Fish 'n' More 2
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311 lines
/* This handles initializing and showing the game board in the game Trippin. */
#include <graphics/gfx.h>
#include <graphics/rastport.h>
#include "trip.h"
/* a little substitute cause we don't need to know the contents: */
struct Image { long image; };
#define SQWID (SQIZE << 1)
#define BOWID (SQIZE << 4)
#define ARIZE ((SQIZE >> 1) - 2)
#define RADZ (SQIZE / 3L)
#define ANY 0xFF
import struct Image olabel, blabel;
import ubyte board[8][8];
import bool lace, won;
import short sqite, thite;
import struct RastPort *r;
import piece bb, oo, *turn;
private ubyte combos[58] = { /* all possible three-bits-true bytes */
0x07, 0x0B, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x13, 0x15, 0x16, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1C, 0x23, 0x25,
0x26, 0x29, 0x2A, 0x2C, 0x31, 0x32, 0x34, 0x38, 0x43, 0x45, 0x46, 0x49,
0x4A, 0x4C, 0x51, 0x52, 0x54, 0x58, 0x61, 0x62, 0x64, 0x68, 0x70, 0x83,
0x85, 0x86, 0x89, 0x8A, 0x8C, 0x91, 0x92, 0x94, 0x98, 0xA1, 0xA2, 0xA4,
0xA8, 0xB0, 0xC1, 0xC2, 0xC4, 0xC8, 0xD0, 0xE0, ANY, ANY
void Shuffle()
ubyte deck[58];
register short x, y;
int rand(), i = 0;
movmem(combos, deck, 58);
/* for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) /* some extra randomness */
for (x = 0; x < 58; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 58; y++)
if (rand() & 1) {
register ubyte t = deck[x];
deck[x] = deck[y];
deck[y] = t;
for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
if ((x == 1 || x == 6) && (y == 1 || y == 6))
board[x][y] = ANY;
else if (y == 7 && (x == 4 || x == 3))
board[x][y] = ANY;
board[x][y] = deck[i++];
private void DrawArrows(xc, yc, bits) short xc, yc, bits;
short sx = xc + (SQWID >> 1) + 1, sy = yc + (sqite >> 1);
short dx, dy, len, i;
RectFill(r, sx - 3L, sy - (1L << lace),
sx + 2L, sy + (2L << lace) - 1);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (bits & (1 << i)) {
short yo = lace && i >= 2 && i <= 6;
dx = sx;
dy = sy;
len = i & 1 ? ARIZE - (ARIZE >> 2) : ARIZE;
if (i >= 1 && i <= 3)
dx += len << 1;
else if (i >= 5)
dx -= (len << 1);
if (i >= 3 && i <= 5)
dy += len << lace;
else if (i <= 1 || i == 7)
dy -= len << lace;
if (lace && sx != dx) { /* thicken lace non-verticals */
Move(r, (long) sx - (i >= 5), sy + 1L - yo);
Draw(r, (long) dx - (i >= 5), dy + 1L - yo);
dy += yo;
sy += yo;
Move(r, (long) sx, (long) sy);
Draw(r, (long) dx - (i == 6), (long) dy);
if (sy != dy) { /* thicken non-horizontals */
Move(r, sx - 1L, (long) sy);
Draw(r, dx - 1L, (long) dy);
sy -= yo;
if (i & 1) { /* diagonal line arrowheads */
long ye = dy + ((i == 3 || i == 5 ? -3L : 3L) << lace);
Move(r, (long) dx, (long) dy);
Draw(r, (long) dx, ye);
Move(r, dx - 1L, (long) dy);
Draw(r, dx - 1L, ye);
Move(r, (long) dx, (long) dy);
Draw(r, dx + (i >= 5 ? 6L - lace : -7L + lace), (long) dy);
if (lace) {
if (yo) dy--;
else dy++;
Move(r, (long) dx, (long) dy);
Draw(r, dx + (i >= 5 ? 6L - lace : -7L + lace), (long) dy);
} else {
long pull;
if (sx == dx) { /* vertical lines */
pull = (i == 4 ? -2 : 2) << lace;
Move(r, (long) dx, (long) dy);
Draw(r, dx + 4L, dy + pull);
Move(r, dx - 1L, (long) dy);
Draw(r, dx - 5L, dy + pull);
if (lace) {
if (i) dy--;
else dy++;
Move(r, (long) dx, (long) dy);
Draw(r, dx + 4L, dy + pull);
Move(r, dx - 1L, (long) dy);
Draw(r, dx - 5L, dy + pull);
} else { /* horizontal lines */
pull = i == 2 ? -4 : 4;
if (i == 6) dx--;
if (lace) {
Move(r, (long) dx, (long) dy);
Draw(r, dx + pull, dy + (2L << lace));
Move(r, (long) dx, (long) dy - yo);
Draw(r, dx + pull, dy - yo - (2L << lace));
dx += (short) pull >> 2;
Move(r, (long) dx, (long) dy);
Draw(r, dx + pull, dy + (2L << lace));
Move(r, (long) dx, (long) dy - yo);
Draw(r, dx + pull, dy - yo - (2L << lace));
void DrawSquare(x, y) short x, y;
long xc = 1 + x * SQWID, yc = thite + 2 + y * sqite,
hafite = sqite >> 1;
SetAPen(r, WHITE);
RectFill(r, xc + 2, yc + 1 + lace, xc + SQWID - 1, yc + sqite - 1);
SetAPen(r, BLACK);
if ((x == 1 || x == 6) && (y == 1 || y == 6)) {
DrawEllipse(r, xc + (SQWID >> 1) + 1, yc + hafite,
RADZ << 1, RADZ << lace);
DrawEllipse(r, xc + (SQWID >> 1), yc + hafite,
RADZ << 1, RADZ << lace);
if (lace) {
DrawEllipse(r, xc + (SQWID >> 1) + 1, yc + hafite + 1,
RADZ << 1, RADZ << lace);
DrawEllipse(r, xc + (SQWID >> 1), yc + hafite + 1,
RADZ << 1, RADZ << lace);
} else if (y == 7 && (x == 3 || x == 4)) {
RectFill(r, xc + 8, yc + (4 << lace),
xc + SQWID - 7, yc + sqite - (4 << lace) + lace);
SetAPen(r, WHITE);
RectFill(r, xc + 14, yc + (7 << lace),
xc + SQWID - 13, yc + sqite - (7 << lace) + lace);
} else if (board[x][y] != ANY)
DrawArrows((short) xc, (short) yc, board[x][y]);
SetAPen(r, BLACK);
Move(r, xc + SQWID, yc);
Draw(r, xc, yc);
Draw(r, xc, yc + sqite);
Move(r, xc + 1, yc + sqite);
Draw(r, xc + 1, yc + 1);
if (lace) Draw(r, xc + SQWID, yc + 1);
private void CenterText(say, y) str say; long y;
long sl = strlen(say);
short tl = TextLength(r, say, sl);
Move(r, BOWID + (MARGINWID >> 1) - (tl >> 1) + 1L,
y + ((r->TxBaseline + 1) >> 1));
Text(r, say, sl);
private long yoff(y) short y;
return (long) (thite + 2 + ((y) << lace));
void TellTurn()
short xc, yc;
long a;
struct Image *label;
str say;
bool blueturn = turn == &bb;
static bool lastwon = true;
SetAPen(r, WHITE);
RectFill(r, BOWID + 5L, yoff(2), BOWID + MARGINWID - 2L, yoff(21) - 1);
SetAPen(r, BLACK);
SetBPen(r, WHITE);
CenterText("To move: ", yoff(11));
label = blueturn ? &blabel : &olabel;
DrawImage(r, label, BOWID - (IMWID >> 1) + 130L, yoff(11 - (IMHITE >> 1)));
SetAPen(r, blueturn ? BLUE : ORANGE);
RectFill(r, BOWID + 15L, yoff(32), BOWID + MARGINWID - 12L, yoff(56));
SetAPen(r, blueturn ? WHITE : BLACK);
SetBPen(r, blueturn ? BLUE : ORANGE);
if (won)
say = "Game Over.";
else if (!turn->allowed)
say = "CAN'T MOVE!";
else if (turn->machine)
say = "thinking...";
say = "MAKE A MOVE";
CenterText(say, yoff(44));
SetAPen(r, WHITE);
SetBPen(r, BLACK);
CenterText("Legal Moves:", yoff(74));
xc = BOWID + ((MARGINWID) >> 1) - SQIZE;
yc = yoff(82);
RectFill(r, xc + 2L, yc + lace + 1L, xc + SQWID - 1L, yc + sqite - 1L);
SetAPen(r, BLACK);
DrawArrows(xc, yc, won ? 0 : turn->allowed);
if (!turn->allowed)
won = true;
if (won == lastwon)
lastwon = won;
if (won) {
SetAPen(r, ORANGE);
RectFill(r, BOWID + 7L, yoff(112), BOWID + MARGINWID - 4L, yoff(174));
SetAPen(r, WHITE);
RectFill(r, BOWID + 17L, yoff(117), BOWID + MARGINWID - 14L, yoff(169));
label = blueturn ? &olabel : &blabel;
a = yoff(120);
DrawImage(r, label, BOWID + 23L, a);
DrawImage(r, label, BOWID + MARGINWID - IMWID - 20L, a);
SetAPen(r, BLACK);
SetBPen(r, WHITE);
a = yoff(143) - ((thite + 1) >> 1);
CenterText("WE HAVE", a);
CenterText("A WINNER!", a + thite + 1);
a = yoff(167 - IMHITE);
DrawImage(r, label, BOWID + 23L, a);
DrawImage(r, label, BOWID + MARGINWID - IMWID - 20L, a);
} else {
SetAPen(r, BLACK);
RectFill(r, BOWID + 7L, yoff(112), BOWID + MARGINWID - 4L, yoff(174));
SetAPen(r, ORANGE);
SetBPen(r, BLACK);
CenterText("Try to reach", yoff(135) - thite);
CenterText("the blinking", yoff(136));
CenterText(" X of your ", yoff(137) + thite);
CenterText("piece's color", yoff(138) + (thite << 1));
void ShowBoard()
short x, y, i, bwid;
long bot = 2 + thite + (sqite << 3);
SetDrMd(r, JAM2);
SetAPen(r, BLACK);
RectFill(r, 3L + BOWID, thite + 2L,
2L + MARGINWID + BOWID, 2L + thite + (sqite << 3) + lace);
for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
DrawSquare(x, y);
Move(r, BOWID + 2L, 2L + thite);
Draw(r, BOWID + 2L, bot);
Draw(r, 1L, bot);
Move(r, BOWID + 1L, 2L + thite);
Draw(r, BOWID + 1L, bot);
if (lace) {
Move(r, BOWID + 2L, bot + 1);
Draw(r, 1L, bot + 1);
LiftBob(&oo); /* paint tokens in start position */