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Novell has a program called the Professional Developer's Program
(PDP), which gives NetWare-aware application developers streamlined
access to NetWare products, development tools, and support services. 
Through the program you can get discounts on additional copies of
NetWare OS and Communications products with a one-year renewable

Joining the PDP is the only way to get access to some Novell Software
Development Kits (SDKs).  There is a private forum on CompuServe
for PDP members.  In addition, through the PDP, Novell offers some
marketing support.

This program is available to professional developers of NetWare-Aware
software products.  Contact Novell's PDP in the U.S. and Canada at 


International developers should contact their local Novell office
regarding the PDP features in their area.  Services vary from country
to country.

Note from Glenn:

        Clipper developers will not likely need or be able to use
        most of the PDP's development kits.  But if you build 
        NetWare-Aware applications, you should be testing them on 
        NetWare networks.  The PDP currently offers a cost-effective
        way to set up a test environment and keep it current.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson