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OCR: o Listing of HUMMUT. TXT (234 lines) 11% The Human Mutilation Factor by Don Ecker In the last forty years of UFO research, one of the most baffling questions that have plagued researchers has been "Is the UFO Phenomenon dangerous to humanity?" Over the years, there have been numerous cases where the phenomenon has figured into human deaths, but as a rule, most cases have been officially ruled accidental. When speaking of cases where death has resulted, usually most assume cases where military pilots have died as a result of "chasing" the phenomenon. One of the most famous of these military chases that is discussed when ever the subject of death and UFOs is raised, is the famous "Mantell here, but there are many others. In one of the less well known Case", This case is so well known that I will not discuss it cases, during the mid 1950's, a military jet interceptor was observed on radar being "absorbed" into a UFO over the Great Lakes. No trace of pilot or aircraft was ever found. In another case reported in the excellent work "Clear Intent" was the case of the "Cuban MIG Incident", In this case a Cuban MIG was locking on his weapons radar when the aircraft exploded in mid*air. The wing man was certain that the UFO had fired some type of weapon, but other than the jet exploding, no other smoke, flame or other obvious weapon firing was observed. The matter of either overt or covert hostility on the part of UFOs has always been treated warily by serious researchers. On Next Page | Prev Page | Next Line | Prev Line | Goto n% | Print File | Quit