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TREXXTRA, The TEXTRA-to-ARexx Command Interface!
(The mother-of-all-concatenated-names!!!)
again, by Mike Haas (who else?)
*** Many THANX to Martin Kees, who generously contributed ***
his AREXX original interface design and implementation.
*** Many THANX to James Cooper of SAS Institute, Inc. ***
for contributing the SAS/C interface scripts.
*** Many THANX to all the registered users who have reported ***
bugs and contributed a wealth of much-appreciated
suggestions for our favorite editor.
And to youse guys at Commodore-Amiga, past, present
and future, for the obvious.
This document describes the TEXTRA commands that may be placed
within ARexx scripts and launched from within TEXTRA via the
"Utilities, AREXX..." menu item or key-equivalent.
TEXTRA introduced its ARexx interface in v1.10. I'll make every
attempt to keep later versions backward-compatible and NOT break
any existing scripts later on.
This document describes the feature set of Textra Version 1.15.
A complete Revision History for the ARexx interface is at end
of this document.
A Quick example...
Before trying anything, copy the provided TEXTRA ARexx script
files, the ones in the provided "Scripts" directory, into your
rexx: directory. The provided Textra_Install program will do that
for you automatically. (This need be done only once and completes
the TEXTRA AREXX Interface installation on your system.)
(Alternatively, you could temporarily assign rexx: to the Scripts
directory. If necessary, refer to your Amiga System Manuals for
information about any of these operations.)
Launch TEXTRA by double-clicking on it's icon and click on the
'CANCEL' button on the file requester.
Pull-down the "Utilities, AREXX..." menu item and, if not already
present, enter Tutorial into one of the string gadgets and press
RETURN. (Note: you can clear one first with Rt-Amiga-X, if
Please feel free to use the provided scripts as a basis for developing
your own ARexx programs, if you are inclined to such things. If you
do, and can see your way clear, please send me a copy of your stuff...
if you wish it to be included in the standard release package, include
a signed statement to that effect, OK?
Mike Haas
3867 La Colina Rd.
El Sobrante, CA. 94803
AREXX Scripts containing the TEXTRA commands described in
this file may reside in either of 2 places:
1. The REXX: directory (if you have one ASSIGNed)
2. The Textra "startup" directory...
a. If you launch TEXTRA from Workbench, this is the same
directory that TEXTRA is in.
b. If you run TEXTRA from CLI/Shell, this is the "current
directory" of the CLI/Shell when you launch Textra.
Notes about TEXTRA Command Invocations from ARexx scripts...
1. When specifying strings in TEXTRA commands, encase them
in double-quotes, even if there is no whitespace.
(Otherwise, ARexx will convert all your characters to
UPPER case. Nice of it, huh?)
2. Script usage is case-INsensitive for the TEXTRA commands
and keyword-matching.
3. TEXTRA will sometimes set combinations of 2 pre-defined
AREXX variables, RESULT and RC (return code). Both are
strings, RESULT being primarily informational in nature
and RC used for error situation return values
('out-of-range value' or 'not found' type error codes).
Note that to retrieve the RESULT string, if used, the
AREXX program must have declared OPTIONS RESULTS
somewhere previously. RC is always available and TEXTRA
will return 0 in it for a SUCCESS condition or a non-zero
value (5 is considered a minor condition, 10 is the more
serious type, etc.).
The remainder of this document is divided into the following
sections, each describing commands related to that topic...
Movement commands
Set Selected Area
Operations on Selected Areas
Interactive Control
File/Window Management
There is some overlap to the functionality of these sections,
so if you're looking for a specific capability, scan everything.
The commands themselves...
Movement Commands
GOTOXY x y move cursor to x y position
Place the cursor to the given 'x y' coordinates, where
'x' is the decimal column position (starting with 0) and 'y'
is the decimal line number (starting with 0).
'rc' set to:
0 = 'x y' within range of text
5 = 'x' too large (cursor positioned to end-of-line)
10 = 'y' too large (no change in cursor/selection)
GOTOXY1 x y move cursor to x y position (1's-based)
This command is identical with GOTOXY, except that it accepts
'x' and 'y' arguments which start with 1 (passing less than 1 for
either will set 'rc' as indicated above).
UP n cursor up n lines
'rc' set to:
0 = cursor position was successfully changed by at least 1 line
5 = cursor was at top line to begin with
DOWN n cursor down n lines
'rc' set to:
0 = cursor position was successfully changed by at least 1 line
5 = cursor was at bottom line to begin with
RIGHT n cursor right n characters
'rc' set to:
0 = cursor position was successfully changed by at least 1 column
5 = cursor was at last character in file to begin with
LEFT n cursor left n characters
'rc' set to:
0 = cursor position was successfully changed by at least 1 column
5 = cursor was at first character in file to begin with
FIRSTLINE cursor to beg of file (rc always = 0)
LASTLINE cursor to end of file (rc always = 0)
TOP cursor up to topline of visable page (rc always = 0)
BOTTOM cursor to bottom line of visable page (rc always = 0)
CENTER cursor to middle line (rc always = 0)
HOPTO next word cursor to start of next word
HOPTO prev word cursor to END of prev word
HOPTO next char cursor to next non-white
HOPTO prev char cursor to prev non-white
HOPTO next blank cursor to next whitespace char
HOPTO prev blank cursor to prev whitespace char
HOPTO moves the cursor to a specific position relative to the
current cursor or selection location. The direction and
ultimate destination position is determined by the keywords
HOPTO observes the current setting of the PREFS attribute
'AlphanumericHops' (see the PREFS command) to determine how it
skips over characters and words.
'rc' set to:
10 = keywords supplied to HOPTO were invalid
if 'rc' = 0, 'result' set to:
"<number>" = cursor column
"NOT FOUND" = could not HOPTO (at one end of file)
LINE <num>
Positions the cursor at the beginning of the specified
line (relative to 0). Specifying -1 will place the cursor
at the beginning of the current cursor line. If a select
range exists, the line on which it starts is considered
the 'current' line.
For results, see GOTOXY.
LINE1 <num> *** 1's based ***
Same as LINE, but 1's-based. For results, see GOTOXY.
COLUMN <num>
Positions the cursor at column <num> of the current
line (relative to 0). Specifying -1 will move the cursor
to the end of the current cursor line. If a select
range exists, the line on which it starts is considered
the 'current' line.
For results, see GOTOXY.
COLUMN1 <num> *** 1's based ***
Same as COLUMN, but 1's-based. For results, see GOTOXY.
Set Selected Area
SELECTLINE n select and display line n
Same as the 'Go to Line...' menu item. No effect if 'line n'
is not both a valid decimal number and in range for the file.
(rc always = 0)
FIND "text" find "text", observe wrap setting
Find and select the specified text. The search is case-INsensitive.
'result' set to:
"OK" = text has been located, selected and displayed
"NOT FOUND" = could not be found
(rc always = 0)
Conducts another search for the same string, see FIND.
Used to establish or modify a select range as follows:
- If 'x y' is below the current cursor location or start
of selection, 'x y' then becomes the new start of selection.
- If 'x y' is after the current cursor location or end of
selection, 'x y' then becomes the new end of selection.
- If 'x y' is within the current selection, then 'x y' becomes
the new end of selection.
(rc always = 0)
HOPSELECT next word
HOPSELECT prev word
HOPSELECT next char
HOPSELECT prev char
HOPSELECT establishes a selection relative to the current
cursor or selection location. The direction and destination
selection is determined by the keywords provided.
HOPSELECT observes the current setting of the PREFS attribute
'AlphanumericHops' (see the PREFS command) to determine how it
selects characters and words.
'rc' set to:
10 = keywords supplied to HOPSELECT were invalid
if 'rc' = 0, 'result' set to:
"<number>" = length of selected string
"NOT FOUND" = could not HOPSELECT (at one end of file)
UNSELECT make sure nothing is selected
If there is a selection, place the cursor at the end of it.
No effect if nothing selected.
(rc always = 0)
Operations on Selected Areas
Same as the 'CUT' menu item. No effect if nothing selected.
rc = 30 if window is write protected, otherwise 0
Same as the 'COPY' menu item. No effect if nothing selected.
(rc always = 0)
Same as the 'PASTE' menu item. No effect if nothing has been
CUT or COPY'ed. rc = 30 if window is write protected, otherwise 0
If a select range exists, delete it. Do NOT save it in the
clipboard. rc = 30 if window is write protected, otherwise 0
'result' set to:
"OK" if a select range existed. The cursor will now reside
where the select range previously began.
"NO SELECT" = There is no selection. (nothing is changed)
"WRITE PROTECTED" = window must be unlocked, see WRITEENABLE
Selected or next word to lower case. rc = 30 if window is
write protected, otherwise 0
Selected or next word to upper case. rc = 30 if window is
write protected, otherwise 0
Capitalize the selected or next word. rc = 30 if window is
write protected, otherwise 0
TEXT token
Inserts the 'token' into the current window at the current
cursor location. If a select range exists, it is deleted
before the insertion. rc = 30 if window is write protected,
otherwise 0
TEXTN token
Same as TEXT, but includes a newline after the specified string.
rc = 30 if window is write protected, otherwise 0
Inserts a newline into the current window at the current
cursor location. If a select range exists, it is deleted
before the insertion. rc = 30 if window is write protected,
otherwise 0
Same behavior as the BackSpace key on the keyboard.
rc = 30 if window is write protected, otherwise 0
Same behavior as the DEL key on the keyboard.
rc = 30 if window is write protected, otherwise 0
PREFS attribute action
Perform an action to the specified Edit or Printing Preferences
attribute. The action may be to either read and return the
current setting of the attribute, or set it.
The valid attribute keywords are listed here, along with the
appropriate action keywords for each...
Usage: PREFS [AutoIndent] [read on off]
[AutoBackspace] [read on off]
[PrintLineNumbers] [read on off]
[PrintPageHeaders] [read on off]
[TabWidth] [read <value>]
[Alphanumeric] [read on off]
[AlphanumericHops] [read on off]
[WrapFind] [read on off]
If the action is 'read', the returned string will either be
"ON", "OFF", or "<value>", depending on whether the attribute
is a 'state' or 'numeric' variable.
example: PREFS AutoIndent read
AIstatus = result /* should be ON or OFF */
If the action is to set the attribute, then the action keyword
will be either "ON", "OFF" or "<value>", depending on whether
the attribute is a 'state' or 'numeric' variable. If the
attribute is successfully set, the string "OK" will be returned.
NOTE: setting the PREFS Alphanumeric attribute to 'off'
automatically infers the 'Non-Whitespace" mode of selecting
text on double-click mouse events.
NOTE: the PREFS AlphanumericHops [read on off] attribute,
determines how the HOPTO and HOPSELECT commands will look
at text. Turning this attribute off automatically infers
the 'Non-Whitespace" mode of parsing text.
NOTE: the WrapFind setting is initialized to OFF at the beginning
of each script or command invocation. This attribute applies
ONLY to the FIND and FINDNEXT commands (is independant of
the Wrap setting in the FIND STRING... requester).
examples: PREFS AutoIndent on
AIstatus = result /* should be OK */
PREFS TabWidth read
notify result
'rc' set to:
10 = keywords supplied to PREFS were invalid
if 'rc' = 0 and action is "read", 'result' set to:
"<number>" = if requested attribute is numeric in nature
"ON" or "OFF" = if requested attribute is a 'state'
GET item attribute
GET is used to aquire information about a certain 'attribute'
of a particular 'item'.
'rc' set to:
10 = keywords supplied to GET were invalid
Assuming the given keyword pairs are valid (in the following list),
'result' will be set as indicated.
A brief summary of the available reports:
GET cursor position - report column & line of cursor
GET cursor char - report character at cursor position
GET file name - get just the filename (no path)
GET file path - get just the file path (no name)
GET file info - get characteristics of the file
GET window info - get characteristics of the window
GET window <num> - get 'window-pointer' for window N
GET line <num> - return text of line
GET select position - return start and end points of select range
GET select text - return the string that is selected
GET select next - used after 'get select text' to get later lines
Specific info about each command...
GET cursor position
'result' set to:
"x y" = column & line numbers, both 0-based (ex: "0 13"
to indicate first column of the fourteenth line).
Use "PARSE var result col ' ' line" in AREXX scripts.
"SELECT" = There is no cursor (a selection exists).
GET cursor char
'result' set to:
"c" = a single-character string (or "-1" if on empty line)
"SELECT" = There is no cursor as a selection exists.
GET file name 'result' set to "filename"
GET file path 'result' set to "vol:dir/" or "vol:" format
GET file info 'result' set to "string" describing characteristics
'result' set to:
"modified? numLines size-in-mem size-on-disk"
modified? = "YES" or "NO"
numLines = number of lines in memory
size-in-mem = number of characters in memory
size-on-disk = number of characters on disk (-1 if
file doesn't exist or error)
GET window info 'result' set to "string" describing characteristics
'result' set to:
"left top width height numVisLines numVisChars"
left = window left edge
top = window topedge
width = window width
height = window height
numVisLines = height in visible text lines
numVisChars = width in visible characters
NOTE: all coordinates relative to screen 0,0
GET window <num> obtain the 'window-pointer' for window N
<num> must be in the range of from 1 to number-of-windows.
This command is especially useful for doing something to
each open Textra window, when used in combination with
the SELECTWINDOW command.
THIS COMMAND VARIANT: If a window is closed by any
means (meaning the 'number-of-windows' is lowered), one
cannot assume that the same 'window-pointer' value will
be returned for the same <num> argument. For example,
if 'GET window 2' returns -148200, and then window 1
is closed, 'GET window 2' may now be invalid (if there
is only 1 window left), and 'GET window 1' will now
return the -148200 window value. (This is not a
consideration if new windows are opened, just when they
are closed.)
'result' set to:
'window-pointer' = if <num> was in range
0 = if <num> was out of range
GET line <num>
'rc' set to:
10 = <num> is too large (the specified line doesn't exist),
otherwise, 'result' set to:
"line text" = contents of line <num>
GET select position
'result' set to:
"startx starty endx endy" = select range coordinates.
(For example, "0 0 2 4" indicates that from the first
column of the first line to the third column of the fifth
line is selected. From AREXX, use:
PARSE var result startx' 'starty' 'endx' 'endy )
"NO SELECT" = There is no selection.
GET select text "(num) selected text" | "NO SELECT"
Used to retrieve the current selection, or at least
the component of it that is on the first line. The
first portion of the returned string is always the number
of remaining lines that can be returned via "GET select next".
This number is always followed by a SPACE character, then the
selected text on that line.
For example, if "0 Four score" is returned, the caller knows
that the selection does not extend over 1 line and that the
selected text is "Four Score".
If "1 seven years ago," is returned, the caller knows
that the selected text is "seven years ago," and that
the selection extends over to the next line (see
"GET select next").
'result' set to:
"<num> selected text" = <num> is number of times to call
"GET select next" (separated by a
SPACE character from the text).
"NO SELECT" = no selection currently exists.
GET select next "numleft selected text" | "NO SELECT"
Used to retrieve remaining lines, if the previous
"GET select text" indicated it should be called at all.
It returns the same format string as "GET select text",
but will return a 'numleft' component that decreases
by 1 each time, ultimately to zero.
'result' set to: same as "GET select text"
NOTE: returns just "0" if called past end of selection.
Wait for 'num' seconds, where 'num' is a decimal number of
the form "4.36" or "4". Minimum resolution is .02 seconds,
and with the speed AREXX operates at, that should be quite
Delete all text from and blank the current window.
rc = 30 if window is write protected, otherwise 0
NOTIFY "token"
Presents a standard informational 'Please Note!' requester
to the user and waits for him/her to click the single 'OK'
button. The token string is presented in the requester
and should not exceed 60 characters in length. Does not
return a result. rc always = 0.
ASK "token"
Presents a standard 'YES/NO' requester to the user and waits
for him/her to click on a button. The token string
is presented in the requester and should not exceed 60
characters in length. rc always = 0.
'result' set to:
"YES" or "NO", depending of course on which button was clicked.
TEXTRAVERSION (only in v1.12 and later)
Returns a string describing the TEXTRA major and minor versions,
as well as the incremental version of the AREXX interface
(increments with each release that contains a modification to
the interface code and/or command set).
format: major-version minor-version rexxinterface
for example: 1 12 2
"1 12 2" will be returned for v1.12, last 2 indicates
AREXX interface, rev2. This should increment with
every release that contains an ARexx interface
addition, deletion, modification, or fix.
"1 13 5" is returned for 1.13
The 3rd digit will never be less than 2, as it was that rev
which implemented this command.
The commands in the following list have been added since the
initial V1.10 release (which first incorporated the ARexx
interface). For best results, you should check for the highest
relevant rexx version at the beginning of your script (rexx
code for checking shown below)...
min Rexx revision needed for command
----------------- ------------------
PREFS Alphanumeric, PREFS AlphanumericHops,
address Textra (with no command string)
6 (v1.14) QUITTEXTRA
PREFS WrapFind [action], GOTOXY1,
GET file info, GET window info,
GET window <num>, OPENFILEWAIT
For example, if the most recent command listed that your
script uses is CHECKCANCEL, you will want to check for
rexx ver of 5. However, if you call QUITTEXTRA, you will need
rexx ver 6.
Note that not checking for an appropriate rexx version will
not crash older, incompatible versions of the editor, but the
user may be confronted with less-explanatory 'unknown
command' error requesters. Checking the rexx ver is how you
can explain just what the problem is.
The following ARexx example illustrates how to check for a
specific rexx version. This example checks for rexx ver of
5, indicated by the "(rex < 5)" statement on the 6th line:
options results
rex = 0; result = "NOTSUPPORTED"
parse var result maj min rex
if (result == "NOTSUPPORTED") | (rex < 5) then do
notify "Textra V1.13 or later required for this script."
As of V1.13, all release TEXTRA scripts check that the
TEXTRA that is calling them is of a compatible version as
Checks whether the user wants to cancel the command. To
respond accordingly, the programmer should put something like
this in his/her ".textra" script:
/* Check if the user wants to cancel... */
CheckCancel; if (result == CANCEL) then exit
Note that the script has the ability to perform specific actions
before exiting, such as flushing data for example.
'result' set to:
"CANCEL" The user wants to cancel current operation
"NO" Do not cancel
Presents the specified string as a prompt, then waits for the user
to press the RETURN or ENTER keys. Until either is pressed, other
keys are entered into the document as usual. (If the specified
string is entered as "noprompt", none is presented).
When the user presses RETURN, 4 values are returned as the
'result' string. These represent the starting x, y and ending x,
y coordinates for the "response".
The response is considered to be either:
- Any selected text. (OR, if no text is selected...)
- The cursor position when the command was invoked is
considered the start x, y. The end x, y is the position
when the RETURN key was pressed.
'result' set to:
"WRITE PROTECTED" = window must be unlocked via WRITEENABLE
"startx starty endx endy" = successful query
This can be retrieved via:
parse var result startx starty endx endy
Works exactly as does RETURNPROMPT, but also adds a NEWLINE after
the prompt is displayed, allowing the response to occupy an entire
See RETURNPROMPT for all other details.
QUITTEXTRA <exit-save-action>
There are 3 possible forms of this command:
QUITTEXTRA prompt (normal shutdown, prompts if files modified)
QUITTEXTRA save (doesn't prompt, always saves modified files)
QUITTEXTRA nosave (doesn't prompt, doesn't save modified files)
NOTE: The last two forms of this command have special user
interface considerations.
Users of a script containing such a command may not desire to have
their files saved, almost certainly not discarded. Use carefully!
Make sure others know if you use either of these forms. (None of
the release scripts use any form of the QUITTEXTRA command).
Note that Textra will not exit if a print job is active. If an ARexx
script is running, the exit is postponed until the script finishes.
MARKSELECT <Mark name>
Create a mark called <Mark name> (will be truncated
to 31 characters maximum length), which will be
associated with the currently-selected text. The
name will be made available to the GUI as well as
the GOTOMARK and DELETEMARK commands.
Note that an existing mark of the same <Mark name>
will be replaced with the new mark.
'result' set to:
"OK" - Mark defined
"NO" - an error prevented definition of the mark
"NO SELECT" - no select range is highlighted to mark.
"WRITE PROTECTED" - window must be unlocked via WRITEENABLE
GOTOMARK <Mark name>
Select and display the text corresponding to
<Mark name>.
'result' set to:
"OK" - Mark selected and displayed
"NOT FOUND" - no mark exists of that name
DELETEMARK <Mark name>
Delete the mark called <Mark name>.
'result' set to:
"OK" - Mark deleted
"NOT FOUND" - no mark exists of that name
"WRITE PROTECTED" - window must be unlocked via WRITEENABLE
STATUSTEXT "Text string"
Displays the passed-in text in the status line, replacing the
previous status line display. (The normal status line
display can be recovered at any time by clicking on the
status line.)
File/Window Management
Some of the commands in this section deal with a parameter called
a 'window-pointer'. These may be saved by your program and later
used to select the active window. They are valid as long as that
window is open. This parameter is bound to the window, not the
file. As a result, it always describes the same window, even if
the filename of that window changes (perhaps via SAVEAS).
See also the 'GET window <num>' command, which also returns a
OPENFILE "filename"
Reads in the specified file from disk, unless the file is
already open. TEXTRA first expands the "filename" to it's
full pathname equivalent, then checks the titles of it's
current windows for a match.
If the specified file is already open, it is brought to the
front and the cursor is set to 0,0 (just as if the file was
freshly opened).
If the specified file is not open, and can't be found on the
disk, an empty window is created and given the specified
NOTE: Do not pass a string that describes a directory to
OPENFILE. It will create a window, then present the
file requester on that directory, thereby requiring
user input via the mouse. Currently, OPENFILE does not
wait for the selection before returning to the AREXX
script, which operates on the window in that condition
(with the requester in place). (This will be protected
against in a future version.)
'result' set to:
"window-pointer" = descriptor to later use to re-select this
window (see SELECTWINDOW)
"0" = window could not be opened
Works identically to OPENFILE, except that this command will
not return until the edited window is closed.
This command was added to support programs like mail readers,
which sometimes expect the editor to NOT return until the
user is finished with the specified document.
FINDFILE "filename"
TEXTRA first expands the "filename" to it's full pathname
equivalent, then checks the titles of it's current windows
for a match.
If the filename is found, it is brought to the
front and the associated 'window-pointer' is returned.
FINDFILE is similar to OPENFILE, except that it never
creates a new window.
'result' set to:
"window-pointer" = descriptor to later use to re-select this
window (see SELECTWINDOW)
"0" = filename not found as a window title
SELECTWINDOW "window-pointer"
The specified window is brought to the front and made
the current window.
The window-pointer parameter must have been aquired from
either OPENFILE or FINDFILE, and the window must still be
v1.13 and later (only)... SELECTWINDOW returns...
"OK" = Window found and selected
"NOT FOUND" = passed in value was not a valid window-
SAVEAS "filename"
The currently selected window is saved to disk under the
specified name.
If the specified filename is a single asterisk, i.e. "*",
the file will be written under the currently existing
filename (equivalent to a SAVE operation).
'result' set to:
"OK" = file successfully written
"ERROR" = some error occured, file not saved
"NOT FOUND" = "filename" either describes a directory
or contains an invalid pathname component
"FILE NOT NAMED" = a "*" has been specified, but the file has
never been given a name
The currently selected window is closed unless it is the
last window.
'result' set to:
"RANGE ERROR" = file is the last one open (can't be closed
via ARexx)
"window-pointer" = the selected window was closed, the returned
"file-pointer" is for the new selected window
PLACEWINDOW leftedge topedge width height
Positions the window to the supplied screen-relative coordinates.
Example: PlaceWindow 20 20 300 100
If successful, one might want to perform a 'GET window info'
operation, to obtain the new value for number-of-visible-lines
and number-of-visible-chars, which are both dependant on the
user-selected font.
If -1 is used for any input parameter, no change in that window
dimension (only) will be made. For example...
PLACEWINDOW "-1" "-1" "-1" "-1" /*arexx needs the quotes*/
...will not change the window position at all.
result set to:
"RANGE ERROR" = supplied coordinates are too large, too small
or OS error
"OK" = Window successfully placed
Identical to the menu item behavior, "locks" the window against
changes by either the user or ARexx. Commands which normally
change window text will set rc=30 and, if appropriate,
return result="WRITE PROTECTED".
Identical to the menu item behavior, "unlocks" the window allowing
changes by both user and ARexx. All commands operate normally.
Revision History
v1.10 (Did not support the TEXTRAVERSION command)
- Initial ARexx release
v1.11 (Did not support the TEXTRAVERSION command)
- Fixed GET CURSOR CHAR problem (probable crash
if cursor was at the end of a line)
These flavors are represented by the third digit in the
TEXTRAVERSION ARexx command. Refer to the text for that
v1.12 (TEXTRAVERSION returns 1 12 2)
- Replace WRAPAT.textra script with PARAGRAPH.textra
- Added File/Window Management section
- Added TEXTRAVERSION command
v1.13 (TEXTRAVERSION returns 1 13 5)
- Select "next word"-type words will now select
Alpha-NUMERIC strings. (Earlier versions only selected
alphabetics) (Beta2)
- If no "s:Textra.cmds" file exists, default strings are
placed in the ARexx requester string gadgets (including
one "@command"-type ARexx STRING FILE as an example).
- Added INSERTFILE <filename> (Beta3)
- TEXTRAVERSION returns "1 13 3" (Beta2 was still "1 13 2")
- '.textra' ARexx scripts can now be used like normal commands
inside other '.textra' ARexx scripts. (Beta3)
- Fixed problem in ARexx interface that would cause a deadlock
if 'address "TEXTRA"' was used within a .textra script (Beta7)
- CLOSEWINDOW command (Beta9)
- CHECKCANCEL command (Beta9)
- version returns 1 13 4 (Beta12)
- SELECTWINDOW was broken in Beta8... window would become active,
but all subsequent events went to previously-selected window!
- Added the following attributes to PREFS command/1 13 5 (Beta14)
[Alphanumeric] [read on off]
[AlphanumericHops] [read on off]
v1.14 (TEXTRAVERSION returns 1 14 6)
- Added the QUITTEXTRA command
- Fixed a possible crash in the CLEAR command
- Fixed a possible crash in the CLOSEWINDOW command
v1.15 (TEXTRAVERSION returns 1 15 12)
- Added the MARKSELECT command
- Added the GOTOMARK command
- Added the DELETEMARK command
- Added the PREFS WrapFind [on off read] attribute
- removed [ConvertCRLF] option for PREFS command as Textra
is now MSDOS-text-compatible.
- Added the GOTOXY1 and STATUSTEXT commands.
- Added the 'GET file info', 'GET window info', 'GET window <num>'
and the PLACEWINDOW commands
- Added the LINE, LINE1, COLUMN and COLUMN1 commands
- (Beta9) When Write-protected, commands which don't change
window will work. (In beta8, nothing but WRITEENABLE
worked... the files.textra scripts would fail if
a write-protected window existed. Also, rexx commands
which write to file now report errors. (rexxver to 11)
- Added the OPENFILEWAIT command (rexxver to 12)