# | dnQuesNum,S,2 | dnRefPage,S,2 | dnNumAnswer,S,2 | dmQuestion,M,250 | dcAnswer1,A,160 | dcAnswer2,A,160 | dcAnswer3,A,160 | dcAnswer4,A,160 | dcAnswer5,A,160 | dcFlag,A,8
1 | 9 | 9 | 4 | "My goal is to get a job working with people" is a goal statement that, | does NOT include a way to decide when the goal is achieved. | defines a measurable job search goal. | clearly describes the type of job you want. | is a good job search goal statement. | | |
2 | 11 | 11 | 4 | Which of these goals is stated most clearly?, | My goal is to work in Cleveland, Ohio as a carpenter. | My goal is to be a carpenter. | My goal is to work in Cleveland, Ohio. | My goal is to do construction work in a midwestern state. | | |
3 | 101 | 12 | 4 | Your job search goal has been stated clearly if it, | is easy to decide when the goal is achieved. | tells where you want to live. | satisfies your interests and values. | is a job for which you are qualified. | | |
4 | 103 | 43 | 4 | A job is more likely to be personally satisfying if it, | matches your interests and satisfies your values. | pays a lot of money. | is in the town or city where your family lives. | requires skills you have been trained or educated to do. | | |
5 | 104 | 21 | 4 | You can be sure a job you want is available if, | the job is listed in your newspaper's want ads. | you hear that someone quit or was fired. | you graduate from a trade or technical school. | your friend or family member has a similar job. | | |
6 | 105 | 31 | 4 | Employers decide who to hire based on, | the results of personal interviews. | applicants' education and training. | professionally prepared typed or printed resumes. | who is willing to work for the lowest wage or salary. | | |
7 | 106 | 42 | 4 | To find out what the employer is doing about filling a job for which you,interviewed, you can call and ask, | Is there anything I need to do to complete the application process? | When will you decide if I will get the job? | Who was hired? | Am I still being considered for this job? | |