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  Cursor keys

                            101 Keyboard overview

            Cursor keys                               Keypad keys
        +-----------------+                +-------------------------------+
        | Ins |Home |PgUp |                |NumLock|Grey / |Grey * |Grey - |
        |-----+-----+-----|                |-------+-------+-------+-------|
        | Del | End |PgDn |                | Home  |  Up   | Pg Up | Grey  |
        +-----------------+                |-------+-------+-------|   +   |
                                           | Left  |Center | Right |       |
              +-----+                      |-------+-------+-------+-------|
              | Up  |                      |  End  | Down  | Pg Dn | Grey  |
        +-----+-----+-----+                |---------------+-------|       |
        |Left |Down |Right|                |     Ins       |  Del  | Enter |
        +-----------------+                +-------------------------------+

                 .                                         .
    If you like using these grey                   With Num Lock off,
     cursor keys, these function               you can probably guess most
      assignments are for you.                of these function assignments.

          Grey cursor keys                            Keypad keys

 Up     - move cursor up                 Home   - toggle col 1 & beg of line
 Down   - move cursor down              ^Home   - first line in window
 Left   - move cursor left               Pg Up  - page up
 Right  - move cursor right             ^Pg Up  - goto first page in file
^Up     - scroll cursor up               Center - move to center of window
^Down   - scroll cursor down            ^Center - line to center of window
^Left   - cursor to previous word        End    - last character in line
^Right  - cursor to next word           ^End    - last line in window
@Up     - pan up                         Pg Dn  - page down
@Down   - pan down                      ^Pg Dn  - goto last page in file
@Left   - pan left                       Ins    - toggle insert mode
@Right  - pan right                      Del    - delete character
@PgUp   - horizontal page left          ^Del    - stream delete character
@PgDn   - horizontal page right          Grey - - scroll screen up
^#Left  - pan left                       Grey + - scroll screen down
^#Right - pan right                     ^Grey - - pan up
                                        ^Grey + - pan down
                                          Enter - Insert line and move down
                                         #Enter - 1st char in next line
                                         ^Enter - column 1 in next line

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson