=.fcb HL=.filename
push h ;save .fcb
xra a
mov m,a ;clear drive byte
inx h
lxi b,20h*256+11
call pad ;pad name and type w/ blanks
lxi b,4
call pad ;EXT, S1, S2, RC = 0
lxi b,20h*256+8
call pad ;pad password field w/ blanks
lxi b,12
call pad ;zero 2nd 1/2 of map, cr, r0 - r2
; skip spaces
call skps
; check for drive
ldax d
cpi ':' ;is this a drive?
dcx d
pop h
push h ;HL = .fcb
jnz parse$name
; Parse the drive-spec
call delim
jz parse$ok
sui 'A'
jc perror1
cpi 16
jnc perror1
inx d
inx d ;past the ':'
inr a ;set drive relative to 1
mov m,a ;store the drive in FCB(0)
; Parse the file-name
inx h ;HL = .fcb(1)
call delim
jz parse$ok
lxi b,7*256
parse6: ldax d ;get a character
cpi '.' ;file-type next?
jz parse$type ;branch to file-type processing
cpi ';'
jz parse$pw
call gfc ;process one character
jnz parse6 ;loop if not end of name
jmp parse$ok
; Parse the file-type
inx d ;advance past dot
pop h
push h ;HL =.fcb
lxi b,9
dad b ;HL =.fcb(9)
lxi b,2*256
parse8: ldax d
cpi ';'
jz parsepw
call gfc ;process one character
jnz parse8 ;loop if not end of type
pop b
push d
call skps ;skip trailing blanks and tabs
dcx d
call delim ;is next nonblank char a delim?
pop h
rnz ;no
lxi h,0
ora a
rz ;return zero if delim = 0
cpi cr
rz ;return zero if delim = cr
; handle parser error
pop b ;throw away return addr
pop b
lxi h,0ffffh
; Parse the password
inx d
pop h
push h
lxi b,16
dad b
lxi b,7*256+1
call gfc
jnz parsepw1
mvi a,7
sub b
pop h
push h
lxi b,26
dad b
mov m,a
ldax d ;delimiter in A
jmp parse$ok
; get next character of name, type or password
gfc: call delim ;check for end of filename
rz ;return if so
cpi ' ' ;check for control characters
inx d
jc perror ;error if control characters encountered
inr b ;error if too big for field
dcr b
jm perror
inr c
dcr c
jnz gfc1
cpi '*' ;trap "match rest of field" character
jz setmatch
gfc1: mov m,a ;put character in fcb
inx h
dcr b ;decrement field size counter
ora a ;clear zero flag
mvi m,'?' ;set match one character
inx h
dcr b
jp setmatch
; check for delimiter
; entry: A = character
; exit: z = set if char is a delimiter
delimiters: db cr,tab,' .,:;[]=<>|',0
delim: ldax d ;get character
push h
lxi h,delimiters
delim1: cmp m ;is char in table
jz delim2
inr m
dcr m ;end of table? (0)
inx h
jnz delim1
ora a ;reset zero flag
delim2: pop h
; not a delimiter, convert to upper case
cpi 'a'
cpi 'z'+1
jnc delim3
ani 05fh
delim3: ani 07fh
ret ;return with zero set if so
; pad with blanks or zeros
pad: mov m,b
inx h
dcr c
jnz pad
; skip blanks and tabs
skps: ldax d
inx d
cpi ' ' ;skip spaces & tabs
jz skps
cpi tab
jz skps
; end of PARSE
; report error to console, message address in hl
push h! call crlf ; stack mssg address, new line
lda adrive! adi 'A'! sta dskerr ; current disk name
lxi b,dskmsg
call zprint ; the error message
call print
pop b
lda bdos$flags! ral! jnc zprint
call zprint ; error message tail
lda fx! mvi b,30h
lxi h,pr$fx1
cpi 100! jc errflg1
mvi m,31h! inx h! sui 100
sui 10! jc errflg2
inr b! jmp errflg1
mov m,b! inx h! adi 3ah! mov m,a
inx h! mvi m,20h
lxi h,pr$fcb! mvi m,0
lda resel! ora a! jz errflg3
mvi m,20h! push d
lhld info! inx h! xchg! lxi h,pr$fcb1
mvi c,8! call move! mvi m,'.'! inx h
mvi c,3! call move! pop d
call crlf
lxi b,pr$fx! jmp zprint
ldax b! ora a! rz
push b! mov c,a
call tabout
pop b! inx b! jmp zprint
pr$fx: db 'BDOS Function = '
pr$fx1: db ' '
pr$fcb: db ' File = '
pr$fcb1:ds 12
db 0
jmp print
lxi h,0fffdh! jmp rebootx0 ; BDOS error
lxi h,0fffeh ; CTL-C error
shld clp$errcde
jmp wbootf
entsp: ds 2 ; entry stack pointer
lxi h,0! dad sp! shld shell$sp
if not BANKED
lxi sp,shell$stk
lxi h,shell$rtn! push h
call save$rr! call save$dma
lda mult$cnt
push a! sta mult$num! call cbdos
ora a! jnz shell$err
lda fx! cpi 33! cnc incr$rr
call adv$dma
pop a! dcr a! jnz mult$io
mov h,a! mov l,a! ret
shell$sp: dw 0
dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h
shell$stk: ; shell has 5 level stack
hold$dma: dw 0
lda fx! mov c,a
lhld info! xchg! jmp bdose2
lhld dmaad! lxi d,80h! dad d! jmp reset$dma1
lhld dmaad! shld hold$dma! ret
lhld hold$dma
shld dmaad! jmp setdma
pop b! inr a! rz
lda mult$cnt! sub b! mov h,a! ret
push h! lda fx! cpi 33! cnc reset$rr
call reset$dma
pop d! lhld shell$sp! sphl! xchg
mov a,l! mov b,h! ret