(set #welcome "Welcome to the IBrowse 1.1 update patch.\n\nIBrowse is (c) 1995-1997 Omnipresence Intl.\nDistributed by Hisoft Systems.")
(set #destdir-prompt "Please select where you currently have IBrowse installed. No configuration files or cached pages will be overwritten.")
(set #dir "This option requires you to choose a directory. Choose one that suits your needs.")
(set #wrong-update "You are trying to update another version of IBrowse than this patch allows. This patch is designed to work on the IBrowse1.02 68000 installation.\nMake sure that you havn't modified the main file in any way. (crunched, edited etc.)")
(set #updating "Updating the main executable.")
(set #update-error "There was a problem updating IBrowse. Please try again with more free memory. If you still have problems please contact technical support.")
(set #exit-msg "\n\nIBrowse was successfully updated. Please reboot your computer before you run the new copy.")
(set #newstring-prompt "IBrowse uses NewString.mcc (c) 1995-1997 Rüdiger Sopp. Where do you have MUI installed?")
(set #newstring-help "NewString.mcc must be installed to make IBrowse work correctly" )
(set #no-ib-installed "There is no IBrowse installed in this directory. Make sure to point to the directory where the IBrowse main executable is (eg. Work:IBrowse)")
(set #mui-37 "IBrowse needs MUI3.7 or later to function properly. It seems as if you have an older version of MUI installed. You can abort this installation now and fetch a newer version of MUI from http://ftp.uni-paderborn.de/aminet/")