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  1. Abandoned                     Big Island     Prince Edward          34   5695                     
  2. Abandoned                     Rawdon         Hastings          1    7                             
  3. Abandoned                     Big Island     Prince Edward          19   5694                     
  4. Abandoned                     Big Island     Prince Edward          1    5693                     
  5. Abandoned, Hwy #28            Cavan          Peterborough      10   23   PC20                     
  6. Adair                         Sheffield      Lennox & Addington6    3    5575                     
  7. Adolphustown Park (Addional)  Fredericksburg Lennox & Addington                                   
  8. Adolphustown United           Fredericksburg Lennox & Addington2         ST 1                     
  9. Airhart Family                Lake           Hastings          5    5    5337                     
  10. Alkenbrack, Kennelley Farm    Fredericksburg Lennox & Addington          ST 2                     
  11. Allen / Kimmett               Hungerford     Hastings          2    35   1074                     
  12. Allen Settlement / Cooper     Madoc          Hastings          9    23   1125                     
  13. Allison Mausoleum             Adolphustown   Lennox & Addington          ST 3                     
  14. Andrews / Rikley Stones       Fredericksburg Lennox & Addington          ST24                     
  15. Asseltine                     Camden East    Lennox & Addington9    1                             
  16. Baird                         Fredericksburg Lennox & Addington4    13   SM 2                     
  17. Baker (Arden Road)            Sheffield      Lennox & Addington9    19                            
  18. Baptist Church                Rainham        Haldimand                                  Ont R1    
  19. Barton                        Rawdon         Hastings          9    19   1155                     
  20. Beaver Lake                   Sheffield      Lennox & Addington7    10   818                      
  21. Bedell (Rupert's Property)    Thurlow        Hastings          3    26                            
  22. Bell / Desmond                Camden East    Lennox & Addington4    34                            
  23. Belleville (Mausoleum)        Sidney         Hastings          1    32   1172                     
  24. Bethel United                 Rawdon         Hastings          4    12   1156                     
  25. Bethel, Shirley Road          Pickering      Ontario                     ..1.2          WhitbFeb  
  26. Bicknell Madden               Ernestown      Lennox & Addington6    1                             
  27. Blakely                       Hallowell      Prince Edward     2    6    5532                     
  28. Bloomfield Church             Trafalgar      Halton            6    13   4                        
  29. Bowerman's / McFaul           Hillier        Prince Edward     3    1    1008                     
  30. Boyd Burial                   Camden East    Lennox & Addington5    38                            
  31. Bronte, Village               Trafalgar      Halton                      1                        
  32. Burley / Burleigh             Ernestown      Lennox & Addington3    8    ER-8                     
  33. Burnbrae Presbyterian         Seymour        Northumberland    5    22                            
  34. Camden United Church          Camden East    Lennox & Addington1    25                            
  35. Camden V                      Camden East    Lennox & Addington5    12                            
  36. Cameron                       Asphodel       Peterborough      1    13   PC1                      
  37. Cameron                       Hillier        Prince Edward     SS   32   5534                     
  38. Campbell / Davidson           Nelson         Halton            6    4    7                        
  39. Carman Farm                   Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward     1    44   5564                     
  40. Carmel                        Rawdon         Hastings          1    22                            
  41. Carr, abandoned               Cramahe        Northumberland    8    11   1649                     
  42. Carscallen / Wagar            Fredericksburg Lennox & Addington4    12   SM 3                     
  43. Cassidy Family Plot           Rawdon         Hastings          11   8    5441                     
  44. Cataraqui - 2 add. stones     Kingston       Frontenac                                            
  45. Centreville United            Camden East    Lennox & Addington6    25                            
  46. Christ Church, deaths, Malden Amherst        Essex                                      Ont R4    
  47. Christ' Church, Omemee        Emily          Victoria          4    7                             
  48. Cole Stone, Marmora           Marmora        Hastings                                             
  49. Colling Pioneer               Nelson         Halton            3    4    19                       
  50. Conger / White Chapel         Hallowell      Prince Edward     1    8    1005                     
  51. Cummings / Horton             Rawdon         Hastings          1    10   5864                     
  52. Danforth Abandoned            Sidney         Hastings          9    32                            
  53. Davy Farm                     Ernestown      Lennox & Addington6    29                            
  54. Deforest                      Nelson         Halton            4    11   16                       
  55. DeLong / Brooks               Ameliasburgh   Prince Edward     2    91   5523                     
  56. Dempsey / Cunningham          Ameliasburgh   Prince Edward     1    84   5524                     
  57. Denault, Delta                Bastard        Leeds                                      Ottaw24   
  58. Denfield (partial)            London         Middlesex         15   29                  Famil15   
  59. Denyes / Plainfield           Thurlow        Hastings          7    20   1194                     
