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VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 1
VirusScan's VShield is a memory-resident program
that helps to prevent virus infection. It
complements the Scan virus detection program as
part of your computer security plan. While Scan
checks areas on disks for viruses, the VShield
program checks programs as they load into your
computer's memory. This ensures that you don't
"catch" any new viruses while you're working on
your computer.
VShield does this by remaining in memory and:
* Checking master boot records (MBRs), boot
sectors, system files, and itself for viruses when
you turn on or reset ([Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]) your
* Checking program files for viruses as your
computer executes them.
* Checking files for viruses as you copy them
* Checking for viruses whenever your computer
accesses a disk (optional).
The installation program automatically modifies
your AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that VShield loads into
memory every time you turn on your computer.
If VShield finds a virus, you will see a message
Found the Jerusalem Virus
If that happens, don't panic. Turn to Chapter 4 to
find out how to use the Scan program to get rid of
the virus. If you need additional help, contact
There is one way to infect your computer that
VShield cannot prevent only you can. Never
accidentally start your computer from an unknown
diskette. That's how 80% of all viruses are
passed! Always make sure your diskette drives are
empty before you turn your computer on.
VShield runs under DOS, Windows, and OS/2 Virtual
DOS Machine and WIN-OS/2 sessions. The program
file is VSHIELD.EXE. The file called VSHWIN.EXE
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 2
allows VShield to display messages under Windows,
and is added to your WIN.INI file automatically
when you install VShield. If you need to conserve
memory on your system, you can use VshieldCRC, a
version of VShield that offers fewer protection
options but requires less memory. The program file
A companion program called CheckVshield checks whether
either VShield or VshieldCRC is loaded in memory.
The program file is CHKVSHLD.EXE. CheckVshield is
especially useful for network administrators who
want to ensure that everyone who logs on to the
network is running VShield. All of these related
programs are included in your VirusScan disk and
described in this chapter.
Many users will not need the VShield options
described in this chapter. We have designed
VShield so that basic operation achieved by simply
installing it in memory as described in Chapter
2 provides a high degree of protection for most
users. The options here offer additional power and
control for virus detection, and are most useful
in vulnerable or memory-scarce environments, and
to network administrators and information systems
VShield is a terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR)
program, which remains in memory while you run
other programs. VShield tries to optimize memory
usage and minimize conflicts with other TSRs. By
default, VShield tries to conserve as much
conventional memory as possible.
If you have only 640Kb or less memory in your
system, VShield requires about 67Kb of memory. By
using the /SWAP option, you can reduce this to
only 7Kb of conventional memory, although this
will decrease VShield's speed.
If you have more than 640Kb, VShield tries to load
as much as possible into upper memory: first into
expanded memory (EMS), into extended memory (XMS),
then into upper memory blocks (640Kb to 1024Kb, or
UMB). If you have sufficient high memory
available, VShield or VshieldCRC use no conventional
memory. You'll see a message after loading that
describes where VShield loaded into memory and how
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 3
much memory it uses. You can control how VShield
loads by using the /NOUMB, /NOEMS, and /NOXMS
options, as described later in this chapter.
VShield might require slightly more memory as the
SCAN.DAT file grows to include more viruses.
VShield adds a small amount of time to program
loads and reboots. Performance will vary,
depending on your system. The /SWAP option adds
more time, because VShield must reload from disk
to check files. VshieldCRC adds an average of one
second to each program load.
Once programs have been loaded, VShield does not
degrade the performance of your system. Programs
that load other files may run more slowly when you
use the /FILEACCESS or /BOOTACCESS options,
because these options cause VShield to scan files
whenever they are accessed, not just when they are
You can think of VShield as providing four levels
of protection. You can use VShield's options to
customize it for the level of protection you need.
Level II meets the protection needs of most
Level I protection is appropriate for users who
have very little memory available on their
systems. It provides only minimal protection.
For Level I protection, first use Scan with the
/AF or /AV option to add validation codes. Then,
install VshieldCRC instead of VShield. VshieldCRC can
inform you that a file has not been certified, a
file has been modified, a file size has changed,
or a file has not been added to the validation
file. VshieldCRC will not prevent infection, nor
will it tell you when you have a known virus, but
it allows you to prevent modified files from
running. Use Scan instead to detect viruses, as
described in Chapters 3 and 4. See "Using
Level II protection is appropriate for most users.
It will protect you from most viruses whether you
have run Scan or not.
For Level II protection, just install VShield
according to the installation instructions. When
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 4
loading, VShield checks memory automatically for
viruses. Once resident in memory, VShield checks
master boot records (MBRs), boot sectors, and
program files (when executed) for virus
Level III protection is appropriate for computers
that are used by many people, as in an open-use
computer lab, or onto which you frequently load
files from public sources. Level III protection
checks for both validation codes and virus
signatures, incorporating both Level I and Level
II protection.
For Level III protection, first use Scan with the
/AF {filename} option, then use VShield with the
/CF {filename} option. The /AF option logs
recovery and validation data for program files,
the boot sector, and the master boot record (MBR)
to a file you specify. The /CF option tells
VShield to check against that log. See Chapter 4,
"VirusScan reference," for instructions on using
Level IV protection is for environments where
security is extremely important and new software
is seldom introduced. It combines Level III
protection with access control, specifying that
only programs known to be safe can be run.
For Level IV protection, run VShield with the
/CERTIFY option.
VShield has many optional features that you might
use at any protection level.
VShield checks programs, the master boot record
(MBR), boot sector, system files, and itself for
virus signatures, the pattern of code unique to
each virus. If VShield finds an infection, it
prevents programs from running. It also prevents
warm restarts ([Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]) from infected
You can use options to control and fine-tune the
scope, validation parameters, and operation of the
VShield's checks. To use VShield with options, use
the following syntax:
vshield [options]
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 5
[options] indicates one or more options described
in the table in the next section.
Don't enter the square braces, which indicate that
what's within them is optional.
Because systems and environments differ, VShield
gives you a choice of options. Consider the
mixture of safety, performance, and maintenance
that meets your needs, then choose the combination
of options that works best.
If you followed the installation instructions in
Chapter 2, VShield begins working for you as soon
as you install it, protecting the "sterile field"
that the installation procedure creates. VShield
is automatically added to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file,
so it is activated every time you turn on your
The install program places VShield at the end of
AUTOEXEC.BAT. In most cases this is OK. However,
you should verify this by inspecting your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file after you install VShield.
To do so, use a text editor to examine your
AUTOEXEC.BAT and follow these steps. If you need
help with this procedure, see your DOS
documentation or contact McAfee.
1 Check the placement of the VShield command line
in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
* VShield must be run before any menu programs,
such as MS-DOS's DOSSHELL or Norton Commander, or
it will not be loaded.
* If AUTOEXEC.BAT loads any network drivers,
keyboard drivers, disk caching programs, drive
compression programs, or custom disk drivers,
VShield must be run both before and after them.
These kinds of programs disable VShield. The
second time VShield is loaded, use only the
/RECONNECT option, as described later in this
2 If necessary, move the line that loads VShield.
3 Add the VShield options of your choice to the
command line.
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 6
On your VirusScan disk, you'll findAUTOEXEC.VSH, a
sample AUTOEXEC.BAT that shows the correct
placement of the VShield command line. If you are
still not sure whether VShield is in the right
place, contact McAfee.
When you install VShield, it adds the VShield
command line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. It also
modifies your WIN.INI file to include VSHWIN.EXE,
which allows VShield to display messages under
Windows. However, you may need to change your
Windows configuration for VShield to run properly.
To do so, follow these steps. If you need help
with this procedure, see your Windows
documentation, or contact McAfee.
1 Follow the instructions for DOS users in the
previous section.
2 Start Windows.
3 Make Program Manager the default shell. Use no
other Windows shell.
4 In the Control Panel, configure Windows to run
in 386 enhanced mode.
5 Load Windows. You will see the VShield icon on
your desktop.
If VShield finds or suspects a virus, you'll see a
warning message. Choose OK to close the message
Double-clicking the VShield icon only displays a
message that VShield is loaded.
Because OS/2 is a protected environment, you need
VShield only during Virtual DOS Machine (VDM) and
WIN-OS/2 sessions. When you install it, VShield is
automatically added to AUTOEXEC.BAT, so it is
activated every time you start a VDM or WIN-OS/2
If your start-up batch file is not AUTOEXEC.BAT,
edit your start-up batch file to include VShield.
For example:
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 7
C:\vshield /fileaccess
See /FILEACCESS, an option we recommend using with
OS/2, in this chapter.
You have many options for setting up VShield on a
network. The table "Deciding which options are for
you" lists options that most apply in network
environments. If you need assistance in choosing
the best configuration for your network, contact
If you run VShield from a network drive, flag
If you run VShield from clients' local drives:
* Edit all clients' AUTOEXEC.BAT files to load
VShield with the options that are appropriate for
your environment before any other drivers are
* Add VShield with the /RECONNECT option to the
AUTOEXEC.BAT or the network login script, after
the network drivers are loaded. See /RECONNECT,
later in this chapter, for more information.
* Run CheckVshield from the login script. CheckVshield
returns a DOS ERRORLEVEL that you can use in batch
files to check and update VShield. For an example
of using CheckVshield, see Technical note 2, "Sample
NetWare login script and.BAT file," in this
/? or /HELP
Display a list of valid VShield command line
Check boot sectors for viruses when a program on a
diskette executes.
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 8
Scan the diskette boot sector for viruses whenever
a diskette is accessed, including any read and
write operations.
Prevent files without validation codes from
/CF {filename}
Check for viruses using recovery and validation
data stored by Scan /AF in the specified filename.
/CONTACT message
Display specified message when a virus is found.
/CONTACTFILE {filename}
Display message stored in filename when a virus is
/CV [filename]
Check validation codes added to files by Scan;
ignore files listed in filename.
/EX {filename}
Don't check files listed in filename for
validation codes (/CF and /CV options).
Scan files when they are accessed on a diskette,
but don't check the boot sector.
/IGNORE {drive(s)}
Don't check programs loaded from the specified
Halt the system when a file that is infected or
not certified loads and attempts to execute.
Prevent VShield from using expanded memory (EMS)
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 9
when it loads.
Don't check memory for viruses.
Prevent VShield from being removed from memory
with the
/REMOVE switch.
Prevent VShield from using upper memory blocks
(UMB) when it loads.
Don't check the diskette boot sector for viruses
during warm boot ([Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]).
Prevent VShield from using extended memory (XMS)
when it loads.
/ONLY {drive(s)}
Check programs loaded only from the specified
Restore VShield after certain drivers or TSRs
might have disabled it.
Unload VShield from memory.
Save the command line options to the VSHIELD.INI
/SWAP [pathname]
Load VShield kernel (7Kb) only; swap the rest to
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 10
/? or /HELP
Use this option to display a brief description of
valid VShield command line options.
Checks the boot sector of a diskette for viruses
whenever a program that resides on the diskette
executes. By default, VShield checks programs when
they execute, but does not check the boot sector
of the diskette for viruses. The /BOOT option is
faster, but less thorough, than /BOOTACCESS. Using
the same command line returns an error message.
This option does not work from within Windows File
Manager. For virus-checking within Windows, use
Checks the diskette boot sector for viruses
whenever a diskette is accessed by a read or write
operation, such as a DIR or COPY command, and when
a program on the diskette executes. This is the
highest level of protection against viruses that
infect boot sectors. Using /BOOTACCESS with either
/BOOT or /FILEACCESS in the same command line
returns an error message.
Prevents programs from running if they do not have
Scan validation codes. Use it in high-security
environments to prevent clients from running
programs that have not been scanned. To use
/CERTIFY, first run Scan with the /AF or /AV
option, as described in Chapter 3. Then, use
VShield with the /CERTIFY option and either the
/CF or /CV option (either is required), such as:
vshield /certify /cf c:\mcafee\recvalch.sav
Some programs, such as Lotus 1-2-3, contain self-
modifying code and do not work correctly with
validation codes attached. You may create an
exception list of files to exclude from
validation. For instructions, refer to technical
note 1, "Creating an exception list for /CERTIFY."
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 11
/CF {filename}
Checks validation data stored by Scan's /AF
{filename} option, where {filename} is the name of
the validation data file created by Scan. If a
file or system area has changed, VShield reports
that a viral infection may have occurred. In this
vshield /cf c:\mcafee\recvalch.sav /noems
VShield looks in the RECVALCH.SAV file for
validation data.
/CONTACT message
Displays a custom message when a virus is found.
This message is displayed in addition to all other
VShield messages. Use /CONTACT to let network
users know what to do if VShield finds a virus.
The message can be up to 50 characters long, and
can contain any character except a backslash " \
". Place messages starting with a hyphen " - " or
slash " / " in quotation marks.
If your message is longer than 50 characters or
you want to store the message text in a
file, use /CONTACTFILE instead. Using /CONTACT and
/CONTACTFILE in the same command line returns an
error message.
/CONTACTFILE {filename}
An alternative to the /CONTACT option,
/CONTACTFILE identifies a file that contains the
message string to display when a virus is found.
This option is especially useful in network
environments, because you can easily maintain the
message text in a central file rather than
changing the command line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
on each workstation.
If your message is 50 characters or fewer, you can
use /CONTACT instead. Using /CONTACT and
/CONTACTFILE in the same command line returns an
error message.
Checks validation codes added by Scan with the /AV
option. If a file has changed, VShield reports
that the file has been modified and a viral
infection may have occurred. You can specify the
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 12
/EXCLUDE option to exclude a list of files from
validation checking.
/EXCLUDE {filename}
Excludes files listed in filename from validation
code checking when using /CF or /CV.
Checks all files when accessed by a read or write
operation. Using /FILEACCESS with either /BOOT or
/BOOTACCESS in the same command line returns an
error message.
We recommend always using /FILEACCESS with
/IGNORE {drives}
Omits checking program loads from the specified
drives, as shown in the following example:
vshield /ignore t: y: w:
Use /IGNORE or /ONLY to speed up VShield by
excluding secure, virus-free network drives from
virus checking. You can specify up to 26 drives.
See also /ONLY, described later in this section.
Using /IGNORE and /ONLY in the same command line
returns an error message.
Halts the system to stop further infection if
VShield finds a virus. /LOCK is appropriate in
highly vulnerable network environments, such as
open-use computer labs. If you use /LOCK, be sure
to use /CONTACT or /CONTACTFILE to tell users what
to do or whom to contact if a virus is found and
the system locks up.
Prevents VShield from using expanded memory (LIM
EMS 3.2) when it loads. This ensures that EMS is
available exclusively to other programs.
Skips the memory check for viruses when VShield
loads. Using /NOMEM improves performance slightly,
but use it only if you are absolutely sure that
your system is virus-free.
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 13
Prevents VShield from being removed from memory
with the /REMOVE option in a subsequent VShield
command. When you load VShield with the /NOREMOVE
option, subsequent loads with the /REMOVE option
will have not effect. Your network will be more
secure if users cannot remove VShield, but this
option may prevent users from solving memory
limitations or conflicts.
Prevents VShield from using the upper memory block
(UMB, 640Kb to 1024Kb) when it loads. This ensures
that UMB is available exclusively to other
Omits checking the diskette boot sector during a
warm boot (Ctrl-Alt-Del) of the system.
Prevents VShield from using extended memory when
it loads. This ensures that XMS is available
exclusively to other programs.
/ONLY {drive(s)}
Checks program loads only from the specified
drive(s), ignoring all other drives, as shown in
the following example:
vshield /only c: f: k:
Use /IGNORE or /ONLY to speed up VShield by
excluding secure, virus-free network drives from
virus checking. You can specify up to 26 drives.
See also /IGNORE in this chapter. Using /ONLY and
/IGNORE in the same command line returns an error
Restores VShield's links into DOS after another
program has disabled it, such as a network driver,
keyboard driver, custom disk driver, drive
compression program, or disk caching program.
These types of programs replace the normal DOS
system interrupts so that VShield no longer
recognizes program loads. After the lines in your
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 14
AUTOEXEC.BAT file (or network login script) that
load these programs, add this command line to
restore VShield:
vshield /reconnect
Unloads VShield from memory. You may want to do
this temporarily if you
are running out of memory for programs. For best
results, try using VShield with
the /SWAP option first. Use /REMOVE only as a last
/REMOVE will not work if other memory-resident
programs were loaded after VShield, or if VShield
was loaded previously with the /NOREMOVE option.
Stores the VShield options you specify as the
defaults in VSHIELD.INI. In the following example,
/SAVE saves the /CONTACTFILE N:\MSGFILE as the
default setting:
vshield /contactfile n:\personal\msgfile /save
To remove custom options and return to VShield's
original defaults, use the /SAVE option alone:
vshield /save
/SWAP [pathname]
Installs a small (7Kb) kernel of VShield in memory
that loads the rest of VShield from disk on
demand. Specify a pathname only if you want
VShield to swap to a path other than the directory
where VShield resides.
Use /SWAP only if you have very little memory
available, but require a high assurance of safety.
/SWAP will slow down your system and may cause
conflicts with programs that fail to allocate
memory properly. If you don't have enough memory
to load VShield without swapping, consider using
VshieldCRC instead. We do not recommend storing the
swap file on a network path because, if the
workstation disconnects from the network, the
workstation will lock.
Deciding which options are for you
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 15
Because systems and environments differ, VShield
gives you a choice of options. Consider the
mixture of safety, performance, and maintenance
that meets your needs, then choose the combination
of options that works best.
Highest protection against infected diskettes;
checks for viruses whenever a diskette is
Next highest protection against infected
diskettes; checks for viruses whenever a file on a
diskette is accessed.
Of the three, lowest protection against infected
diskettes; checks for viruses whenever a program
on a diskette executes.
Use with /CF {filename} or /CV [filename] and an
exception list.
Use /CF or /CV. Of the two, /CF is recommended.
Use /CF or /CV.
Use this (or CONTACTFILE) to tell users what to do
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 16
when virus is found.
Use this (or CONTACT) to tell users what to do
when virus is found.
Use this (or /ONLY) to skip virus-free drives.
Use with /CONTACT or /CONTACTFILE {filename}. For
high-risk -environments.
Prevents VShield from being removed from memory.
Use this (or IGNORE) to check only vulnerable
Required if drivers are loaded after VShield.
Only use on a virus-free computer.
Omits checking the boot sector after a warm boot.
Manage memory, any environment
Use when other programs need exclusive use of EMS
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 17
Use when other programs need exclusive use of UMB
May temporarily solve memory conflicts.
Use to ensure that VShield remains in memory.
Use when other programs need exclusive use of XMS
Use in environments with very limited memory.
The following examples show different option
Activates VShield (Level II protection).
vshield /cv
Activates VShield (Level III protection), if you
have previously run SCAN /AV.
vshield /certify /cf c:\valcodes.dat
Activates VShield (Level IV protection) and checks
a recovery and validation data file created when
running Scan with the /AF option.
vshield /swap
Activates VShield kernel in memory and swaps from
the directory in which VShield resides.
vshield /cv c:\excption.lst /contact "Please
Contact the PC Help Desk"
Activates VShield (Level III protection), ignores
checking files in the EXCPTION.LST files, and
displays a message if a virus is found.
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 18
vshield /reconnect
Re-enables VShield after it has been disconnected
by network device drivers.
When VShield loads, it sets the DOS ERRORLEVEL.
You can use the returned ERRORLEVEL in
AUTOEXEC.BAT or other batch files to take
different actions based on whether VShield has
loaded in memory. See your DOS manual for more
VShield returns these ERRORLEVELs:
0 - VShield successfully loaded in memory with
all options operational.
9 - VShield not loaded correctly. Abnormal
termination (program error).
For Level I protection on systems with limited
memory, use VshieldCRC instead of VShield. VshieldCRC
is a separate program that consumes little system
overhead, but is not recommended for normal use
because it provides only minimal protection.
VshieldCRC can inform you that you have been
infected with a virus, but it does not check for
virus signatures nor does it prevent infection.
To use VshieldCRC, first use Scan with the /AF or
/AV option. VshieldCRC checks the validation codes
added by Scan. It also checks the master boot
record (MBR) and boot sector validation codes, if
present. See Chapter 4, "VirusScan reference," for
instructions on using Scan.
To load VshieldCRC with options, use the following
VshieldCRC [options]
[options] include the options listed in the table
"VShield option summary." For more information on
all options except /LOGFILE, see "VShield option
descriptions" in this chapter.
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 19
Activates VshieldCRC (Level I protection).
VshieldCRC /cf valcodes.dat
Activates VshieldCRC and checks validation data
stored in VALCODES.DAT, a file that was created
using Scan with the /AF option.
/? or /HELP
Display a list of valid VshieldCRC command line
Prevent files without validation codes from
/CF {filename}
Check for viruses using recovery and validation
data stored by Scan /AF in the specified filename.
/CONTACT message
Display specified message when a virus is found.
/CONTACTFILE {filename}
Display message stored in specified filename when
a virus is found.
Check validation codes added to files by Scan.
/EX {filename}
Don't check files listed in filename for
validation codes (used with /CF and /CV options).
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 20
Don't check the diskette boot sector for viruses
when a file on the diskette is accessed, including
read and write operations; still checks files for
validation codes.
/IGNORE {drive(s)}
Don't check programs loaded from specified
Halt the system when a file that is not certified
attempts to load and execute.
/LOGFILE {filename}
Write error information to filename.
Prevent VshieldCRC from being removed from memory
with a subsequent VshieldCRC command using /REMOVE.
/ONLY {drive(s)}
Check programs loaded only from the specified
Unload VshldCRC From memory.
CheckVshield allows network administrators to make sure
that workstations are running VShield or VshieldCRC
before users can log onto a network. See technical
note 2 in this chapter for a sample Novell NetWare
login script using CheckVshield.
To load CheckVshield with options, use the following
chkvshld [option(s)]
[option(s)] include:
/? and /HELP Display a list of valid CheckVshield
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 21
command line options.
/DEBUG Displays the version of VShield or
VshieldCRC resident in memory and the DOS ERRORLEVEL
on the screen.
/Q Suppresses CheckVshield messages (quiet mode) so
users don't see the messages.
/V xxxxx Tells CheckVshield to look for a specific
version (2.00 or higher) of VShield or VshieldCRC in
memory. For example, /v 2.00 for VShield 2.00.
chkvshld /q
Checks for VShield or VshieldCRC in memory and
suppresses messages.
When CheckVshield runs, it sets the DOS ERRORLEVEL.
Use the ERRORLEVEL in batch files to take
different actions based on the results of
CheckVshield's check. The ERRORLEVELs returned by
CheckVshield are:
0 - VShield or VshieldCRC is resident or, if /V is
used, the version specified is resident in memory.
1 - VShield or VshieldCRC is resident but does not
match the version specified in the /V option.
2 - VShield or VshieldCRC is not resident in memory.
3 - Abnormal termination (program error).
VShield /CERTIFY permits a file to load only if:
* It has been validated by Scan, or
* It appears in the exception list file specified
with the /CV option.
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 22
If you do not validate any files and do not use an
exception list, /CERTIFY will disable all programs
other than DOS internal commands.
The exception list file is an ASCII or DOS text
file containing up to 1,024 characters. If you use
a word processor to create it, be sure to save the
file as ASCII or DOS Text. Each uncommented line
in the file contains the path and filename of one
file that should not be validated. To enter a
comment, start the line with an asterisk (*). Here
is an example:
*Nantucket Corp's database program, Clipper
*Lotus Development Corp's spreadsheet program, 1-2-3
*Microsoft's database program, FoxPro
*MS-DOS 5.0 and above self-modifying program, SETVER
*PKWare's data compression programs already perform
*a self-check
*SemWare's QEdit text editor
*Stac Technologies hard disk swapping program
*Symantec's Norton Utilities V6.01 disk caching program
*WordStar Corp's word processor is self-modifying
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 23
Here is a sample system login script for use by
Novell NetWare system administrators. The login
script gets the ERRORLEVEL from CheckVshield and
displays messages on the user's screen. If VShield
is not loaded correctly, there is an internal
error with CHKVSHLD, either VShield or VshieldCRC is
not installed, or an older version of VShield is
present, the script exits the user to a
NOLOGIN.BAT file that logs him or her out.
WRITE "A CHKVSHLD internal error has occurred."
WRITE "Please contact the Help Desk."
WRITE "VShield has not been installed on your PC."
WRITE "Access Denied. Please contact the Help Desk."
WRITE "An old version of VShield has been installed."
WRITE "Access to the network has been denied. Please"
WRITE "contact the Help Desk to have a new version."
WRITE "installed."
VShield Reference Copyright 1994 McAfee Inc. Page 24
You can create more complex login scripts to send
a message to the supervisor if an error has
occurred, update the user's VSHIELD.EXE as he or
she logs in to the network, and so forth.
Here is a sample of the NOLOGIN.BAT file called by
the login script.
REM Log the user off of the network
<<end of text file>>