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When NETTO was written, we included support for encrypted login.
Many of the recent NetWare revisions encrypt the passwords over
the wire when you log in.  The login.exe program contains the 
proprietary, secret encryption algorithm.

Novell makes this encryption algorithm available to third parties
in the form of pre-compiled .OBJ files.  These are available to
developers who have signed licensing agreements with Novell, and
can be downloaded from the private Novell developer forum on 
CompuServe, called NOVDEV.

We asked Novell if we could include this .OBJ in our release.
They felt that since their encrypted code is their property,
having it appear in a public domain collection would be 
inappropriate.  They want all users to be licensed appropriately.

If you want to do encrypted login, you're going to have to be
licensed to do it.  My suggestion is to join Novell's Professional
Developer's Program.  This is free.  (Info on the PDP is available
elsewhere in this Norton Guide, in the "Resources" area.)  Then,
contact Novell's developer support and ask about getting the 
encrypted login code.

Note that I believe there are a couple versions of this code.
The latest contains support for Novell's new packet signature 
security technology.  We haven't tested with the latest versions
with NETTO.

Perhaps one of you would like to become the expert in this.  I need
some relief from worrying about it.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson