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Many people believe that because a software package is in the 
public domain, it will be unsupported.  This may or not be 
the case.

If you need assistance, try the following avenues:

    *  Find another developer that is using the library, and
       ask her

    *  Ask on the BBS or on-line service where you obtained
       the library.  The best place is to ask on the CompuServe
       Clipper forum (GO CLIPPER), where this library has a home.

    *  Subscribe to the new automated NETTO mailing list, and
       ask the question.  There's another section in this Norton
       Guide about the mailing list.
    *  Send an electronic mail message to one of the authors. 
       While we cannot guarantee that any particular author will
       be available to support the library, you can always try.
       If you're on CompuServe, the CIS ID that is shown in 
       the documentation will suffice.  If you're on the Internet,
       convert the CIS ID from this form:



                              --- note the dot instead of the comma.

    *  Hire a consultant.  Why not?  People hire you, don't they?
       Find some Clipper developer that is familiar with this 
       library and pay them to fix or modify it, or otherwise 
       show you how to use it.

It is important to realize that you're dealing with Novell NetWare 
here, and Novell maintains a heavy presence on the CompuServe
Information Service.  Some of Novell's CompuServe forums you might
be interested in include:

        NOVC           Sections on NetWare programming
        NOVDEV         Private forum for members of developer's program
        NOVUSER        Novell-related files not uploaded by Novell
        NOVLIB         Novell patches and other official uploads
        NOVFILES       Novell patches and other official uploads

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson