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/ Igromania 2004 July / Igromania_07.ISO / GameZone1 / AgeOfEmpires2 / TrulyCountlessBodies / Truly1.jpg next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2004-06-24  |  124KB  |  800x600  |  24-bit (127,343 colors)
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OCR: Truly Louutlessod 41 - A Countless Bodi lies Bv Frank McC Arderic exited his tent and surveved the camp Most of the soldiers had already put on their armor which was still shiny from last nigh t's polishing Many the men had grim, determined look in their eves They were ready to fight t0 the death Others had an air ofnear indifference The prospect that the Huns might he defea ted seemed ost on them handf men paced nervously around the can keeu themse ves oose srderic's horse pawed the ground utemopua auempyguiu Cokenbt anaD Louutles Bodies McCarthy arderi night determi ined eyes near lost handfl keep themselves loose UIHCH pygiuu Cogentht