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NETTO consists of the following two files:

        NETTOL.ZIP       Library, documentation, .CH files
        NETTOS.ZIP       Source code, makefile

Unzip NETTOL.ZIP to reveal


Installing the Library

Place NETTO.LIB in the directory where your other CA-Clipper
.LIB files are, such as \clipper5\lib.

Place NETTO.CH in the directory where your other CA-Clipper
.CH files, such as \clipper5\include.

Place NETTO.NG in the directory where your Norton Guide
databases are, such as \clipper5\ng.

You're ready to go!

Installing the Source

You do not need to install the source to use NETTO.  You
can skip this step if you don't need to examine the source
code now.

Make a subdirectory for the source code; e.g., \netto\src.
Place NETTOS.ZIP in \netto\src.  Unzip NETTOS.ZIP with the 
-d option:

        pkunzip nettos -d

and the source code tree will be created.

Including the .CH file

You only need to include the .CH file in your .PRG files if you 
make reference to one of the NETTO commands (as opposed to the
functions), or the manifest constants.  If you need to include
NETTO.CH, place a directive at the top of your .PRG as follows:

        #include "netto.ch"


If you use NETTO functions, you must include NETTO.LIB and NANFOR.LIB
on your link line:


        rtlink fi myapp lib netto, nanfor


        rtlink myapp,,,netto+nanfor



Overlay Considerations

Almost all of the NETTO library is Clipper code and can be overlaid.
[To be written]

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson