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AUTHORS! If I didn't include something you sent me, it could be

    -  What you sent didn't work
    -  I tried to contact you about it and you didn't respond
    -  It required I think about it more than a half hour so 
       I put it off (likely)
    -  I forgot about it completely (extremely likely)

I know there are one or two of you who keep reminding me about
the same thing over and over and I can't keep track of it due
to a major cerebral overload that simply causes my brain to
reject additional information once it reaches a certain high
watermark.  When this happens, the only thing I can recall
is my junior high locker combination.  But enough about me.

_Please_ don't be offended.  Just contact me as soon as possible
and we'll try to right things in the next release.

If you're thinking about submitting code; examine the code in
the NETTOS source library, and adhere to the Nanforum Toolkit

        - Glenn Scott
          CompuServe:  71620,1521
          Internet:    glenn@hup.ucla.edu

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson