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  32.           <p><br>
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  34.           <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size = 2 color="#cc0000"><font size="4">SAP Workshop</font> </font></p>
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  52.                         <FONT color=#ffffff><FONT face="Arial,Times New Roman" size=5>SAP WORKSHOP</FONT><BR><BR>
  53.                         with a strategic focus <BR>towards an opportunity in 2004<BR>
  54.                         <BR>
  55.                         On January 23-24, 2004<BR><BR>
  56.                         At<BR>
  57.                         Hotel Viceroy<BR><BR>
  58.                         From<BR>
  59.                         9:00 A.M To 5:30 P.M
  60.                         </FONT>
  61.                         </CENTER>
  62.                         </P>
  63.                         </TH>
  64.                         <TD valign=top width=300>
  65.                         <P align=center style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  66.                         <FONT color=Peachpuff face="Arial" size=2>
  67.                         A true IT professional learns <BR>
  68.                         in a smart way but hardly strives
  69.                         <BR><BR>
  70.                         <B>NEWS FLASH...</B></FONT><BR><BR>
  71.                         <FONT size=3 face="Times New Roman" color=#ffffff><I>
  72.                         SAP to juice up Indian Manpower <BR>
  73.                         November 19, 2003 </I>- The Times of India</FONT><BR><BR><BR>
  74.                         <P align=justify style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  75.                         <FONT color=#ffffff>
  76.                         Bangalore: SAP, the world's third largest software company plans 
  77.                         to double its manpower in India to 1,500 professionals in 2004.
  78.                         <BR><BR>
  79.                         <TABLE WIDTH=280 ALIGN=center BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 bgcolor=#068AF9>
  80.                             <TR>
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  82.                                 <P align=justify style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  83.                                 <FONT face="Arial Narrow,Times New Roman" color=#ffffff>
  84.                                 Registration Fee : Rs.6000/-  per head 10% discount for 
  85.                                 3 or more candidates from the same organisation.
  86.                                 </FONT>
  87.                                 </P>
  88.                                 </TH>
  89.                             </TR>
  90.                         </TABLE><BR>
  91.                         <CENTER><IMG src="Images\b5.jpg" border=0><BR>
  92.                         <FONT face="Arial Narrow,Times New Roman" color=GreenYellow>
  93.                         <B>Rush now to avail the opportunity of a life time</B>
  94.                         </CENTER></FONT>
  95.                         </P>
  96.                         </FONT>
  97.                         </P>
  98.                         </TD>
  99.                     </TR>
  100.                     <TR>
  101.                         <TH colspan=2 bgcolor=#1E569C>
  102.                         <FONT face="Arial Narrow,Times New Roman" color=Gold>
  103.                         Renowned SAP Consultants dealing with Fortune 100 Clients
  104.                         </FONT>
  105.                         </TH>
  106.                     </TR>
  107.                     <TR height=15 bgcolor=#1E569C>
  108.                         <TD colspan=2></TD>
  109.                     </TR>
  110.                     <TR bgcolor=#DBAE62>
  111.                         <TD valign=top width=300>
  112.                         <P align=left style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  113.                         <B>About the Workshop<BR></B></P>
  114.                         <P align=justify style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  115.                         The Present IT scenario though looks bright offers opportunity only 
  116.                         to the best in the industry.  SAP future looks up for the Indian 
  117.                         scenario with off shoring of projects from the USA, Europe, etc. 
  118.                         However the industry needs professional who can withstand the 
  119.                         international client's expectations. There is no room for complacency 
  120.                         when dealing with international clients who demand the cream of the 
  121.                         industry.   To stand a realistic chance of making it big the IT 
  122.                         professional needs a real-time exposure in the industry.  
  123.                         <BR><BR>
  124.                         This workshop aims at providing the impetus to your career and gives 
  125.                         you the right exposure to the real time projects and the intricacies 
  126.                         involved in the SAP developmental cycle.  
  127.                         </P>        
  128.                         </TD>
  129.                         <TD valign=top width=300 background="Images\bgsap.jpg">
  130.                         <P align=justify style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  131.                         <BR><BR>This exposure would keep 
  132.                         you at par with those experienced professionals who standout only 
  133.                         after years of struggle. The workshop opens the secrets of SAP & 
  134.                         the process would be unfolded before you for the first time.
  135.                         <BR><BR>
  136.                         This two-day workshop on SAP contains elaborate sessions with the state of the art technology on real time projects executed by the internationally renowned honorary SAP consultants. 
  137.                         <BR><BR>
  138.                         <B><I>Eligibility : </I></B><BR>
  139.                           <UL type=square>
  140.                             <LI>Those who are already trained in SAP - ABAP but without a real-time exposure.</LI>
  141.                             <LI>Those who are eager to know the industry standards in SAP.</LI>
  142.                           </UL>
  143.                          </P> 
  144.                         </TD>
  145.                       </TR>    
  146.                       <TR bgcolor=#CFC6B4><TD colspan=2 align=center><HR size=1 width=600></TD></TR> 
  147.                       <TR height=15 bgcolor=#CFC6B4><TD colspan=2></TD></TR> 
  148.                       <TR bgcolor=#CFC6B4>
  149.                         <TD valign=top width=300>
  150.                         <CENTER><IMG src="Images\b1.jpg" border=0></CENTER>
  151.                         <P align=left style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  152.                         <B><I>The Programme</I></B></P>
  153.                         <P align=justify style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  154.                         Two days of exciting journey into the world of SAP, which you 
  155.                         have never dreamed of in the near future.   It gives you an 
  156.                         experience which would probably take years of hard work and 
  157.                         torment and yet unsure of gaining from.
  158.                         <BR><BR>
  159.                         <B><I>Learn the secrets from the masters of SAP</B></I>   
  160.                         <BR><BR>
  161.                         <B>Why Workshop?</B>
  162.                         <BR>
  163.                         This is exclusively designed keeping in view the requirements of 
  164.                         professionals already trained in SAP but without the real-time 
  165.                         exposure for which they are losing out opportunities of a lifetime 
  166.                         and also a career with the leaders in the IT industry.
  167.                         <BR><BR>
  168.                         <B><I>About Promoters</B></I>
  169.                         <BR>
  170.                         <I>Mani Software Solutions</I> is into consultancy in various technical & 
  171.                         IT fields.  We standout against the background of innumerable 
  172.                         organizations offering software training without doing justice to 
  173.                         the said subject. We provide you with a real-time exposure which 
  174.                         could  be offered by others.  We develop the projects for overseas 
  175.                         and national clients on various platforms by our software 
  176.                         professionals equipped with the latest technologies. 
  177.                         </P>
  178.                         </TD>
  179.                         <TD valign=top width=300>
  180.                         <P align=justify style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  181.                         The work force 
  182.                         is well experienced, technically qualified, highly skilled and 
  183.                         productive to the international standards. We have a panel of 
  184.                         consultants in various functional areas.
  185.                         One of our major strength is consultancy in software outsourcing, 
  186.                         for US clients. <BR><BR><BR>
  187.                         <CENTER><B><I>Workshop Agenda for Day 1 & day 2</I></B></CENTER>
  188.                         <P align=justify style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  189.                         <UL type=square>    
  190.                             <LI>Current Business Scenario - SAP </LI>
  191.                             <LI>The scope of SAP development with specific reference to India
  192.                             <LI>Different Models of Development work
  193.                             <LI>SDLC - Software Development Life Cycle - SAP
  194.                             <LI>Landscapes of SAP development
  195.                             <LI>Tools and Processes used in development life cycle
  196.                             <LI>Tools used to monitor the life cycle of applications
  197.                             <LI>Review and Testing methodologies
  198.                             <LI>ABAP development cycle
  199.                             <LI>Typical Project documentation
  200.                             <LI>Naming Standards
  201.                             <LI>Coding standards
  202.                             <LI>Technical documentation
  203.                             <LI>Test documents
  204.                             <LI>Overviews of object developments
  205.                             <LI>Reports
  206.                             <LI>Interfaces
  207.                             <LI>Conversions
  208.                             <LI>Enhancements
  209.                             <LI>Forms
  210.                             <LI>AMO projects in SAP
  211.                             <LI>Current trends in SAP 
  212.                             <LI>Q&A time between  each sessions
  213.                         </UL>
  214.                         </P>
  215.                         </TD>
  216.                        </TR>    
  217.                        <TR bgcolor=#CFC6B4><TD colspan=2 align=center><HR size=1 width=600></TD></TR> 
  218.                       <TR bgcolor=#CFC6B4 height=15><TD colspan=2></TD></TR>
  219.                       <TR bgcolor=#CFC6B4>
  220.                         <TD valign=top width=300> 
  221.                         <CENTER><IMG src="Images\b2.jpg" border=0></CENTER>
  222.                         <P align=left style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  223.                         <B><I>First Honorary Consultant :</I></B></P>
  224.                         <P align=justify style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  225.                         The consultant has 10+
  226.                         years of working experience in Information technology, out of which over 6+ years
  227.                         in SAP consulting. In his career, he has worked with major clients in different
  228.                         kinds of businesses from United States of America, Europe, India, Asia pacific
  229.                         and Australia. He was involved in both off site and on site work on SAP R/3 3.x
  230.                         & 4.x versions.
  231.                         <BR><BR>
  232.                         He was involved in co-ordinating and leading technical teams in SAP projects worldwide. He has experience in project planning / scheduling, designing functional specifications for the deliverables, reviewing quality standards, user interaction and User training.
  233.                         <BR><BR>
  234.                         His expertise as ABAP consultant includes development of Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, SAP Scripts/Smart forms, Enhancement & Dialog programs in FI/CO, SD, MM, PP and HR modules. Further, he has exposure to areas like EDI/ALE, RFC, ALV and OOPS concepts etc. He also has exposure to development work in client server technology and COBOL.
  235.                         <BR><BR>
  236.                         Additionally, he has 6 years of industry experience in areas like Production Process, Material Management, Marketing and has sound knowledge of various business processes of an enterprise.
  237.                         </P>
  238.                         </TD>
  239.                         <TD valign=top width=300>
  240.                         <BR><P align=left style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  241.                         <B><I>Second Honorary Consultant :</I></B></P>
  242.                         <P align=justify style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
  243.                         He has 10+ years of experience in the IT industry working on various platforms like MVS, Client Server, and SAP R/3. He worked with industry leaders as SAP certified Technical consultant, Sun certified JAVA Consultant and R/3 experience of 4+ years as ABAP consultant on SD, COPA, AR, FI, MM areas. He also has experience in other areas viz., COBOL/JCL/CICS, VB/ASP, Java and Oracle.
  244.                         <BR><BR>He has worked with major clients in United States of America, United Kingdom and India in Healthcare, Manufacturing, Beverages, and retail Industries. 
  245.                         <BR><BR><BR>
  246.                         <CENTER>
  247.                         <FONT color=#800000><B>Renowned SAP Consultants <BR>
  248.                         dealing with Fortune 100 Clients</FONT></B><BR><BR><BR>
  249.                         <B>Placement Consultants:</B><BR>
  250.                         Global Innovative Software Technologies Inc., <BR>
  251.                         USA.<BR><BR><BR>
  252.                         <B>Course Coordinator:</B><BR>
  253.                         P.J.Kishore     : 040-98490-09990<BR><BR><BR>
  254.                         <B>PROMOTERS:</B><BR>
  255.                         Mani Software Solutions<BR>
  256.                         Second Floor, Esskay Chambers, <BR>
  257.                         Masab Tank,<BR>
  258.                         Hyderabad - 500 028.<BR>
  259.                         Phone : 91-40-55629698.<BR>
  260.                         Email : <A href="mailto:kishore@maniindia.com, kishorepj@yahoo.com"><SPAN class=PgText2><FONT color=blue>kishore@maniindia.com, kishorepj@yahoo.com</FONT></SPAN></A><BR>
  261.                         Web : <A href="http://www.maniindia.com" target="new"><SPAN class=PgText2><FONT color=blue>www.maniindia.com</FONT></SPAN></A>
  262.                         </CENTER>
  263.                         </P>
  264.                         </TD>
  265.                       </TR>    
  266.                     </TABLE>
  267.                 </TH>
  268.             </TR>
  269.         </TABLE>
  271.       <BR>
  272.       <table border=0 align = center width = "50%" cellspacing = 2 cellpadding = 2>
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  277. </TR>
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  279. <center><font color = maroon face=verdana size=2>Email: </font><A href = "mailto:info@revelationindia.com"><font color = maroon face=verdana size=2>info@revelationindia.com</font></A></center>
  281.     </td>
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