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 Start Capture and set Capture Flags
      CAPTURE  [PRN | LPT1 | LPT2 | LPT3 | L <nDevice>]
               [FORMFEED abbr:FF | NOFORMFEED abbr:NFF]
               [NOTABS abbr:NT | TABS abbr:T <nTabs>]
               [SERVERPRINTER <nPrinter>]
               [COPIES abbr:C <nCopies>]
               [TIMEOUT abbr:TI <nSec>]
               [AUTOENDCAP or FLUSHDEVICE abbr:A]
               [NOAUTOENDCAP or NOFLUSHDEVICE abbr:NA]
               [MAXLINES <nLines>]
               [MAXCHARS <nChars>]
               [FORM abbr:F <cnForm>]
               [NOBANNER abbr:NB | BANNER abbr:B <(cBanner)>]
               [NAM <(cName)>]
               [QUEUE abbr:Q <(cPQ)>]
               [CREATE abbr:CR <(cPath)>]

     LPT1 | LPT2 | LPT3 | PRN | L <nDevice> which device
     to send output to.  If you specify PRN or nothing, CAPTURE
     will capture the default device.

     JOBRELEASE The print job is released for printing if the
     capture is interrupted by a loss of connection time to the

     NOJOBRELEASE The print job is not released for printing if the
     capture is interrupted by a loss of connection time to the

     FORMFEED abbr:FF The print service will print a formfeed after
     the print job is finished.

     NOFORMFEED abbr:NFF The print service suppresses automatic
     form feed after the print job is printed.

     NOTABS abbr:NT  This will make sure tab characters get sent
     to the printer unchanged.  This is ignored if TABS is specified.

     TABS abbr:T <nTabs> Set tab size from 1 to 18.  Default - 8

     SERVERPRINTER <nPrinter> printer number that services files
     captured to the device.

     COPIES abbr:C <nCopies> number of copies to print of the
     captured file.  Default - 1

     TIMEOUT abbr:TI <nSec> starts counting down every time an
     application executes a print command.  When the timeout
     expires, the server flushes the capture file and queues
     it to a printer.  If an application executes a second print
     command before the first timeout expires, the timeout starts
     over from the original value.
     Default - 0 seconds, Range 0 - 3640 seconds.

     AUTOENDCAP abbr:A The server will flush the capture file
     when the application ends the capture of the device.
     FLUSHDEVICE can also be used.

     NOAUTOENDCAP abbr:NA The server will not flush the capture
     file when the application ends the capture of the device.
     NOFLUSHDEVICE can also be used.

     MAXLINES <nLines> maximum lines per page.  Default 66

     MAXCHARS <nChars> maximum characters per line.  Default 132

     FORM abbr:F <cnForm> type of form that a user put in the printer
     to print files captured to the device.  If the current form
     is different from the one specified, the file server console
     displays a message to put in correct form.  The form can be
     specified as a numeric or a character expresion.

     NOBANNER abbr:NB No banner page will be printed.  This is
     ignored if BANNER is specified.

     BANNER abbr:B <(cBanner)> a 12 byte string that appears on the
     bottom half of the banner page.  All letters are upper
     case.  If the string is 12 null characters, the file name
     appears on the banner page.  The banner can be specified as
     a literal or a character expression enclosed in parentheses.

     NAM <(cName)> a 12 byte string that appears on the upper part
     of the banner page. The name can be specified as a literal
     or a character expression enclosed in parentheses.

     QUEUE abbr:Q <(cPQ)> makes a call the fn_printq function, to
     set capture print queue.  Print queue can be specified as a
     literal or a character expresion enclosed in parentheses.

     CREATE abbr:CR <(cPath)> specify the volume, directory and
     filename of where to put the capture file.  This only works
     for the default device.  The path can be specified as a literal
     or a character expression enclosed in parentheses.



  This command calls the functions to set the capture flags and then
  start the capture.  The NOTIFY, NONOTIFY, SERVER, JOB CONFIG, KEEP,
  and SHOW options of the dos command version are not supported by
  this command.  Also you cannot specify parameters with an "=" or "/",
  they must have a space between the option and the parameters.
  For example:
                   CAPTURE /q=testq
  Would change to:
                   CAPTURE q testq


  #include "netto.ch"
     //capture default device with no formfeed, no tabs and no banner
     . . . print some stuff . . .



 Author: Kevin Maher/Steve Tyrakowski

See Also: fn_gDefCpF() fn_sDefCpF() fn_sSPCapF() ENDCAP
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson