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  1. LESSON6.DOC                        Leτon 6                Lesson 6                                                
  2. Khmer1    Khmer2    Thai1    Phon. Thai1    Thai2    Phon. Thai2    FF    Phon. FF1    FF2    Phon. FF2    GB1    Phon. GB1    GB2    Phon. GB2    Deutsch1    Phon. Deutsch1    Deutsch2    Phon. Deutsch2    Son1    Son2    Fichier WMF    Directory    Reserved
  3. P                            phho                                            phor10        phor10    Lesson6    
  4. Pa                            phhir                                            phor20        phor20    Lesson6    
  5. Pi                            phhic                                            phor30        phor30    Lesson6    
  6. PI                            phhi                                            phor40        phor40    Lesson6    
  7. Pw                            phhe∙k                                            phor50        phor50    Lesson6    
  8. PW                            phheu`                                            phor60        phor60    Lesson6    
  9. Pu                            phhok                                            phor70        phor70    Lesson6    
  10. PU                        chevelure    phho`            hairs, lock of hair    phuu                            phor80        phor80    Lesson6    
  11. PY                            phhour`                                            phor90        phor90    Lesson6    
  12. ePI                        roter    phheuw            to belch, belch                                phor100        phor100    Lesson6    
  13. eP}                            phhδu                                            phor110        phor110    Lesson6    
  14. eP{                            phhie                                            phor120        phor120    Lesson6    
  15. eP                        loutre    phhΘ            otter    phee                            phor130        phor130    Lesson6    
  16. EP                            phhΦ                                            phor140        phor140    Lesson6    
  17. ΘP                            phhai                                            phor150        phor150    Lesson6    
  18. ePa                            phhao                                            phor160        phor160    Lesson6    
  19. ePA                            phhaw                                            phor170        phor170    Lesson6    
  20. PMu                            phhom                                            phor180        phor180    Lesson6    
  21. PM                            phham                                            phor190        phor190    Lesson6    
  22. PaM                            phhαm                                            phor200        phor200    Lesson6    
  23. PH                            phhαh                                            phor210        phor210    Lesson6    
  24. PuH                            phhoah'                                            phor220        phor220    Lesson6    
  25. ePH                            phhδh                                            phor230        phor230    Lesson6    
  26. ePaH                            phhourh                                            phor240        phor240    Lesson6    
  27. kMuPr                        ne ment pas    kom phho            don't lie                Don't lie        Don't lie        phor250        phor250    Lesson6    
  28. KUreP                        dessiner un phoque    kou phhΘ            draw a seal                                phor260        phor260    Lesson6    