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- /***************************************************************
- bwb_prn.c Print and Error-Handling Commands
- for Bywater BASIC Interpreter
- Copyright (c) 1993, Ted A. Campbell
- Bywater Software
- email: tcamp@delphi.com
- Copyright and Permissions Information:
- All U.S. and international rights are claimed by the author,
- Ted A. Campbell.
- This software is released under the terms of the GNU General
- Public License (GPL), which is distributed with this software
- in the file "COPYING". The GPL specifies the terms under
- which users may copy and use the software in this distribution.
- A separate license is available for commercial distribution,
- for information on which you should contact the author.
- ***************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "bwbasic.h"
- #include "bwb_mes.h"
- /* Prototypes for functions visible only to this file */
- int prn_col = 1;
- static int prn_width = 80; /* default width for stdout */
- struct prn_fmt
- {
- int type; /* STRING, NUMBER, SINGLE, or NUMBER */
- int exponential; /* TRUE = use exponential notation */
- int right_justified; /* TRUE = right justified else left justified */
- int width; /* width of main section */
- int precision; /* width after decimal point */
- int commas; /* use commas every three steps */
- int sign; /* prefix sign to number */
- int money; /* prefix money sign to number */
- int fill; /* ASCII value for fill character, normally ' ' */
- int minus; /* postfix minus sign to number */
- };
- #if ANSI_C
- static int prn_cr( char *buffer, FILE *f );
- static struct prn_fmt *get_prnfmt( char *buffer, int *position, FILE *f );
- static int bwb_xerror( char *message );
- static int xxputc( FILE *f, char c );
- static int xxxputc( FILE *f, char c );
- static struct bwb_variable * bwb_esetovar( struct exp_ese *e );
- #else
- static int prn_cr();
- static struct prn_fmt *get_prnfmt();
- static int bwb_xerror();
- static int xxputc();
- static int xxxputc();
- static struct bwb_variable * bwb_esetovar();
- #endif
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_print()
- DESCRIPTION: This function implements the BASIC PRINT
- command.
- SYNTAX: PRINT [# device-number,][USING format-string$;] expressions...
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_print( struct bwb_line *l )
- #else
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_print( l )
- struct bwb_line *l;
- #endif
- {
- FILE *fp;
- static int pos;
- int req_devnumber;
- struct exp_ese *v;
- static char *s_buffer; /* small, temporary buffer */
- static int init = FALSE;
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_print(): enter function" );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- /* initialize buffers if necessary */
- if ( init == FALSE )
- {
- init = TRUE;
- if ( ( s_buffer = calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1, sizeof(char) ) ) == NULL )
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_print(): failed to get memory for s_buffer" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_getmem );
- #endif
- }
- }
- /* advance beyond whitespace and check for the '#' sign */
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- if ( l->buffer[ l->position ] == '#' )
- {
- ++( l->position );
- adv_element( l->buffer, &( l->position ), s_buffer );
- pos = 0;
- v = bwb_exp( s_buffer, FALSE, &pos );
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- if ( l->buffer[ l->position ] == ',' )
- {
- ++( l->position );
- }
- else
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_print(): no comma after #n" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_syntax );
- #endif
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- req_devnumber = (int) exp_getnval( v );
- /* check the requested device number */
- if ( ( req_devnumber < 0 ) || ( req_devnumber >= DEF_DEVICES ))
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_input(): Requested device number is out of range." );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_devnum );
- #endif
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- if (( dev_table[ req_devnumber ].mode == DEVMODE_CLOSED ) ||
- ( dev_table[ req_devnumber ].mode == DEVMODE_AVAILABLE ))
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_input(): Requested device number is not open." );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_devnum );
- #endif
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- if ( dev_table[ req_devnumber ].mode != DEVMODE_OUTPUT )
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_print(): Requested device is not open for OUTPUT." );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_devnum );
- #endif
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_print(): device number is <%d>",
- req_devnumber );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- /* look up the requested device in the device table */
- fp = dev_table[ req_devnumber ].cfp;
- }
- else
- {
- fp = stdout;
- }
- #else
- fp = stdout;
- #endif /* COMMON_CMDS */
- bwb_xprint( l, fp );
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_xprint()
- DESCRIPTION: This function implements the BASIC PRINT
- command, utilizing a specified file our
- output device.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- int
- bwb_xprint( struct bwb_line *l, FILE *f )
- #else
- int
- bwb_xprint( l, f )
- struct bwb_line *l;
- FILE *f;
- #endif
- {
- struct exp_ese *e;
- int loop;
- static int p;
- static int fs_pos;
- struct prn_fmt *format;
- static char *format_string;
- static char *output_string;
- static char *element;
- static char *prnbuf;
- static int init = FALSE;
- bstring *b;
- #endif
- /* initialize buffers if necessary */
- if ( init == FALSE )
- {
- init = TRUE;
- if ( ( format_string = calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1, sizeof(char) ) ) == NULL )
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_xprint(): failed to get memory for format_string" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_getmem );
- #endif
- }
- if ( ( output_string = calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1, sizeof(char) ) ) == NULL )
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_xprint(): failed to get memory for output_string" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_getmem );
- #endif
- }
- if ( ( element = calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1, sizeof(char) ) ) == NULL )
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_xprint(): failed to get memory for element buffer" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_getmem );
- #endif
- }
- if ( ( prnbuf = calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1, sizeof(char) ) ) == NULL )
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_xprint(): failed to get memory for prnbuf" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_getmem );
- #endif
- }
- }
- /* Detect USING Here */
- fs_pos = -1;
- /* get "USING" in format_string */
- p = l->position;
- adv_element( l->buffer, &p, format_string );
- bwb_strtoupper( format_string );
- /* check to be sure */
- if ( strcmp( format_string, CMD_XUSING ) == 0 )
- {
- l->position = p;
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- /* now get the format string in format_string */
- e = bwb_exp( l->buffer, FALSE, &( l->position ) );
- if ( e->type == STRING )
- {
- /* copy the format string to buffer */
- str_btoc( format_string, exp_getsval( e ) );
- /* look for ';' after format string */
- fs_pos = 0;
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- if ( l->buffer[ l->position ] == ';' )
- {
- ++l->position;
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- }
- else
- {
- bwb_error( "Failed to find ¥";¥" after format string in PRINT USING" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_syntax );
- #endif
- return FALSE;
- }
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_xprint(): Found USING, format string <%s>",
- format_string );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- bwb_error( "Failed to find format string after PRINT USING" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_syntax );
- #endif
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- #endif /* COMMON_CMDS */
- /* if no arguments, simply print CR and return */
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- switch( l->buffer[ l->position ] )
- {
- case '¥0':
- case '¥n':
- case '¥r':
- case ':':
- prn_xprintf( f, "¥n" );
- return TRUE;
- default:
- break;
- }
- loop = TRUE;
- while( loop == TRUE )
- {
- /* resolve the string */
- e = bwb_exp( l->buffer, FALSE, &( l->position ) );
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_xprint(): op <%d> type <%d>",
- e->operation, e->type );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- /* an OP_NULL probably indicates a terminating ';', but this
- will be detected later, so we can ignore it for now */
- if ( e->operation != OP_NULL )
- {
- b = exp_getsval( e );
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_xprint(): bstring name is <%s>",
- b->name );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- str_btoc( element, exp_getsval( e ) );
- }
- else
- {
- element[ 0 ] = '¥0';
- }
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_xprint(): element <%s>",
- element );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- /* print with format if there is one */
- if (( fs_pos > -1 ) && ( strlen( element ) > 0 ))
- {
- format = get_prnfmt( format_string, &fs_pos, f );
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_xprint(): format type <%d> width <%d>",
- format->type, format->width );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- switch( format->type )
- {
- case STRING:
- if ( e->type != STRING )
- {
- bwb_error( "Type mismatch in PRINT USING" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_mismatch );
- #endif
- }
- sprintf( output_string, "%.*s", format->width,
- element );
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_xprint(): output string <%s>",
- output_string );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- prn_xprintf( f, output_string );
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- if ( e->type == STRING )
- {
- bwb_error( "Type mismatch in PRINT USING" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_mismatch );
- #endif
- }
- if ( format->exponential == TRUE )
- {
- sprintf( output_string, "%e",
- exp_getnval( e ) );
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf( output_string, "%*.*f",
- format->width, format->precision, exp_getnval( e ) );
- }
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_xprint(): output number <%f> string <%s>",
- exp_getnval( e ), output_string );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- prn_xprintf( f, output_string );
- break;
- default:
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_xprint(): get_prnfmt() returns unknown type <%c>",
- format->type );
- bwb_error( bwb_ebuf );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_mismatch );
- #endif
- break;
- }
- #endif /* COMMON_CMDS */
- }
- /* not a format string: use defaults */
- else if ( strlen( element ) > 0 )
- {
- switch( e->type )
- {
- case STRING:
- prn_xprintf( f, element );
- break;
- default:
- sprintf( prnbuf, " %.*lf", prn_precision( bwb_esetovar( e )),
- exp_getnval( e ) );
- #else
- sprintf( prnbuf, " %.*f", prn_precision( bwb_esetovar( e )),
- exp_getnval( e ) );
- #endif
- prn_xprintf( f, prnbuf );
- break;
- }
- }
- /* check the position to see if the loop should continue */
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- switch( l->buffer[ l->position ] )
- {
- case ':': /* end of line segment */
- loop = FALSE;
- break;
- case '¥0': /* end of buffer */
- case '¥n':
- case '¥r':
- loop = FALSE;
- break;
- #endif
- case ',': /* tab over */
- xputc( f, '¥t' );
- ++l->position;
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- break;
- case ';': /* concatenate strings */
- ++l->position;
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- break;
- default:
- loop = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- } /* end of loop through print elements */
- /* call prn_cr() to print a CR if it is not overridden by a
- concluding ';' mark */
- prn_cr( l->buffer, f );
- return TRUE;
- } /* end of function bwb_xprint() */
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: get_prnfmt()
- DESCRIPTION: This function gets the PRINT USING
- format string, returning a structure
- to the format.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- static struct prn_fmt *
- get_prnfmt( char *buffer, int *position, FILE *f )
- #else
- static struct prn_fmt *
- get_prnfmt( buffer, position, f )
- char *buffer;
- int *position;
- FILE *f;
- #endif
- {
- static struct prn_fmt retstruct;
- int loop;
- /* set some defaults */
- retstruct.precision = 0;
- retstruct.type = FALSE;
- retstruct.exponential = FALSE;
- retstruct.right_justified = FALSE;
- retstruct.commas = FALSE;
- retstruct.sign = FALSE;
- retstruct.money = FALSE;
- retstruct.fill = ' ';
- retstruct.minus = FALSE;
- retstruct.width = 0;
- /* check for negative position */
- if ( *position < 0 )
- {
- return &retstruct;
- }
- /* advance past whitespace */
- adv_ws( buffer, position );
- /* check first character: a lost can be decided right here */
- loop = TRUE;
- while( loop == TRUE )
- {
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in get_prnfmt(): loop, buffer <%s>",
- &( buffer[ *position ] ) );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- switch( buffer[ *position ] )
- {
- case ' ': /* end of this format segment */
- loop = FALSE;
- break;
- case '¥0': /* end of format string */
- case '¥n':
- case '¥r':
- *position = -1;
- return &retstruct;
- case '_': /* print next character as literal */
- ++( *position );
- xputc( f, buffer[ *position ] );
- ++( *position );
- break;
- case '!':
- retstruct.type = STRING;
- retstruct.width = 1;
- return &retstruct;
- case '¥¥':
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in get_prnfmt(): found ¥¥" );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- retstruct.type = STRING;
- ++retstruct.width;
- ++( *position );
- for ( ; buffer[ *position ] == ' '; ++( *position ) )
- {
- ++retstruct.width;
- }
- if ( buffer[ *position ] == '¥¥' )
- {
- ++retstruct.width;
- ++( *position );
- }
- return &retstruct;
- case '$':
- ++( *position );
- retstruct.money = TRUE;
- if ( buffer[ *position ] == '$' )
- {
- ++( *position );
- }
- break;
- case '*':
- ++( *position );
- retstruct.fill = '*';
- if ( buffer[ *position ] == '*' )
- {
- ++( *position );
- }
- break;
- case '+':
- ++( *position );
- retstruct.sign = TRUE;
- break;
- case '#':
- retstruct.type = NUMBER; /* for now */
- ++( *position );
- for ( retstruct.width = 1; buffer[ *position ] == '#'; ++( *position ) )
- {
- ++retstruct.width;
- }
- if ( buffer[ *position ] == ',' )
- {
- retstruct.commas = TRUE;
- }
- if ( buffer[ *position ] == '.' )
- {
- retstruct.type = NUMBER;
- ++retstruct.width;
- ++( *position );
- for ( retstruct.precision = 0; buffer[ *position ] == '#'; ++( *position ) )
- {
- ++retstruct.precision;
- ++retstruct.width;
- }
- }
- if ( buffer[ *position ] == '-' )
- {
- retstruct.minus = TRUE;
- ++( *position );
- }
- return &retstruct;
- case '^':
- retstruct.type = NUMBER;
- retstruct.exponential = TRUE;
- for ( retstruct.width = 1; buffer[ *position ] == '^'; ++( *position ) )
- {
- ++retstruct.width;
- }
- return &retstruct;
- }
- } /* end of loop */
- return &retstruct;
- }
- #endif
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: prn_cr()
- DESCRIPTION: This function outputs a carriage-return
- to a specified file or output device.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- static int
- prn_cr( char *buffer, FILE *f )
- #else
- static int
- prn_cr( buffer, f )
- char *buffer;
- FILE *f;
- #endif
- {
- register int c;
- int loop;
- /* find the end of the buffer */
- for ( c = 0; buffer[ c ] != '¥0'; ++c )
- {
- }
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in prn_cr(): initial c is <%d>", c );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- /* back up through any whitespace */
- loop = TRUE;
- while ( loop == TRUE )
- {
- switch( buffer[ c ] )
- {
- case ' ': /* if whitespace */
- case '¥t':
- case 0:
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in prn_cr(): backup: c is <%d>, char <%c>[0x%x]",
- c, buffer[ c ], buffer[ c ] );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- --c; /* back up */
- if ( c < 0 ) /* check position */
- {
- loop = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- default: /* else break out */
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in prn_cr(): breakout: c is <%d>, char <%c>[0x%x]",
- c, buffer[ c ], buffer[ c ] );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- loop = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( buffer[ c ] == ';' )
- {
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in prn_cr(): concluding <;> detected." );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- prn_xprintf( f, "¥n" );
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: prn_xprintf()
- DESCRIPTION: This function outputs a null-terminated
- string to a specified file or output
- device.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- int
- prn_xprintf( FILE *f, char *buffer )
- #else
- int
- prn_xprintf( f, buffer )
- FILE *f;
- char *buffer;
- #endif
- {
- char *p;
- /* DO NOT try anything so stupid as to run bwb_debug() from
- here, because it will create an endless loop. And don't
- ask how I know. */
- for ( p = buffer; *p != '¥0'; ++p )
- {
- xputc( f, *p );
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: xputc()
- DESCRIPTION: This function outputs a character to a
- specified file or output device, expanding
- TABbed output approriately.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- int
- xputc( FILE *f, char c )
- #else
- int
- xputc( f, c )
- FILE *f;
- char c;
- #endif
- {
- static int tab_pending = FALSE;
- /* check for pending TAB */
- if ( tab_pending == TRUE )
- {
- if ( (int) c < ( * prn_getcol( f ) ) )
- {
- xxputc( f, '¥n' );
- }
- while( ( * prn_getcol( f )) < (int) c )
- {
- xxputc( f, ' ' );
- }
- tab_pending = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* check c for specific output options */
- switch( c )
- {
- case PRN_TAB:
- tab_pending = TRUE;
- break;
- case '¥t':
- while( ( (* prn_getcol( f )) % 14 ) != 0 )
- {
- xxputc( f, ' ' );
- }
- break;
- default:
- xxputc( f, c );
- break;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: xxputc()
- DESCRIPTION: This function outputs a character to a
- specified file or output device, checking
- to be sure the PRINT width is within
- the bounds specified for that device.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- static int
- xxputc( FILE *f, char c )
- #else
- static int
- xxputc( f, c )
- FILE *f;
- char c;
- #endif
- {
- /* check to see if width has been exceeded */
- if ( * prn_getcol( f ) >= prn_getwidth( f ))
- {
- xxxputc( f, '¥n' ); /* output LF */
- * prn_getcol( f ) = 1; /* and reset */
- }
- /* adjust the column counter */
- if ( c == '¥n' )
- {
- * prn_getcol( f ) = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ++( * prn_getcol( f ));
- }
- /* now output the character */
- return xxxputc( f, c );
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: xxxputc()
- DESCRIPTION: This function sends a character to a
- specified file or output device.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- static int
- xxxputc( FILE *f, char c )
- #else
- static int
- xxxputc( f, c )
- FILE *f;
- char c;
- #endif
- {
- if (( f == stdout ) || ( f == stderr ))
- {
- return bwx_putc( c );
- }
- else
- {
- return fputc( c, f );
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: prn_getcol()
- DESCRIPTION: This function returns a pointer to an
- integer containing the current PRINT
- column for a specified file or device.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- int *
- prn_getcol( FILE *f )
- #else
- int *
- prn_getcol( f )
- FILE *f;
- #endif
- {
- register int n;
- static int dummy_pos;
- if (( f == stdout ) || ( f == stderr ))
- {
- return &prn_col;
- }
- for ( n = 0; n < DEF_DEVICES; ++n )
- {
- if ( dev_table[ n ].cfp == f )
- {
- return &( dev_table[ n ].col );
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* search failed */
- bwb_error( "in prn_getcol(): failed to find file pointer" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_devnum );
- #endif
- return &dummy_pos;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: prn_getwidth()
- DESCRIPTION: This function returns the PRINT width for
- a specified file or output device.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- int
- prn_getwidth( FILE *f )
- #else
- int
- prn_getwidth( f )
- FILE *f;
- #endif
- {
- register int n;
- if (( f == stdout ) || ( f == stderr ))
- {
- return prn_width;
- }
- for ( n = 0; n < DEF_DEVICES; ++n )
- {
- if ( dev_table[ n ].cfp == f )
- {
- return dev_table[ n ].width;
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* search failed */
- bwb_error( "in prn_getwidth(): failed to find file pointer" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_devnum );
- #endif
- return 1;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: prn_precision()
- DESCRIPTION: This function returns the level of precision
- required for a specified numerical value.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- int
- prn_precision( struct bwb_variable *v )
- #else
- int
- prn_precision( v )
- struct bwb_variable *v;
- #endif
- {
- int max_precision = 6;
- bnumber nval, d;
- int r;
- /* check for double value */
- if ( v->type == NUMBER )
- {
- max_precision = 12;
- }
- /* get the value in nval */
- nval = (bnumber) fabs( (double) var_getnval( v ) );
- /* cycle through until precision is found */
- d = (bnumber) 1;
- for ( r = 0; r < max_precision; ++r )
- {
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in prn_precision(): fmod( %f, %f ) = %.12f",
- nval, d, fmod( nval, d ) );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- if ( fmod( nval, d ) < 0.0000001 )
- {
- return r;
- }
- d /= 10;
- }
- /* return */
- return r;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_debug()
- DESCRIPTION: This function is called to display
- debugging messages in Bywater BASIC.
- It does not break out at the current
- point (as bwb_error() does).
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- int
- bwb_debug( char *message )
- #else
- int
- bwb_debug( message )
- char *message;
- #endif
- {
- char tbuf[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ];
- fflush( stdout );
- fflush( errfdevice );
- if ( prn_col != 1 )
- {
- prn_xprintf( errfdevice, "¥n" );
- }
- sprintf( tbuf, "DEBUG %s¥n", message );
- prn_xprintf( errfdevice, tbuf );
- return TRUE;
- }
- #endif
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_lerror()
- DESCRIPTION: This function implements the BASIC ERROR
- command.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_lerror( struct bwb_line *l )
- #else
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_lerror( l )
- struct bwb_line *l;
- #endif
- {
- char tbuf[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ];
- int n;
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_lerror(): entered function " );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- /* Check for argument */
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- switch( l->buffer[ l->position ] )
- {
- case '¥0':
- case '¥n':
- case '¥r':
- case ':':
- bwb_error( err_incomplete );
- return bwb_zline( l );
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* get the variable name or numerical constant */
- adv_element( l->buffer, &( l->position ), tbuf );
- n = atoi( tbuf );
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_lerror(): error number is <%d> ", n );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- /* check the line number value */
- if ( ( n < 0 ) || ( n >= N_ERRORS ))
- {
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "Error number %d is out of range", n );
- bwb_xerror( bwb_ebuf );
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- bwb_xerror( err_table[ n ] );
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_width()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC WIDTH
- command, setting the maximum output width
- for a specified file or output device.
- SYNTAX: WIDTH [# device-number,] number
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_width( struct bwb_line *l )
- #else
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_width( l )
- struct bwb_line *l;
- #endif
- {
- int req_devnumber;
- int req_width;
- struct exp_ese *e;
- char tbuf[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ];
- int pos;
- /* detect device number if present */
- req_devnumber = -1;
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- if ( l->buffer[ l->position ] == '#' )
- {
- ++( l->position );
- adv_element( l->buffer, &( l->position ), tbuf );
- pos = 0;
- e = bwb_exp( tbuf, FALSE, &pos );
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- if ( l->buffer[ l->position ] == ',' )
- {
- ++( l->position );
- }
- else
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_width(): no comma after#n" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_syntax );
- #endif
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- req_devnumber = (int) exp_getnval( e );
- /* check the requested device number */
- if ( ( req_devnumber < 0 ) || ( req_devnumber >= DEF_DEVICES ))
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_width(): Requested device number is out of range." );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_devnum );
- #endif
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_width(): device number is <%d>",
- req_devnumber );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- }
- /* read the width requested */
- e = bwb_exp( l->buffer, FALSE, &( l->position ));
- req_width = (int) exp_getnval( e );
- /* check the width */
- if ( ( req_width < 1 ) || ( req_width > 255 ))
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_width(): Requested width is out of range (1-255)" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_valoorange );
- #endif
- }
- /* assign the width */
- if ( req_devnumber == -1 )
- {
- prn_width = req_width;
- }
- else
- {
- dev_table[ req_devnumber ].width = req_width;
- }
- /* return */
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- #endif /* COMMON_CMDS */
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_error()
- DESCRIPTION: This function is called to handle errors
- in Bywater BASIC. It displays the error
- message, then calls the break_handler()
- routine.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- int
- bwb_error( char *message )
- #else
- int
- bwb_error( message )
- char *message;
- #endif
- {
- register int e;
- static char tbuf[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ]; /* must be permanent */
- static struct bwb_line eline;
- int save_elevel;
- struct bwb_line *cur_l;
- int cur_mode;
- /* try to find the error message to identify the error number */
- err_number = -1; /* just for now */
- err_line = CURTASK number; /* set error line number */
- for ( e = 0; e < N_ERRORS; ++e )
- {
- if ( message == err_table[ e ] ) /* set error number */
- {
- err_number = e;
- e = N_ERRORS; /* break out of loop quickly */
- }
- }
- /* set the position in the current line to the end */
- while( is_eol( bwb_l->buffer, &( bwb_l->position ) ) != TRUE )
- {
- ++( bwb_l->position );
- }
- /* if err_gosubl is not set, then use xerror routine */
- if ( strlen( err_gosubl ) == 0 )
- {
- return bwb_xerror( message );
- }
- fprintf( stderr, "!!!!! USER_CALLED ERROR HANDLER¥n" );
- #endif
- /* save line and mode */
- cur_l = bwb_l;
- cur_mode = CURTASK excs[ CURTASK exsc ].code;
- /* err_gosubl is set; call user-defined error subroutine */
- sprintf( tbuf, "%s %s", CMD_GOSUB, err_gosubl );
- eline.next = &CURTASK bwb_end;
- eline.position = 0;
- eline.marked = FALSE;
- eline.buffer = tbuf;
- bwb_setexec( &eline, 0, EXEC_NORM );
- /* must be executed now */
- save_elevel = CURTASK exsc;
- bwb_execline(); /* This is a call to GOSUB and will increment
- the exsc counter above save_elevel */
- while ( CURTASK exsc != save_elevel ) /* loop until return from GOSUB loop */
- {
- bwb_execline();
- }
- cur_l->next->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec( cur_l->next, 0, cur_mode );
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_xerror()
- DESCRIPTION: This function is called by bwb_error()
- in Bywater BASIC. It displays the error
- message, then calls the break_handler()
- routine.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- static int
- bwb_xerror( char *message )
- #else
- static int
- bwb_xerror( message )
- char *message;
- #endif
- {
- bwx_errmes( message );
- break_handler();
- return FALSE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_esetovar()
- DESCRIPTION: This function converts the value in expression
- stack 'e' to a bwBASIC variable structure.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- static struct bwb_variable *
- bwb_esetovar( struct exp_ese *e )
- #else
- static struct bwb_variable *
- bwb_esetovar( e )
- struct exp_ese *e;
- #endif
- {
- static struct bwb_variable b;
- var_make( &b, e->type );
- switch( e->type )
- {
- case STRING:
- str_btob( var_findsval( &b, b.array_pos ), exp_getsval( e ) );
- break;
- default:
- * var_findnval( &b, b.array_pos ) = e->nval;
- break;
- }
- return &b;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_write()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC WRITE
- command.
- SYNTAX: WRITE [# device-number,] element [, element ]....
- ***************************************************************/
- #if ANSI_C
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_write( struct bwb_line *l )
- #else
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_write( l )
- struct bwb_line *l;
- #endif
- {
- struct exp_ese *e;
- int req_devnumber;
- int pos;
- FILE *fp;
- char tbuf[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ];
- int loop;
- static struct bwb_variable nvar;
- static int init = FALSE;
- /* initialize variable if necessary */
- if ( init == FALSE )
- {
- init = TRUE;
- var_make( &nvar, NUMBER );
- }
- /* detect device number if present */
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- if ( l->buffer[ l->position ] == '#' )
- {
- ++( l->position );
- adv_element( l->buffer, &( l->position ), tbuf );
- pos = 0;
- e = bwb_exp( tbuf, FALSE, &pos );
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- if ( l->buffer[ l->position ] == ',' )
- {
- ++( l->position );
- }
- else
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_write(): no comma after#n" );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_syntax );
- #endif
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- req_devnumber = (int) exp_getnval( e );
- /* check the requested device number */
- if ( ( req_devnumber < 0 ) || ( req_devnumber >= DEF_DEVICES ))
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_write(): Requested device number is out of range." );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_devnum );
- #endif
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- if (( dev_table[ req_devnumber ].mode == DEVMODE_CLOSED ) ||
- ( dev_table[ req_devnumber ].mode == DEVMODE_AVAILABLE ))
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_write(): Requested device number is not open." );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_devnum );
- #endif
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- if ( dev_table[ req_devnumber ].mode != DEVMODE_OUTPUT )
- {
- bwb_error( "in bwb_write(): Requested device is not open for OUTPUT." );
- #else
- bwb_error( err_devnum );
- #endif
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_write(): device number is <%d>",
- req_devnumber );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- /* look up the requested device in the device table */
- fp = dev_table[ req_devnumber ].cfp;
- }
- else
- {
- fp = stdout;
- }
- /* be sure there is an element to print */
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- loop = TRUE;
- switch( l->buffer[ l->position ] )
- {
- case '¥n':
- case '¥r':
- case '¥0':
- case ':':
- loop = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- /* loop through elements */
- while ( loop == TRUE )
- {
- /* get the next element */
- e = bwb_exp( l->buffer, FALSE, &( l->position ));
- /* perform type-specific output */
- switch( e->type )
- {
- case STRING:
- xputc( fp, '¥"' );
- str_btoc( tbuf, exp_getsval( e ) );
- prn_xprintf( fp, tbuf );
- xputc( fp, '¥"' );
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_write(): output string element <¥"%s¥">",
- tbuf );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- break;
- default:
- * var_findnval( &nvar, nvar.array_pos ) =
- exp_getnval( e );
- sprintf( tbuf, " %.*lf", prn_precision( &nvar ),
- var_getnval( &nvar ) );
- #else
- sprintf( tbuf, " %.*f", prn_precision( &nvar ),
- var_getnval( &nvar ) );
- #endif
- prn_xprintf( fp, tbuf );
- sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_write(): output numerical element <%s>",
- tbuf );
- bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
- #endif
- break;
- } /* end of case for type-specific output */
- /* seek a comma at end of element */
- adv_ws( l->buffer, &( l->position ) );
- if ( l->buffer[ l->position ] == ',' )
- {
- xputc( fp, ',' );
- ++( l->position );
- }
- /* no comma: end the loop */
- else
- {
- loop = FALSE;
- }
- } /* end of loop through elements */
- /* print LF */
- xputc( fp, '¥n' );
- /* return */
- return bwb_zline( l );
- }
- #endif