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Librarian:   Glenn Scott [71620,1521]


Gregory Anthony [70045,1160]
Joseph D. Booth [72040,2112]
Sheldon Easterbrook [71421,254]
Michael Landesman [76376,2465]
Steve Larsen [76370,1532]
Ted Means
David A. Minter [76247,3475]
Rodgers Moore [75730,2244]
David Peterson
Mike Taylor, modifications by Ted Means [73310,3013]
Glenn Scott [71620,1521]
Christopher Shortt [72760,3271]
Norbert Sommer [100016,1241]
Kevin Maher/Steve Tyrakowski [73766,1224]

Thanks to all the beta testers, well-wishers, Technicon '92 attendees,
and CA-Clipper third party NetWare library developers.  To Ted Means
for creating FT_INT86(), the key to the whole thing, and for various
other bits and pieces that seem to hold the whole library together.
To Steve Hochschild of Lotus, formerly of Novell Developer Relations,
for the encouragement and software tools.  To Kristin Burkland at
Novell for getting the seal of approval from Novell Legal.  Hearty
thanks to David `Dippy' Peterson, Steve Rowe, and the entire
Australian crew that worked with them for early enthusiasm and
testing; and especially to David for fixing the date code so it
would work internationally.  

Most special thanks to Steve Larsen, Steve Tyrakowski, and Kevin Maher, 
the core team, who stuck with it.  

We welcome your involvement: please contact us via CompuServe at 
71620,1521.  Via the internet at 71620.1521@compuserve.com.  
Post questions and comments on the CA-Clipper forum on CompuServe 

Join the NETTO mailing list!  See elsewhere in this Guide.

Report bugs!  Better yet, fix them!

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson