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Portable Network Graphic  |  1992-01-01  |  29KB  |  752x576  |  8-bit (23 colors)
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OCR: 93:Hidden away-secret bits . A Page I of 6 Hidden Away Introduction About 5 years ago I was hacking hiding a demo where nobody was likely away at a game on the Commodore 64 "Radius" to see it seemed very strange to Me ... called (Programmed by the ever-famous duo Ian and Mic), and I Since then I have uncovered and found a little demo hidden away in the learnt about a whole host of hidden game. You could only access the demo demos, editors, and god knows what else if you stopped the game from on the AMIGA. There was never very decrunching after it has loaded in and much of it on the C64 - Radius was the execute a certain part of Memory. only one I uncovered - but the memory Anyway, that was a very big surprise for me at that time because I had on |that | computer was becoming NEVER, in my 2 years of writing "POKEs' restrictive for programmers, so you can very understand why it didn't catch on. and cheat -listings for magazines, come On the Amiga however , a whole new world across anything like that. The idea of of hidden things is opening up ... 93:Hidden away-secret bits HY PRODUCTION INDEX