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   FUNCTION WrapWert( lDir, nValue, nMin, nMax ) -> nIntWert

   This function increases or decreases the passed nValue
   depending on lDir by 1.

   If nMax is reached, nMin will be returned
   If nMin is reached, nMax will be returned


      lDir   increasing nValue = .T.
             decreasing nValue = .F.
      nValue Value to be in/decreased
      nMin   MinimumValue,  default 0
      nMax   Maximumvalue,  default 32767


      nValue + 1 / nValue -1 / nMax, nMin

   This is a real nice function, hey, don't laugh, you can use it
   for a lot of things ( have a look at VgaMen() ).
   As an ArrayIndex with automic boundcheck or maybe for the
   following, you've probably seen that before, somewhere...

          FUNCTION ShowPrint()
            STATIC nX, aChar := {'\','|','/','-'}

            nX := IIF( nX == NIL, 1, WrapWert( .t., nX, 1, 4) )
            ShowStr ( 13, 50, aChar [nX] )

          RETURN ( nil )

   they turn over and over again...

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