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  Directory List

    List the contents of a directory or matching files. At the prompt, press
    enter to list all files in the current directory or enter any valid
    subdirectory name, file name, or wild card characters. You don't have to
    put a *.* at the end of a subdirectory name; the directory list function
    adds those wild card characters to subdirectory names as a default.  
    A '\' is added to the end of subdirectory names in the file list. To 
    list files in other directories, just move the cursor to the desired 
    subdirectory name and press enter.  When you see ..\ in the directory
    list, the double periods represent the parent of the current directory.
    The .\ represents the current directory.  You may move up and down the 
    directory tree by selecting the parent or childrens of the current 

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson