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ACTL.EXE sees the ';' character as a comment character, and does not
copy any characters following ';'.
If you want to use the Auto/Answer mode with FAX modems you will need
to enter the following yourself.
Here are the three Host Init strings I use with AceComm in Auto/Answer
mode. The following init strings allows my Supra 28.8 modem to answer
calls and detect FAX from DATA calls. AceComm will determine BBS callers
from EMSI mailer calls.
Host Init Strings
AT+FCLASS=2;+FCR=1;+FLID="602 846 2940";AT+FDCC=0,5,0,0,0,0,0,7
Note: that BGFAX initializes the modem with FLID and FDCC commands
from BGFAX.CNF so they could be removed. I have them in for
my own purposes.
Answer String
The FAA=1 tells the FAX modem to answer for both DATA and FAX calls.
Dialing Data Numbers
You also need to add +FCLASS=0 to the dial string when using AceComm
as a mailer with FAX modes.
Dial String
AceComm will re init the modem after any calls in or out while in
Auto/Answer mode. If you call out from the Dialing directory, it is
best to toggle the Scheduler. <Schedules> macro toggles the scheduler.
Default key press is ALT+E.
Calling BGFAX From AceComm
At this time I cannot get BGFAX to run directly from my <RunProg> macro.
It locks up everytime on my computers. The following works perfectly:
<RunProg>COMMAND.COM /C recvfax.bat [DIR_DNLDS] %P
You will see this macro stack in the Auto/Answer Setup menu, and in
the External Protocols/Uploads Setup menu.
REMEMBER: The Scheduler must be active for the Auto/Answer menu configurations
to work. Auto/Answer is activated/deactivated with the scheduler.
RECVFAX.BAT and SENDFAX.BAT contain the actual calls to BGFAX.
[DIR_DNLDS] can be replaced with any path you want a FAX to recieve to.
AceComm puts your downloads PATH in the [DIR_DNLDS] spot. %P is replaced
with the comm port.
I use comm 4 IRQ 5 here. See the RECVFAX.BAT for my com3/irq5 setup.
Odd ports are documented in BGFAX.DOC