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   signed int scddcreate(
           signed char *filename,
           signed int numfields,
           SC_FIELD *fields,
           signed int style );


   scddcreate creates a dBASEIII or dBASEIV compatible data file. A
   pointer to an array of SC_FIELD must be passed.

   The field description array must be initialized and each element set to
   appropriate values. The array determines the organization of the data
   record. The data file does not remain open upon exit of this function.

   This function will create a new data file even if one had already existed.

   Field names and types are converted to all upper case when the file is

   Valid field types are:

      'C' character       (not NULL terminated in record)
      'D' date            ("yyyymmdd" format)
      'F' floating point  (valid only for dBASEIV files)
      'L' logical         (TRUE, FALSE)
      'M' memo            (memo file record number)
      'N' numeric

   Both 'F' and 'N' fields are handled as doubles by the library. The library
   does not support BCD numbers.

   The type of data file created depends upon the value of the style
   parameter: SC_DB3 - dBASEIII compatible, or SC_DB4 - dBASEIV

   The maximum record length is 4000 bytes.

   The maximum number of dBASE III fields is 128, but the maximum number of
   dBASEIV fields is 255.

   The maximum length of character fields is 254, and they cannot be longer
   than 100 if used as a key.

   The maximum length of dBASE III numeric fields is 19, but the maximum
   length of dBASE IV numeric & float fields is 20.

   The length of a date field is forced to 8.

   The length of a logical field is forced to 1.

   The length of a memo field is forced to 10.

   The number of decimal places will be forced to zero for all types except:
    1) dBASE III NUMERIC - it must be less than ('len' - 2) and also less
       than 16, and
    2) dBASE IV NUMERIC and FLOAT - it must be less than ('len' - 2). The
       number of decimal places cannot be less than zero.

   #include <softc.h>
   #include <sc_base.h>

   void main()
     SC_FIELD fields[] = {
       "name",'c',64,0,     /* file name */
       "length",'n',10,0,   /* file size */
       "date",'d',8,0,      /* date */
       "time",'c',8,0,      /* time */
       "attribute",'c',3,0  /* file attributes */


See Also: scddcreate
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