a$ = "We will now show CzDir and CzFile working together. Try to change directories by pressing the ENTER key or by double-clicking with the left mouse button in the directory listbox."
'a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
'a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + "CzDir will first try to use XMS Memory. If no XMS memory is available, it will try to use EMS Memory. If no XMS and no EMS memory is available, CzDir will use the disk as virtual memory."
MSGBOX a$, 0, "CzDir Demo"
SUB cmdCancel_Click ()
' You must UNLOAD the form or control(s) before you end your program. CzFile
' will then remove itself from memory. If you do not unload the form or
' control, the memory used by CzFile (either XMS, EMS, or disk space) will
' not be released and unpredictable results may occur.