Labels:bench | chair | earth | fence | grass | person | reckoner | seat | skep | sky | tree | water OCR: abcde fghij jklwwoparstuwwy ABCDEF FGHIJKL/WOPORSTUNWNYZ 0123456789 ><LF3K / The gick bronf janes ove the loaydlog The qick borawn for jumps over the lo.zy dog The quick bran fox jumps over the lay dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the la-2y dlog. The quick brown fox sounr over the The auick bv own xof Juimps over the dog abocdetghijk mnopgstuwyz ABCDEFGHI 03489 jians theloogdog boran l0dy brawn