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You may find certain third party publications and books useful 
when doing NetWare programming.  Not all of these will be of 
interest to the CA-Clipper programmer, but you might want to 
know about them.

Many of the books and periodicals are written for the C 
programmer, with the notable exception of Joe Booth's book.
This doesn't mean the others won't help a Clipper programmer
(indeed, NETTO proves Clipper programmers can work from assembly
language documentation if necessary).

Note that some of these publications may have ceased publication
or the books may be out of print.  Just be prepared and don't
blame us!

Comments by Glenn Scott (GS).  Other comments and reviews are


NetWare Technical Journal (Attn: Subscriber Services, 1900
  O'Farrell St, Ste. 200, San Mateo, CA 94403-9836.

  NTJ started out as a Novell publication and was oriented towards
  developers.  Novell eventually sold the publication to McGraw-Hill, 
  and it was soon cancelled.  Apparently, interest never ceased and
  McGraw-Hill continued to receive subscription cards two years after
  the magazine stopped publishing.  In any case, this is a brand new
  magazine aimed at "systems integrators", and as of April 1993 I
  had not seen the "Premiere Issue" so it isn't clear how much 
  developer-related information NTJ will have.  Publishes 6 times
  per year, $30/year.  (GS)

Network Developer's Resource (RoseWare, Inc).  

  This is a brand new newsletter devoted completely to NetWare
  developer issues and is published and edited by Charles Rose,
  the author of _Programmer's Guide to NetWare_, a book used
  by many of the NETTO authors.  The subscription price should
  be approximately $95 per year and I don't have all the details
  but RoseWare maintains a forum section on the CompuServe NOVVEN
  forum (GO NOVVEN) so you can talk to Charles himself if you like.
  I met him in person at a Novell conference and he's a pretty 
  nice guy.  (GS)

Bullets (Novell, Inc).

  If you become a member of the Professional Developer's Program, you
  will receive Bullets, Novell's developer programs newsletter.
  A typical issue of Bullets will include a feature article 
  describing some aspect of NetWare development, and there are often
  generous slabs of code provided, usually in C.  In addition you'll
  find descriptions of Novell development products and bug lists.
  There's another section of this on-line guide that discusses 
  the developer's program; head there soon. (GS)


NetWare Programmer's Guide by John T. McCann

NetWare Programmer's Guide by Ralph Davis

Network Programming in C by Barry Nance

Network Programming with Clipper by Joe Booth
   This is a new book by one of the NETTO contributors and an 
   author of the well-known _Clipper 5 Developers Guide_ by 
   Booth/Lief/Yellick.  I haven't had a chance to see it yet
   but as it is the only book I know of specifically 
   about Clipper networking, it should be worth a look. (GS)

Programmer's Guide to NetWare by Charles G. Rose
   This is the book used by many of the NETTO authors to create this
   library.  It's old, it has typos, but it's well respected and 
   it gets most of the information across.  It's published by 
   McGraw-Hill and is oriented toward's the assembly language
   programmer in that it documents what should be put in 
   each register, and so on.  However, Rose implements all the 
   examples in an older version of Borland C -- this caused him 
   trouble when a newer version rendered most of his source 
   unusable without some minor edits.  The book contains a 
   couple of completely useless chapters on Windows and C-Worthy
   programming, and it's rapidly getting way out of date but it
   was worth every penny.  About $49.  CompuServe users can
   order it on-line (GO MH).  (GS)

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