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SC_MEMWRN      9  "WARNING - memory allocation incomplete"
SC_NOTBFRD     8  "WARNING - I/O not buffered"
SC_FILENGTH    7  "WARNING - file length is incorrect"
SC_FLDROUND    6  "WARNING - numeric field rounded"
SC_FLDTRUNC    5  "WARNING - data field truncated"
SC_NOFIND      4  "WARNING - could not find key in index file"
SC_END         3  "WARNING - no more keys"
SC_EMPTY       2  "WARNING - file is empty"
SC_DELREC      1  "WARNING - record read is marked deleted"
SC_SUCCESS     0  "No errors or warnings"
SC_WRTFAIL    -1  "ERROR - file write failure"
SC_RDFAIL     -2  "ERROR - file read failure"
SC_MEMERR     -3  "ERROR - memory allocation error"
SC_SKFAIL     -4  "ERROR - file pointer reposition failed"
SC_NOFILE     -5  "ERROR - file not found"
SC_FILBAD     -6  "ERROR - file corrupted"
SC_BADEXPR    -7  "ERROR - bad user specified key expression"
SC_NOHNDL     -8  "ERROR - no handles available"
SC_NOPGS      -9  "ERROR - no index pages loaded"
SC_BADPG     -10  "ERROR - index page was not loaded"
SC_CLOSFAIL  -11  "ERROR - file close failure"
SC_BADCMD    -12  "ERROR - invalid command"
SC_BADHNDL   -13  "ERROR - invalid handle number"
SC_BADFNAME  -14  "ERROR - invalid filename"
SC_BADDATE   -15  "ERROR - invalid date"
SC_BADTIME   -16  "ERROR - invalid time"
SC_NODBT     -17  "ERROR - file not in .DBT format"
SC_DBFVERS   -18  "ERROR - invalid dBASE version"
SC_DBFHLEN   -19  "ERROR - file header length error"
SC_DBFDATE   -20  "ERROR - last file change date in error"
SC_NULLPARM  -21  "ERROR - parameter address null"
SC_BADKEYT   -22  "ERROR - invalid key type"
SC_KEYLEN    -23  "ERROR - invalid key length"
SC_ITEMLEN   -24  "ERROR - item length incorrect"
SC_BADROOT   -25  "ERROR - invalid root page"
SC_MAXKEYS   -26  "ERROR - bad maximum number of keys per page"
SC_FLDCNT    -27  "ERROR - invalid number of fields"
SC_BADFLDN   -28  "ERROR - field name invalid"
SC_FLDLEN    -29  "ERROR - bad field length"
SC_DECPL     -30  "ERROR - decimal places parameter invalid"
SC_BADFLDT   -31  "ERROR - invalid field type"
SC_RECLEN    -32  "ERROR - invalid record length"
SC_BADDATA   -33  "ERROR - bad data"
SC_LINELEN   -34  "ERROR - memo soft line length invalid"
SC_MDXFLAG   -35  "ERROR - MDX flag in DBF file invalid"
SC_READOLY   -36  "ERROR - file open for reading only"
SC_LCKVIOL   -37  "ERROR - file locking violation"
SC_LCKBOVR   -38  "ERROR - sharing buffer overflow"
SC_NOPATH    -39  "ERROR - path not found"
SC_ACCDEN    -40  "ERROR - access to file denied"
SC_BADACC    -41  "ERROR - invalid access code"
SC_NOTLCKD   -42  "ERROR - file must be locked first"
SC_NEWDEV    -43  "ERROR - diskette changed"
SC_MINKEYS   -44  "ERROR - bad minimum number of keys per page"
SC_FILSOPEN  -45  "ERROR - some files remain open"
"Unknown error or warning code"

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson