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 Gets Print Job Flags for the default LPT
      fn_gDefCpF() -> aCapFlags



          <aCapFlags> is an array filled with the printer job flags for the
     default LPT.


  This function returns the print job flags for the default LPT. The
  array contains twenty-six (26), or CF_FLAGCOUNT elements as
  described below and defined in netto.ch. Also CF_PRINTFLAGS is a 4
  dimensional array, or CF_PRINTFLAGCOUNT.

      Element           Type Description

  1 CF_STATUSFLAG         N  Status Flag    always set to 0
  2 CF_PRINTFLAGS         A  Printer Flags  Below

   1 CF_PRINTRELEASE      L  The print job is released for printing
                             if the capture is interrupted by a loss
                             of connection time to the server
   2 CF_SUPPRESSFORMFEED  L  The print service suppresses automatic form
                             feed after the print job is printed
   3 CF_INTERPRETCTRLSEQ  L  Tabs converted to spaces
   4 CF_PRINTBANNER       L  Banners printed before document

  3 CF_TABSIZE            N  Tab Size
  4 CF_SERVERPRINTER      N  Server Printer
  5 CF_NUMBERCOPIES       N  Number of Copies
  6 CF_FORMTYPE           N  Form Type
  7 CF_RESERVEDFLAG1         Reserved
  8 CF_BANNERTEXT         C  14 byte string indicating the name appearing
                             on the bottom half of a banner page.
                             All letters are uppercase and if it is 14 null
                             characters the capture file name apperars on
                             banner page.
  9 CF_RESERVEDFLAG2         Reserved
 10 CF_LOCALLPTDEVICE     N  Local LPT Device 1-Lpt1, 2-Lpt2, 3-Lpt3
 11 CF_FLUSHCAPTIMEOUT    N  Flush Capture Timeout (in seconds)
 12 CF_FLUSHCAPONDEVCLOSE L  Flush on Device Close
 13 CF_MAXLINES           N  Max Lines on Page
 14 CF_MAXCHARS           N  Max Characters per Line
 15 CF_FORMNAME           C  Form Name
 16 CF_LPTCAPTUREFLAG     L  LPT Capture Flag
 18 CF_TIMINGOUTFLAG      L  Timing Out Flag
 19 CF_PRTRSETBUFFERADD   N  Printer Setup Buffer Address
 20 CF_PRTRESETBUFFADD    N  Printer Reset Buffer Address
 21 CF_CONIDQUEPRTJOB     N  Connection ID of Server
 22 CF_CAPTUREINPROG      L  Capture in Progress Flag
 23 CF_PRINTQUEUEFLAG     L  Print Queue Flag
 24 CF_PRINTJOBVALID      L  Print Job Valid Flag
 25 CF_PRINTQUEUEID       N  Print Queue ID
 26 CF_PRINTJOBNUMBER     N  Print Job Number


    #include "netto.ch"
    function main()

        local   aCapFlags:={}
        aCapFlags := fn_gDefCpF()
        ? "Current timeout setting in seconds:"
        ?? aCapflags[CF_FLUSHCAPTIMEOUT]

    return NIL


 Author: Kevin Maher/Steve Tyrakowski

See Also: fn_sDefCpF() fn_gSPCapF fn_sSPCapF
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