  60. Dickie                        Dumphries NorthWaterloo          12   29                  Famil17-3 
  61. Dingman / Lumley              Marysburg NorthPrince Edward     BS   39   5543                     
  62. Donohoe Family, Oak Hills     Sidney         Hastings                    5608                     
  63. Ebenezer Lutheran             Fredericksburg Lennox & Addington4    23   SM 4                     
  64. Eggleton / Clark              Sidney         Hastings          9    35   1173                     
  65. Elim                          Oshawa         Ontario           6                        WhitbMay  
  66. Ellicott                      Pickering      Ontario           5                        WhitbFeb  
  67. Errors in Book by Staples     Fredericksburg Lennox & Addington                                   
  68. Everitt                       Howard         Kent              1A                       Ont R1    
  69. Fanning                       Rawdon         Hastings          4    12                            
  70. Fifth Depot Lake              Sheffield      Lennox & Addington15   14   820                      
  71. Fitchett                      Huntingdon     Hastings          7    9                             
  72. Fox Family                    Mersea         Essex                                      Ont R4    
  73. Foxboro                       Thurlow        Hastings          5    2    1191                     
  74. Free Methodist                Marmora        Hastings          6    16   1135                     
  75. Free Methodist, Abandoned     Marmora        Hastings          4    27   5343                     
  76. Friends, Bloomfield East      Hallowell      Prince Edward               998                      
  77. Gardiner                      Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward     2    41   5552                     
  78. Gilbert's Mills               Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward     2    58   5553                     
  79. Gilead                        Thurlow        Hastings          5    29   1192                     
  80. Guernsey                      Hallowell      Prince Edward               5689                     
  81. Guffin                        Sidney         Hastings          8    36   1176                     
  82. Hannah Family                 Sidney         Hastings          8    18   5607                     
  83. Harmonius Fox Farm            Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward     1    28   5566                     
  84. Herrington                    Ameliasburgh   Prince Edward     2    74   5528                     
  85. Hoard Family                  Seymour        Northumberland    2    26                            
  86. Hoards United                 Seymour        Northumberland    3    24   1712                     
  87. Hogle Pioneer                 Sidney         Hastings          2    18   1177                     
  88. Holiness Movement             Hallowell      Prince Edward     2    156  997                      
  89. Howe Family                   Marmora        Hastings          4    25   5344                     
  90. Hubbell's, Myrtle             Whitby         Ontario           9    22   22             Ont R2    
  91. Hubble / Hay Property         Rawdon         Hastings          1    18                            
  92. Hubble Hill Pioneer           Rawdon         Hastings          2    19   1158                     
  93. Hubble Plot                   Rawdon         Hastings          2    19                            
  94. Huffman                       Sheffield      Lennox & Addington6    1    5574                     
  95. Huffman                       Camden East    Lennox & Addington3    44                            
  96. Hughes / Stirling Grimmon     Marysburg SouthPrince Edward     1    5    5546                     
  97. Hughes, (Sacred Heart)        Marmora        Hastings          7    4    5440                     
  98. J.Black Memorial, Newburg     Camden East    Lennox & Addington                                   
  99. Johns Family                  Marmora        Hastings          4    18   5466                     
  100. Johnson                       Hallowell      Prince Edward     1    3    5530                     
  101. Jones                         Thurlow        Hastings          8    15   1193                     
  102. Juby Abandoned                Sidney         Hastings          9    34                            
  103. Ketcheson                     Sidney         Hastings          5    26   1178                     
  104. Kidd Abandoned                Dummer         Peterborough      5    5    PC9                      
  105. Knight's                      Howard         Kent              1                        Ont R1    
  106. Lakeview                      Dungannon      Hastings North    15   27                            
  107. Lawrence                      Ameliasburgh   Prince Edward     1    64   5527                     
  108. Leheigh                       Kitley         Leeds             10   22                            
  109. Lenover                       Howard         Kent                                       Ont R1    
  110. Liberty Family                Rawdon         Hastings          14   8    5606                     
  111. Lloyd's Abandoned             Huntingdon     Hastings          1    6    1082                     
  112. Lochhead                      Camden East    Lennox & Addington6    21                            
  113. Loucks                        Russell        Russell           4    10   8204                     
  114. Lovebeck Plaque               Camden East    Lennox & Addington2    37                            
  115. Loyst / Perry                 Ernestown      Lennox & Addington2    3                             
  116. Macan                         Dalhousie      Lanark            2    20                  Ottaw12   
  117. Mack                          Marysburg SouthPrince Edward     RBEB 10   1023                     
  118. Mason Family Plot             Rawdon         Hastings          11   11   5442                     
  119. Maus / Paris Plains           Dumphries SouthBrant             Hw24A     042                      
  120. McCabe & Others Community     Fredericksburg Lennox & Addington3    2    SM 5                     
  121. McConnell                     Rawdon         Hastings          9    12   1159                     
  122. McDermid's, Martintown Island Charlottenburg Glengarry         7-8  BF                  S.D.GJan  
  123. McDonnell moved to Glenwood   Marysburg SouthPrince Edward     1    6    5545                     
  124. McFaul / Bowerman             Hillier        Prince Edward     6    8    1008                     
  125. McMaster Property / Coon?     Rawdon         Hastings          8    9                             
  126. Merrifield, near Aylmer       Eardley        Pontiac, Quebec   3    4                   Ottaw23   
  127. Methodist Burial Grnds.GraftonHaldimand      Northumberland                             Ont R4    
  128. Miller, Milhaven              Ernestown      Lennox & Addington1    5                             
  129. Mitts / Mitzs / Lilac         Huntingdon     Hastings          6    6                             
  130. Moon, Rossmore                Ameliasburgh   Prince Edward               5526                     
  131. Mosher                        Rawdon         Hastings          2    4    1160                     
  132. Mt Carmel                     Moulton        Haldimand                                  Ont R1    
  133. Mt Nebo United                Rawdon         Hastings          10   13   1161                     
  134. Mt Pleasant United            Rawdon         Hastings          3    19   1162                     
  135. Mt Pleasant, Campb'ford (part)Seymour        Northumberland    7    10   1713                     
  136. Mt Zion                       Murray         Northumberland    4    9    1698                     
  137. Mumby Family Plot             Rawdon         Hastings          13   6    1157                     
  138. Neal Family Plot              Rawdon         Hastings          13   7                             
  139. Necropolis, Mapleton          Dorchester SoutElgin                                      Ont R1    
  140. Newburgh United               Newburgh       Lennox & Addington                                   
  141. O'Hara Farm                   Ernestown      Lennox & Addington6    30                            
  142. Old Demorestville             Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward               5692                     
  143. Old Disciples Church          Rainham        Haldimand                                  Ont R1    
  144. Old Methodist, Frankford      Sidney         Hastings                    1069                     
  145. Old Paris                     Dumphries SouthBrant                       017                      
  146. Old Springfield               Dorchester SoutElgin                                      Ont R1    
  147. Old Woodcock                  Fredericksburg Lennox & Addington5    12   SM 1                     
  148. Omagh Church of Christ        Trafalgar      Halton            15   3    5                        
  149. Orthodox Friends, Dunkerron   Tecumseth      Simcoe            3    24                            
  150. Paris                         Dumphries SouthBrant                       177                      
  151. Pettit / Pettet               Hallowell      Prince Edward     1    10   1003                     
  152. Pioneer Memorial, Upper CanadaWilliamsburg   Dundas                                               
  153. Pioneer Park / Old Methodist  Peterborough   Peterborough                85-54          Kawar     
  154. Potter                        Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward     1    34                            
  155. Potter                        Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward     1    50   5556                     
  156. Preneveau                     Belmont        Peterborough      5    5                             
  157. Presbyterian, Picton (History)Hallowell      Prince Edward     PI        HA-12                    
  158. Prestonvale                   Drummond       Lanark                                     Ont R4    
  159. Quaker                        Huntingdon     Hastings          1    14   1084                     
  160. Red Cloud Abandoned           Cramahe        Northumberland    10   30   1652           Can G     
  161. Reid Settlement               Huntingdon     Hastings          7    1    5438                     
  162. Riceville Baptist             Plantagenet S. Prescott                                   Ont R1    
  163. Riceville United              Plantagenet S  Prescott                                   Ont R1    
  164. River Valley                  Sidney         Hastings          8    18   5443                     
  165. Robb                          Dalhousie      Lanark            3    12                  Ottaw13   
  166. Robertson                     Warwick        Lampton                     874..          Middl     
  167. Roblin's Mills                Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward     1    34   5559                     
  168. Roman Catholic, Marmora       Marmora        Hastings          6    12   5345                     
  169. Rose                          Marysburg NorthPrince Edward     LS   16   1016                     
  170. Roslin United                 Huntingdon     Hastings          1    20   1091                     
  171. Runnalls                      Rawdon         Hastings          8    10   5831                     
  172. Russ Creek Abandoned          Haldimand      Northumberland    7    4    1668                     
  173. Rylstone United               Rawdon         Hastings          10   24   1163                     
  174. Salem                         Nelson         Halton            5    1    18                       
  175. Scane                         Howard         Kent                                       Ont R1    
  176. Scot / Bell Abandoned         Murray         Northumberland    5    16                            
  177. Scotch Line                   Bathurst       Lanark            1    14                            
  178. Shannon Family Plot           Marmora        Hastings          3    15   5342                     
  179. Sheffield                     Beverly        Wentworth                                  Ont R1    
  180. Shibley                       Ernestown      Lennox & Addington1    2    ER-4                     
  181. Shield                        Cavan          Peterborough      14   13   PC21                     
  182. Shorey Burial Place           Fredericksburg Lennox & Addington7    29   SM 6                     
  183. Sine                          Sidney         Hastings          6    24   1182                     
  184. Sine's School                 Rawdon         Hastings          5    10   1154                     
  185. Single Stone (Hemingway)      Pickering      Ontario                                    Whitb     
  186. Skeleton / Old Burial Grounds Kingston       Frontenac                                            
  187. Snider                        Ernestown      Lennox & Addington6    32                            
  188. Solmes                        Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward     1    11   5561                     
  189. Spookhorn                     Fredericksburg Lennox & Addington7    25   SM 7                     
  190. Spry Family Plot              Rawdon         Hastings          13   8    1153                     
  191. St Alexandre des Chenaux      Clarendon      Pontiac, Quebec   1    24                            
  192. St Francis of Rome, WellingtonHillier        Prince Edward     1         1030                     
  193. St Jame's Anglican            Ramsay         Lanark            7    20   8610                     
  194. St John's Anglican            Clarendon      Pontiac, Quebec   9    23                            
  195. St John's Anglican            Marysburg NorthPrince Edward     LS   11   1017                     
  196. St John's Anglican, Bath      Ernestown      Lennox & Addington1    2    ER-5                     
  197. St John's Anglican, Richmond  Goulbourn      Carleton               10   7604                     
  198. St Linus Roman Catholic, Bath Ernestown      Lennox & Addington1    12   ER-3                     
  199. St Luke's United              Denbigh        Lennox & Addington                                   
  200. St Mary's Cemetery Files      Kingston       Frontenac                                  Kings     
  201. St Michael's Roman Catholic   Huntley        Carleton          9    15   8141                     
  202. St Michael's Roman Catholic   Thorne         Pontiac, Quebec   4    14B                           
  203. St Michael's, Westwood        Asphodel       Peterborough      1    11   PC2                      
  204. St Paul's Old Methodist, PerthDrummond       Lanark                      7901                     
  205. St Thomas Ang / English Line  Rawdon         Hastings          8    3    1166                     
  206. Standard Church               Huntingdon     Hastings          8    8    5439                     
  207. Stanwood                      Seymour        Northumberland    13   20   1715                     
  208. Stinson                       Hallowell      Prince Edward     1    15   1004                     
  209. Stonehouse Primitive MethodistEtobicoke      York              1    18                  Famil18-3 
  210. Storms / Slater               Marysburg NorthPrince Edward     BS   26   5691                     
  211. Storms Abandoned              Marysburg NorthPrince Edward          7    5690                     
  212. Stray Stones                  Peterborough   Peterborough                87-41          Kawar41   
  213. Taugher                       Sidney         Hastings          7    16   5444                     
  214. Top of the Hill               Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward     1    40   5563                     
  215. Turner Hill / Sheedy          Marysburg NorthPrince Edward     BS   64   5540                     
  216. Twelfth Line                  Rawdon         Hastings          12   19   1167                     
  217. Tyler Abandoned               Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward     2    58   S-1                      
  218. Universalist Friends          Bloomfield     Prince Edward               149                      
  219. Unnamed                       Ernestown      Lennox & Addington5    20                            
  220. Van Horn                      Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward     1    1    5565                     
  221. Vanderwater                   Sidney         Hastings          6    29   1171                     
  222. Walker                        Hope           Durham            Hwy 2                    WhitbFeb  
  223. Waupoos United                Marysburg NorthPrince Edward     1    4    1018                     
  224. Way                           Ameliasburgh   Prince Edward     3 & 472   5525                     
  225. Way, Daniel B.                Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward     3    39   5696                     
  226. Weaver                        Rawdon         Hastings          2    17   5760                     
  227. Weeks / Jack Stinson Farm     Hillier        Prince Edward               5536                     
  228. Wellman's                     Rawdon         Hastings          5    19   1168                     
  229. Wesley United Church          Mersea         Essex             Hwy 3                    Ont R4    
  230. Whig-Standard Obit            Kingston       Frontenac                                  Kings     
  231. Whitney                       Sophiasburgh   Prince Edward     1    59   5562                     
  232. Wood Family Plot              Huntingdon     Hastings          8    3    5605                     
  233. Wooton / St Lawrence Anglican Rawdon         Hastings          4    24   1165                     
  234. Zion United (Old)             Seymour        Northumberland    8 & 920   1717                     