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OCR: Listing of INDICT. TXT (167 lines) 14% INDICTMENT The Government of these United States of America, having been formed under the Constitution and having been duly elected and appointed by the people of these United States of America under the terms of the Constitution, has violated the public trust, terms, conditions and laws of the land as outlined and enshrined within the Constitution of these United States of America. To Wit: (1) The government has approved and entered into a secret treaty with an Alien Nation against the terms of the Constitution and without the people. advise and consent of the Congress or the (2) The government in this treaty has given this Alien Nation land and bases within the borders of these United States of America. (3) The government in this treaty has traded human lives and property for the alien technology and has denied the citizens of these United States of America the lawful protection due them under the Constitution. The property is in the form of livestock and land. Next Page | Prev Page | Next Line | Prev Line | Goto n% | Print File | Quit