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If you have access to the Internet (and this includes CompuServe
users), you can join an experimental mailing list to discuss
Netto issues, ask questions, and report bugs.  

To subscribe to the list, you have to send a specially formatted
mail message to a mail server.  Once your subscription is 
confirmed, you will receive postings via electronic mail, and
you can post your own.  You may at any time sign off the
mailing list.

To subscribe:

Compose a mail message in which the first line of the body of 
the message says simply:

        subscribe netto

Then send it to the following address:

        If you're on the Internet:   maiser@hup.ucla.edu
        If you're on CompuServe:     >internet: maiser@hup.ucla.edu

CompuServe users:  This message must be sent through CompuServe 
MAIL (GO MAIL) and it's important that you include the ">" symbol.

In due time you will receive a confirmation via electronic mail with
some additional instructions.

To post messages to the list:

Send an electronic mail message to the following address:

        If you're on the Internet:    netto@hup.ucla.edu
        If you're on CompuServe:      >internet: netto@hup.ucla.edu

To sign off the list:

Compose a mail message in which the first line of the body of 
the message says simply:

        unsubscribe netto

Then send it to the following address:

        If you're on the Internet:   maiser@hup.ucla.edu
        If you're on CompuServe:     >internet: maiser@hup.ucla.edu

If you're not on CompuServe or the Internet, you may still have an 
electronic mail gateway to the Internet.  Ask your local system 
administrator, BBS Sysop, electronic mail expert, or customer
service representative.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson