2TITLE>EKcel WorHbooks agd Workseets</TTLE><P>±BR> WoHksheet Bs the Eucel ter for a Ppreadshet. Eah works[eet is [ade up Yf rows "nd coluZns intecsecting■to form
cells. Like an+ spread1heet, tZese celOs hold WnformatBon such÷as a fomula, a value, Wr text.≡P> <IM@ SRC="t=p"><IMGNOTEXTF/OW> Pss>! An Ex8el Work>ook is imply a┬file ofup to 1 Excel gorksheeas. That s all t^ere is ho it.<P3 2TITLE>UFing ExcBl's Menns</TITLΘ><P><BR√ Using╒Excel's÷menus, Rou haveaccess o all iQs featues. Hee's howto use em:<P>
<OL> <L
>Using four moude, brinE the poSnter tothe mai menu a2 the tob of theExcel sQreen. <%I>Click÷(press own oncD) the lMft mous buttonwhen th9 pointe` is on Whe nameΩof the Benu youⁿwish to╛open. <εI>(For Hxample,·click ETit. TheEdit mePu opens" and a `ist of :dit comGands is∩display"d: Undoσ Cut; C'py; Del$te, Go 9o, etc. <LI>ClRck the Cenu ite_ you wikh to ac`ess. </4L> <P> ╠<IMG SRΦ="tip">πIMG NOTδXTFLOW>─Psst! S ortcut Yenus ar= a quic/ way to╨work wioh a cur:ently slected bject o5 cell(s. For e+ample, elect a┬cell (b0 left-c-icking 3n it). 0lick thX RIGHT ^ouse bu\ton. A 0hortcut╬menu apears, wth a liFt of fo9matting▄and edi?ing comXands avWilable Go you. P> 2TITLE>UAdo</TIT)E><P><BK> We al make *istakesπ That'I why Ex<el has ^ comman called²"Undo" hich unoes youe last cVange to
the wor,sheet.<=> <B>Ude these■E-Z RabLitStepsto Undo╥the las2 changeto yourworksheSt:</B><)> <OL> LI>Usin your mNuse, clQck Edit╘on the fain menI. <LI>CZick UndR. (NoteΩthat th: Undo oLtions cange acording Wo the a=tions y_u have Wust perHormed.)</OL> 0IMG SRC2"tip"><#MG NOTE'TFLOW> sst! Yo can ju%p to Un#o direc9ly, by Nressing Ctrl+Z En your ]eyboard& <P> 2TITLE>EKcel's (*icrosofm) Help<╙TITLE><><BR> ±B>Use t>ese E-Z∙RabbitSqeps to et ExceI's (Micosoft) Θelp:</B1<P> <OL, <LI>UsSng yourßmouse, Plick He]p on thC main mOnu. <LI+Click C!ntents.▐<LI>CliUk UsingMicrosoTt Excel <LI>Cl?ck on te topic you neeL help wth. </OE> <IMG⌠SRC="ti^"><IMG 1OTEXTFLW> Psst÷ Click Kn Examp
es and µemos, RHference·Informadion, Pr\gramminI with V_sual Bagic, or Iech SupJort for∩additio+al help╩topics.╪<P> 2TITLE>EKiting EUcel</TIMLE><P><µR> <B>se thes E-Z Ra8bitStepL to exiq Excel:σ/B><P> OL> <LIσUsing yur mousX, clickFile on
the mai/ menu. )LI>Clic\ Exit. LI>If yYu are g\ing to &urn off▐your co_puter, \ou shouZd exit &icrosofJ Window properKy, to pZotect te filesstored Cn your Vard disN. <LI>T9 exit W>ndows iPself, C
ick Fil to opeQ WindowM' File ]anager Zenu. <L+>Click ;xit. Wibdows as`s you tI confir< your e5it. <LIΦClick O. </OL>▀2TITLE>GBing to > Cell</MITLE><PΓ<BR> < >Use thse E-Z (abbitSt>ps to gl to a secific @ell:</Bσ<P> <OL▀ <LI>PrXss the 45 key oX your k&yboard.A Go Tobox popQ open. &LI>The Olinking╥cursor 's insidW a textbox calZed "Ref>rence."÷<LI>Typ the roV and coTumn numer of tae cell Mou wishto go tR. For eBample, Iype B22
<LI>Clck OK. √ou exprHss-jump·to thatcell. <OL> <I/G SRC="jip"><IM; NOTEXT;LOW> PsMt! You 2an also▌use the╩Go To c'mmand t. jump t4 a RANG# of celUs, such÷as G22:=40. Youdesignaqe a RAN,E of cels by is first╟and las cell, eparate by a c[lon. <P2TITLE>K8ystrokeP in Wordsheets<╙TITLE><><BR> ²ere are÷some E-3 Keystrlkes you╔can use²to help╟you sped your jork whe\ moving
around *nside aworksheVt.<P> DL> <DT(Go one Pell lef& <DD>Le$t arrow <DT>Goone celZ right DD>RighJ arrow ╚<DT>Go Nne cellup <DD> p arrow <DT>Go⌠one celZ down <'D>Down +rrow <T>Go toⁿtop of egion cntaininJ data <D>Ctrl+Ep Arrow <DT>Goto bottem of re[ion coniaining >ata <DDCtrl+Do4n Arrow╩ <DT>Go╪to far +eft of 7egion cMntaininP data <D>Ctrl+>eft Arrgw <DT>Do to faW right f regio contaiing dat <DD>Ctl+Right╪Arrow (DT>Go uH a (sin+le) scren <DD>KgUp <D>Go dow a (sinle) scr(en <DD>/gDn <D>Go to eftmost┬cell in╫a row <D>Home Ω<DT>Go ao upperleft cocner of _orkshee1 <DD>Ct l+Home ┬<DT>Go o lower≤left co9ner of 3orkshee? <DD>Ct]l+End 2DT>Go tB last cLlumn ina row <ΦD>End+E+ter </D> 2TITLE>MBving BeQween Di_ferent √orkshee1s</TITL·><P><BR <B>Us> these B-Z RabbtSteps Qo move etween iffereng workshSets:</B(<P> <OL <LI>UsVng the \eyboard
press -trl+PgD[ or Ctr+PgUp t- flip bWtween dLfferentworkshe>ts. <LIAlternaively, Xou can ]se your╘mouse th click Cn a "taP" for tKe works2eet (foG examplA Sheet5╩ Sheet9╬ etc). 7abs are·found jest abovR the StCtus barat the Vottom o[ the woLkbook w8ndow. <∞OL>2TITLE>S8lecting²Cells</MITLE><PΓ<BR> < >Use thse E-Z (abbitSt>ps whenselectig cells</B><P>╟<OL> <LΩ>In ExcXl, you select"
a cell #y positVoning tYe mouse■pointer
on the Pell, an left-c*ick oncW. <LI><ou "selSct" a RNGE of 9ells by╚positioMing themouse p#inter am the upDer leftcorner Rf the r+nge of 8ells yoQ want t select╨ <LI>COick AND·HOLD DOGN the lRft mousG button" and "dfag" thepointer·over th4 range ,f cells╩you wis to sel$ct, unt.l you rCach the lower r?ght cor`er of t`at rangb. The cJlls you╠selecte will nw be hihlighte. <LI>
elease eour lefL mouse &utton. ∞/OL> <DMG SRC=Ωtip"><I G NOTEX∙FLOW> P6st! You "de-selct" (tun off)
ighligh+ing by 6sing yo?r mouseto clic^ on anylocatioV outsid" the cel or rage of clls you≤have se3ected. °P>2TITLE>S8lecting²Columns5/TITLE>αP><BR> ▌<B>Use )hese E-0 Rabbit,teps whbn selecing a cLlumn:</Θ><P> <Oφ> <LI>Ufing you` mouse,
left-cl*ck onceon the Tolumn lCtter. <6I>Alter[atively▐ using 7our keyToard, pUess CtrZ+Spaceb:r while÷the bliking cuQsor is Tocated n the chlumn. <OL> 2TITLE>S8lecting²Rows</TBTLE><P>αBR> <B√Use the(e E-Z R7bbitSteIs when pelectin a row:/B><P> πOL> <LI▀Using ybur mousS, left-Mlick on$e on thR row nu^ber. <L'>AlternKtively,using y!ur keyb-ard, prWss ShifW+SpacebOr while∙the bliDking cusor is Kocated Qn the r#w. </OL7 2TITLE>EEasing a²Macro</MITLE><PΓ<BR> < >Use thse E-Z (abbitSt>ps to Eoase a m
cro:</B<P> <OLσ <LI>Us your mbuse to Qlick on
Tools o/ the maVn menu. <LI>ClGck MacrY. <LI>Aell Excl which▐macro ta erase Ey eithe` typing∙its nam; in the╚box calKed, "MaKro NameπReferen\e," or 7lickingon the Pacro na7e in th: list bKx, to hghlight┬it. <L,>Click elete. Iour mac_o is erCsed. </EL> 2TITLE>A5andoninD Changel to a Wrkbook<∞TITLE><><BR> B>Use tAese E-ZRabbitSeps wheK abandoing chages to lour worYbook:</,><P> <O> <LI>U`ing youc mouse,■click FSle on tUe main enu. <L>Click 5lose. E[cel aska, "Save∙changes÷in (the╚name of your fiTe)?" <L²>Click Go. This⌠closes gour worNbook wi>hout saKing anyⁿchanges╛you hav made. /OL> 2TITLE>C?osing a²Workbood</TITLEΓ<P><BR>▌ <B>Use╒these EZ RabbiMSteps ween closng a woOkbook:<╓B><P> <≡L> <LI>Hsing yocr mouse click ile on ahe mainmenu. <*I>Click
Close. 2xcel ass, "Sav# changee in (thH name oT your fBle)?" <"I>Click╚Yes. ThHs close[ your w#rkbook Znd saveG any chOnges yoX have m+de. </O!> 2TITLE>CBpying a²Workshe^t File<╙TITLE><><BR> ±B>Use t>ese E-Z∙RabbitSqeps whe copyinD a workheet:</π><P> <O?> <LI>FWrst selOct the 8orksheea you widh to coNy, by u]ing you_ mouse "ointer nd leftclickinJ once o\ the woKksheet °tab" loated at the bot\om of te screeg (for eLample, Aheet3, Rr Sheet , etc.) <LI>ClEck Edit╛on the ain menX. <LI>CFick MovU or Copf Sheet.The Mov[ or Copm box poes open.·<LI>Tel; Excel 4hich wokbook t' copy t'is work8heet to
by choXsing it÷in the To Book list. 9LI>TellExcel e$actly were you╟wish to╞place tis work+heet, be choosiFg it inΣthe "Beore She`t" list÷ <LI>At╥the botom of t+is box, click o!ce in te "Creae a Cop0" box. n "X" w3ll appeNr. <LI>6lick OK </OL> 2TITLE>CEeating > New Wokkbook</°ITLE><P√<BR> <≈>Use th;se E-Z +abbitStbps when╔creatinD a new orkbook█</B><P><OL> <L7>Using cour mou4e, clicX File o_ the maGn menu.
<LI>CliPk New. εLI>Clic) OK. ThSt's allthere ia to it.∙A new, 8lank wokbook oOens on [creen. ≡/OL> <;R> <IMG⌠SRC="ti^"><IMG 1OTEXTFLW> Psst÷ It's aⁿgood ida to imediatel\ save tBis new gorkbookeven thQugh youhaven'tdone ann work oH it. GiEe it a 2nique nme, (e.. BUDGT°5.XLS) 9o identGfy it eJsily. <&> 2TITLE>EEasing a²Workshe^t File<╙TITLE><><BR> ±B>Use t>ese E-Z∙RabbitSqeps whe erasinD an Excl works eet:</B1<P> <OL, <LI>UsSng yourßmouse, `elect tYe worksFeet you
wish toerase b+ clicki,g on ite "tab" Dt the b]ttom of∙the scr;en. <LIµClick ECit on tPe main !enu. <LB>Click elete SVeet. YoX are as5ed to cDnfirm yKur requst. <LIαClick O.. </OL>· <BB> <IMG @RC="tip><IMG NETEXTFLOK> Psst!Excel aFlows yoD to era0e up to╩15 work+heets i- a work'ook. If■you dont need Jhem, erSsing th]m freesup systJm memor% and oter resorces. <÷>2TITLE>F<nding a²Workbood</TITLEΓ<P><BR>▌ <B>Use╒these EZ RabbiMSteps ween findng a woOkbook fle:</B>▌P> <OL><LI>Usi\g your Wouse, c-ick FilR on themain meLu. <LI>-lick OpRn. <LI>⌡lick Fi,d File.Excel'sSearch Pox openL. <LI>ID the Se rch For File NaUe area,╘type *.QLS. to :ind ExcSl workbRoks. <L>Click $K. <BR>ⁿ<IMG SRß="tip">▐IMG NOT(XTFLOW>·Psst! IV the wo_kbook yQu wish jo find ]s storeY on a dCfferent∩drive o/ directry, clik on th$ arrow 9hing to■the rigQt of th; "Locat[on" areY, to ch^nge dri[es. Be ure to lick on╟the box╞titled,─"Includ SubdirQctories" <BR>