DP Tool Club 8
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BASIC Source File
226 lines
'CALC.BAS - calculator
'Requires Liberty BASIC 0.9c
'Copyright 1993, Shoptalk Systems
'With Liberty BASIC 0.9c, it is possible to overrun
'the calculator on slower machines, so wait until
'each next button produces its result before
'clicking the next button. In the registered version,
'each mouse action or button-click is buffered, so
'you can click on buttons as fast as you like,
'and the calculator will not lose anything while
'catching up.
'The version 1.0 version of this program takes
'advantage of some of the special features of that
'system to give a slicker appearance.
button #calc, " 0 ", [button0], LL, 5, 4
button #calc, " . ", [buttonPoint], LL, 40, 4
button #calc, " = ", [buttonEquals], LL, 75, 4
button #calc, "CLR", [buttonClear], LL, 110, 4
button #calc, " 1 ", [button1], LL, 5, 30
button #calc, " 2 ", [button2], LL, 40, 30
button #calc, " 3 ", [button3], LL, 75, 30
button #calc, " / ", [buttonDivide], LL, 110, 30
button #calc, " 4 ", [button4], LL, 5, 58
button #calc, " 5 ", [button5], LL, 40, 58
button #calc, " 6 ", [button6], LL, 75, 58
button #calc, " X ", [buttonMultiply], LL, 110, 58
button #calc, " 7 ", [button7], LL, 5, 86
button #calc, " 8 ", [button8], LL, 40, 86
button #calc, " 9 ", [button9], LL, 75, 86
button #calc, " - ", [buttonSubtract], LL, 110, 86
button #calc, "Info", [info], LL, 5, 114
button #calc, " + ", [buttonAdd], LL, 110, 114
WindowWidth = 172
WindowHeight = 280
open "Calculator" for graphics as #calc
print #calc, "font helv 9 24"
' set display$ up as two spaces
display$ = "? "
' set up a shortcut for printing the entry line only
blanks$ = "\" + chr$(13) + chr$(13) + chr$(13) + chr$(13) + " "
[mainLoop] ' wait for a button to be pressed
input r$
goto [mainLoop]
[display] ' update the entire display
buffer$ = chr$(13)
for i = 6 to 2 step -2
buffer$ = buffer$ + " " + word$(lines$, i - 1) + " " + word$(lines$, i) + " " + chr$(13)
next i
print #calc, "cls"
print #calc, "\" + buffer$ + " "
gosub [displayEntry]
print #calc, "flush"
[displayEntry] ' display the current entry line only
print #calc, "place 0 0"
print #calc, blanks$ + display$
print #calc, "flush"
[button0] ' 0 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "0"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button1] ' 1 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "1"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button2] ' 2 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "2"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button3] ' 3 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "3"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button4] ' 4 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "4"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button5] ' 5 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "5"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button6] ' 6 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "6"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button7] ' 7 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "7"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button8] ' 8 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "8"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button9] ' 9 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "9"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[buttonPoint] ' the decimal point button was pressed
' only allow one decimal point per entry
if instr(display$, ".") > 0 then [mainLoop]
display$ = display$ + "."
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[buttonClear] ' the CLR button was pressed, clear the entry
display$ = "? "
gosub [display]
goto [mainLoop]
[buttonAdd] ' the + button was pressed
if len(display$) = 2 then display$ = "+ " : gosub [displayEntry] : goto [mainLoop]
gosub [resolvePending]
display$ = "+ "
gosub [display]
goto [mainLoop]
[buttonSubtract] ' the - button was pressed
if len(display$) = 2 then display$ = "- " : gosub [displayEntry] : goto [mainLoop]
gosub [resolvePending]
display$ = "- "
gosub [display]
goto [mainLoop]
[buttonMultiply] ' the X button was pressed
if len(display$) = 2 then display$ = "X " : gosub [displayEntry] : goto [mainLoop]
gosub [resolvePending]
display$ = "X "
gosub [display]
goto [mainLoop]
if len(display$) = 2 then display$ = "/ " : gosub [displayEntry] : goto [mainLoop]
gosub [resolvePending]
display$ = "/ "
gosub [display]
goto [mainLoop]
[buttonEquals] ' the = button was pressed
if len(display$) = 2 then display$ = "= " : gosub [displayEntry] : goto [mainLoop]
gosub [resolvePending]
display$ = "? "
gosub [display]
goto [mainLoop]
'take the bottom-most two items and perform the appropriate
'operation (if any)
first = val(word$(lines$, 2))
second = val(word$(display$, 2))
op$ = left$(display$, 1)
lines$ = display$ + " " + lines$
if op$ = "+" then lines$ = "= " + str$(first + second) + " " + lines$ : return
if op$ = "-" then lines$ = "= " + str$(first - second) + " " + lines$ : return
if op$ = "X" then lines$ = "= " + str$(first * second) + " " + lines$ : return
if op$ = "/" then lines$ = "= " + str$(first / second) + " " + lines$ : return
if op$ = "=" or op$ = "?" then lines$ = "= " + str$(second) + " " + lines$ : return
notice "About Calc" + chr$(13) + "Calc, a Liberty BASIC Application"
goto [mainLoop]